1. GOLF- I barely golfed once a week this year- The Wednesday league didn't happen nearly enough due to travel, but each time I play I'm grateful. Played 18 with Joe and Peter, and Bob Otter for 9 though!!
2. READ- Yes I'm back to reading, need to sync up my Good Reads Accounts, love that when I found the right account- the biggest with goals even- "Stoner" by John Williams was top of the list, and then Margot Singer's book listed there.
3. Go shooting with Joe- trap, skeet, sporting clays (never done)!
4. Excercise- have to get back to exercise
5. What I don't want to do as much- is be in the office on weekends, I do like to start Monday fresh, I like the quiet time but I took the full weekend off this weekend and it was so nice, I finished a book!
6. Drive the Scooter/Vespa- I named her Aurelia! Liscense: check, plates- check, class- in progress, comfort: getting there- I did drive her the first time on NG road last weekend.
7. Back to sending letters- weekly...
8. Casual, easy time with friends...
9. For 2023 FAll-get Joe Leithauser elected to Granville Council!
10. Keep up with LFSOP, TFS, and topics that matter to this important field- join AFC!
Life on Newark-Granville Road is full and fabulous!
*completed the MA- Masters of Arts, Philanthropic Studies, Indiana University, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI. I have received notice, the diploma is in the mail!
**I've loved being in Burton Music, on College St/ downhill/South Quad- I was a music minor and took classes here and Peter took Suzuki here. It has been lovely but it is time to go. This beautiful building-https://denison.edu/map/places/burton-hall read more- will be restored to a residence hall! Isn't that wonderful - Students will live here and this means Denison is doing well and needs the space!
So where will you find me on the hill- Doane for now! More on Doane later- but yes this is a temp move as we'll go to a new building being built near Softball/Bio Reserve for IT, UComm, and Advancement- move in March! Those in Doane (Adam Weinberg) moved to Beth Eden recently- it is gorgeous- and Whistler! Have questions, let me know- feels a lot like who is on first!?!
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