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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Election Season is Here! Friday August 16-Bryn Bird Fundraiser

August 24 Update:

Keep spreading the word- election day is November and early voting starts in October- details here:

Thank you to everyone that attended, donated and is indeed spending the word! My biggest take away from helping Bryn is the need for everyone to understand this is a county election, this is about the office that impacts how our larger community will develop the timpacts are own smaller community.  Many people do not understand the role of the County Commissioner, even i know only the minimum. What I do know is we need leaders like Bryn- committed, smart, involved, knowledgeable, engaged and ready to serve us, represent us and help us evolve in a healthy way.

July Post:

Let's talk- truly, I hope you will read this blog and:

  • Sign up immediately- you want to attend and learn more!
  • Recognize you need to know more, why are Susan and Joe hosting an event? So you give me a text or call, or stop me at work or in the IGA (Ross Market)- and simply say- tell me more
  • to learn more, register for the event, make a donation, help in other ways. While considering the donation I hope you'll talk to me or Bryn or the other hosts.
Campaigns are expensive. We're raising money to make sure we reach all 120,000 registered voters in Licking County. 

And some may say, Bryn Bird, the Granville Trustee- is this a re-election? The answer is no, our dedicated, smart, committed, thoughtful public servant is running for  Licking Country Commissioner, the election is in November. This is the most important role in our local government, the way Ohio is structured, commissioners have more impact as we navigate the changing landscape in our community.  Bryn is the right person to have at in place at this time.

Joe and I are both involved  (Granville Chamber of Commerce & Granville Village Council) and seeing first hand impact on zoning, development, growth, policy and funding and so much more- it is our quality of life that we love living on Newark-Granville Road in Licking County. Framework put a spotlight on need to collaborate, support, and address the partnerships across jurisdictions and the requirement of strong leadership at the county commissioner level. 

Bryn has been with us every step of the way- educating, caring, challenging, advocating- she knows her stuff and wants what is best.  Her roots and current work with the family farm provide an important perspective and network to get things done. Her professional work with government, nonprofits and businesses interacting provide the experience we need in our county commissioner.  I'll stop there- let's talk, read her website and make a commitment to learn more about Bryn as we prepare for the November election. I'll post more here as we progress, in the meantime:

  • Elections are expensive- sponsorships matter- help Spread the Word Bryn Bird!
  • Plan to attend Augusts 16- Friday night 5:30-8:30
  •   to donate and register 
Questions about this exciting happening on Newark-Granville Road, let me know- I look forward to talking to you, seeing you around town or chatting by phone!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Let us Eat Cake!

 Happy New Year to Me! Birthdays- how do you celebrate, honor, recognize the milestone? In Life on Newark-Granville the answer depends! Cake is important- regular readers will find many an ice cream cake as part of a birthday capture.  This year I was honored with a few special cakes!

1st- Blueberry with peach buckle by Ann Leithauser as part of our Apple Valley gathering. It is always a wonderful treat to spend part of the holiday and often my birthday with Westerville Leithauser's. We've created some amazing traditions and have so many fond memories.

2nd- one of those traditions is our swim across the lake, again captured a few times here, and grateful to include it in this post. Merilee Wagner you are something else! The spread you put out for our turn-around break is aways appreciated. This year you out did yourself with the china, coffee and coffee cake that was warm and delicious!

3rd-Boston Cream Pie- on my actual birthday for my birthday dinner at beloved MCC- baked by Brian Fuller. Brian's culinary contributions are becoming epic in my mind.  I always enjoy hearing the behind the scenes process that produce the cake and how fortunate to be a benefactor!

4th- MCC pals had delicious cupcakes on Sunday to honor Debbie and me for our weekend holiday birthdays- what a happy surprise "meeting".

2024's birthday for me was quite lovely- it started with the swim- always a treat. The photos captured are included and beautiful- we have before, during and after to share the energy and tradition! The day continued with delicious meals and time on the golf course, and a few toasts!

The whole weekend has really been lovely- the 4th in Granville is produced by so many- Kiwanis take the lead and are the work horses, Rotary, village, townships, police and fire all deserve kudos and gratitude. The day started cheering runners on the alternative path for the Firecracker Five on NG Road. We walked to town to embrace a new role- Joe as dignitary, breakfast reception at the Inn and walking with Village Council in the parade- he loved it, just as he is loving the role and opportunity to serve at this important time in Granville's history.  I watched from the beautiful porch of dear friends and took in the moment to watch our town in all its glory.  We then made the walk home and prepared to escape the heat for a cool dip and dinner at Apple Valley.

Granville's Fourth of July is such a touch base time with so many people. The hellos around the parade festivals, the music and activitivies at Fair- what isn't to love! Speaking of Love....

Love was in the air for 2024! We kicked off the special week with Will and Caitlyn's wedding in Charleston (Sunday)- pure magic- what a treat to be away and celebrate their love.  Last night (Saturday) was a figure eight moment watching Simon and Kristen unite in matrimony in true beauty. We were honored to witness both and had so much fun dancing, toasting and taking in the multidimensional love.

I've had a lot of cake in my life on Newark-Granville Road this year and I've loved every bit!