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Saturday, March 4, 2023

Girl Scout Cookie Fun

 Just a light post, someone commented this week about how well I know my Girl Scout Cookies. And you know me, I like to share so....Life on Newark-Granville Road, who likes what cookies....

1. Joe- Trefoils

2. Peter- Thin Mings

3. Clare- S'mores

4. Sally- Tag-longs- S'mores

5. Susan- hmmmmm hard to say, I like so many- ha! I try to buy one of each from the fist GS that asks me. Then since I think everyone likes the thin mint I buy one of those when someone else asks. Now I tend to shop at tables I see and I buy for the kids- see above.  I bring home the wrong kind, I'm told. Truly thin mints are my favorite- in the freezer- classic- nothing beats them.  But I do enjoy a frozen tag-along, a dose-do, and ahh Samoa! By the way:

I played the what cookie are you: p  I'm a Samoa.

Ask google and you shall receive. I wanted to know, I wonder what your favorite cookie says about you, the GS provides:

And all for a great cause, what isn't to love! We love our GS cookies on Newark-Granville Road.

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