This is also the way I simply chronicle important moments and share news.
1. Tonight- DePauw v Denison in Field Hockey- NCAC Tournament 1st round! DePauw finished 3rd in the Conference, Denison 2nd- so DU hosts- are grateful for this alignment. Who do we cheer for in our life on Newark-Granville Road? A: both/and of course! We can't lose right?? We want Sally and the team to keep playing and play well tonight. We are bleed Red as we cheer GBR (go big red).
Just love that Depauw put Sally on the game day social media post:
$7 entrance fee 5 pm Deeds Field, it will be cold!
2. It is All Saints Day, so of note, we're planning to attend The Memorial Service for Ken and Marcy Loats this Saturday, November 4 at 1 p.m. at Granville First Presbyterian Church.
Ken was my June O advisor at Denison in 1986. Fast forward we moved to Granville in 2000 to raise our family and The First Presbyterian Church of Granville became part of our home. The Loats welcomed us. They are both deeply missed and were indeed treasured members. I miss reading Marcy's reflections from worship and engaging, she cared deeply about so many things. They both mattered and made a difference in our lives on Newark-Granville Road
Denison Mourns the Loss of Don Bonar as we reflect on important lives of impact, Don's must be included here. We were so sorry to miss the service honoring his life and for his family and friends. Don was a beloved faculty of Joe's and Don remembered him! When we bought our home in Granville, he told me that he was going to look back at Joe's grades to see how they related to his success. It was always a treat to engage with Don in town or on campus. He too is missed, he too leaves a legacy.
3. Cheers to all of this, raise a glass to the 10th Anniversary of Granville Brewing! Tonight they celebrate:
Today’s the DAY!
This year marks our TENTH year of brewing up the best beer in Licking County
And we want to celebrate with YOU! So please, come and join us for our
Year anniversary party! We’ll be rockin’ tonight from 3-9pm with $1 off ALL beers, some Bellybombers LLC for dinner, and a toast at 7pm 
If you haven’t checked us out yet, TODAY is the day! And we can’t wait to see you. Cheers! 
From Facebook:
That is it for now, life on Newark-Granville Road is special, and sharing it with you here on the blog makes the journey all the more rewarding. Thank you for reading.
One more thing, yes yes- we're in the home stretch of the Joe Knows Granville Campaign to elect Joe Leithauser to Village Council! See the post below for updates. Grateful for each sign placement, conversation, and VOTE!