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Friday, August 11, 2023

Cue the music, Pomp & Circumstance, cue the Pomp and Circumstance....

This is a blog post I've dreamt of writing.  Life on Newark-Granville Road has been pretty consumed with my studies. Today I can type: I have completed my Masters in Philanthropic Studies from the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.  I hit submit on 8/6/23 and it was done.  I received notice of the grade in the class.  The officialness will continue, and I'll continue to update this post!  But truly it is done:

In a true academic approach, I'm going to make this post an outline with reflections:


a. general feelings: bittersweet, pride, relief, joy, gratitude

b basic- why, what, how  

There was this job I wanted, it said Master's degree was preferred, I asked my boss if I should get a Master's she said- yes and pointed me to a few programs including LFSOP. But she said, ask the VP, the VP said- no you have amazing experience and don't need it, but ask our consultant.  I asked the consultant and she said, get an MBA, know the financial world to work with your donors (I had considered an MBA when I worked for Fed-Mogul and they would have paid 90%)! So there were three different answers, I knew who to listen to- me! The reality is the LFSOP program sounded interesting so I contacted the admission person and met for coffee, I took one class, then the certificate program, then the MA- I did it step by step!


b. true journey valued the journey- James Clear - DU alum, author, and friend reminded us of this at Remix 2023 and it is so true.  Each course, and each assignment was a step in a not-so-easy but rewarding journey a  journey that changed and challenged me, made my life on NG road more interesting

a.  lessons learned- affirmed, strengthened:

-my major- I have been involved in philanthropy my whole life and to study it was a gift, to study it with the liberal-arts approach- providential- perfect-- what is the correct word to describe this? Ideal for me!

-the answer always is "it depends" and you must look at both sides, or many must find an answer but don't quickly to to yes or no, right or wrong...

-the connection between the sectors, the overlap and relationships- really valued this after 10 years in the for-profit sector, 21 in the nonprofit sector and the view of government with my chamber board hat, practical assisted the lessons of the classroom and the interplay is something I had not really considered.  Well-timed with Joe's run for Village Council in Granville!

d. Internships/Last class - it truly pulled it all together- religion, giving, directions groups can take. I was able to download my papers as my IUPUI google drive goes away! 


a. What is next- the question everyone asks...

Are you getting a new job? Answer- not for some time.  This hopefully will support "retirement" when Joe and I want to work less/different- consulting maybe, or assisting consultants, or PT/ interim work, international time, exciting right?!! People ask about teaching and I quickly said no, however after presenting this summer and a conversation with my advisor, the answer is maybe! Not at the academic level but as a person of practice, maybe- the answer I guess here is- it depends!

b. Celebration:

a. Surprise- Amanda is too good!  Pink mortar boards?!!! Charity?!?!- Lori was ready with the Pink Bubbles, Brian that cake, Leigh Ann the sweets, and everyone that attended, reached out, oh my oh my oh my- so much more to say....dear toasts by the kids...and Barbie- what a message and way to celebrate- I went to the move and I read a book that wasn't required reading...(what is next?!!)

b. Ciao learning- e- Vespa training (secured lisc. and tags today!!)

c. Will I walk in a Graduation/ Commencement Ceremony- nope- the program offered that opportunity in May it was the same day as Clare's and Denison's so that was out.  When the degree arrives and the regalia we'll find a way to make it official and capture the moments in our own way.  I've heard people talk about it truly being a family degree and it is- I could not have done it without Joe and the kids have all walked it with me. My Mom i pretty proud of me too, another reflection for above- 1st graduate level degree for my family.

I posted about this today- but for the record- picture:

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