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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Continuum of Feelings Today- Peter Launched

 August 3, 2024- historic day- the day Peter left home for his full time work.  Peter is driving to Indy to see friends and then tomorrow checks-in for a year long commitment to work in Sports Information at Central College in Pella, IA.  We're proud of him for discovering the role, being hired and navigating this exciting time.  He will be compensated with a stipend, free housing and meal swipes - it feels like a great way to tranison into the "real world"!  One might say he is "adulting" however I don't really like that term- the activities associated wtih this term are just responsiblities we all must accept as we age.

And age we all do, or hope to do as this is living and life is full of beautiful wonderful things that improve as we age!  As sad as I am to say farewell to Peter, I had a good cry on the evening of our last golf game at Mounduilders together, I am also thrilled for him, and excited for these new stages for all of us. The power of And in play, the continuum in action- happy and sad at the same time- but the overall feeling is great peace knowing we're where we are all suppose to be.

Typing this entry helps me process. Sally's arrival home from camp is a happy cure for the glumness connected to sharing goodbye.  I'll be motivated to plan the trip to see Peter in his new surroundings.  Visiting college towns is always a delight and 'Pella feels like a great destination.

**Sally is indeed home safely and had a wonderful summer at Camp. I'm proud of her too- good day to be a mamma on Newark-Granville Road. Pictures on social media- having some tech issues with Blogger.

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