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Saturday, July 15, 2023

Ohio- Voting for Aug 8 & Be Informed!

Yesterday  I voted "early" in the August 8, 2023 Special Election. This ballot has one item, Ohio citizens are being asked to approve an amendment to our constitution.  Learn not only how and when to vote, but read both pro and con arguments.

I voted No, I voted no because I see the amendment taking away citizens' involvement and putting more power into the legislators.   I recognize what other legislature is forthcoming and want the process of how our bills and laws are passed to remain as is. 

That said, we should all be doing more to be involved and engaged in our community and country's governance and there are so many ways to do it that do have an impact! My summer reading is reinforcing this: The Bill of Obligations: The Ten Habits of Good Citizens by Richard Haas  This book affirms my decision to vote no.

This book also magnifies my pride in Joe Leithauser's decision to run for Granville Village Council! He shared the news at our Derby party, is collecting signatures, and will file officially very soon! He is gathering his committee and more will be coming soon, stay tuned!  Life on Newark-Granville Road is involved and committed to our community.  The pursuit of my Master's in Philanthropy has showcased the interplay and reliance between the sectors: market, nonprofit, and government. Yay Joe, Elect Joe Leithauser! Joe Knows!

As always something out here of interest, disagree, do you want to know more or engage- let's have a cup of coffee or phone call to talk about Life on Newark-Granville Road!

Update- 8/11/23- The Election item on the ballot was defeated.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Birthday Day- What a Treat! I'm really 55!

I like to use this blog to chronicle things. I like to use the blog to say thank you and show appreciation. I am a connector and I've found the blog a way to deepen relationships and launch new ones! That is my purpose today. I also like to give backstories- you'll see those with the photos in this post.

Happy New Year to Me! My birthday plans were hatched sitting on the rise at Moundbuilders Country Club in early June.  Joe and I found ourselves there after a beautiful evening of golf. The subject of my birthday as part of our conversation had to include Joe's convincing me I was actually turning 55. I guess I've been in denial? Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention, I've been busy? Or maybe I am not great at math?! Probably a little bit of all that wrapped up. I'm not upset about turning 55, time is just flying!

So I enjoyed that time in the comfy seating under the tent I booked it for my favorite day of the year, which happened to be a friend's birthday on the longest day of the year and my birthday. Then I figured out it was a Wednesday and Golf League Day, and the pieces started falling into place!  In the end, it was a day spent completely outside... almost! Going backward:

11:30 pm- the girls called from camp- just in time they said! They were both in the office working so they could call. Camp is in West Virginia and they are both on staff/counselors with very limited cell access.

10:30 pm- sitting by a fire, making a samore, chatting, enjoying a special evening that gathers people together over the love of Whiskey, and building relationships. Thank you to our hosts and all that engaged with me.

6-10 pm- sitting with friends, toasting my birthday- turning 55 on the 5th- not a golden birthday but a sparkly birthday- thank you friend for bringing a big bottle of bubbly. Thank you, friends, for the sweet gifts that brought big smiles- you know me well. Thank you, MCC for the great service and appetizers!! What I loved most was the time and communication that unite us. Bonus- Peter came by for a hug- he and Joe had golfed, and he let me know his flowers and card were waiting at home.

2-6 pm- Pool Time- reading, chatting, and floating- ahhhh- I'm a water baby and so grateful for that MCC pool! 150 swim team swimmers this year! There was an away meet so the pool was rather quiet yesterday- ahhhh

8:30 am-2 pm- GOLF LEAGUE- 18 holes with three lovely women (we ate inside due to the heat) and then lunch with those that remain after- such a treat! Most Wednesdays I dash back to work, not yesterday it was my birthday and I was so grateful to have this on the calendar!  I am not the best player, but I'm getting better- kinda- I love the opportunity to be out there, trying, learning, growing, and bonding with special women.  Linda's coaching to pull out the pin seems to be helping, on some holes! The Golf Godness allowed me to stay out of the sand this round on 16- the little things! Joe gifted me with a surprise new driver- yay Joe!

All the lovely phone calls and texts, voice mail signs, and social media greetings- WOW! The day was filled with love- love of relationships, love of sport & swim, relaxing & reading, and time together.  

The birthday celebration continues with continued gestures of celebration, I'm beyond grateful, truly blessed in this life on Newark-Granville Road.

I love ducks!
Peter with Mom

Picture from 9th grade, Mercersburg, in our home on Forrest Drive, ice cream pie!

some of the Ladies MCC Golf League!

Summer reading in my happy place.