Or maybe I call this, mixing work with pleasure! Last week I was in Baltimore and DC for work and was able to see my mother and Clare twice! I also stayed with the Christophers, which was just wonderful!
Since the blog is about chronicling life on Newark-Granville Road which means also off Newark-Granville Road, I feel compelled to share or maybe it will be seen as a brag about my Mom. In her mid eighties this woman is amazing and last week proved it.
1st- she went to visit my brother and support him with eye surgery- yay and thank you. Matt is making progress and in good spirits! Lucky me- we ended up flying in ten minutes apart from one another to BWI and were at gates next to one another...how fun to greet her as she disembarked. We snapped a pic and walked to baggage claim together and she went off to find Mike picking her up- independent, active, happy..saying see you Thursday for dinner!
2nd- dinner Thursday...after bowling in Hagerstown she hosted Clare and me for a yummy dinner- crabcakes, corn pudding, ceaser salad- all from scratch..applet cake for dessert! And we were late due to traffic and my work, she was cool and calm, no worries...we'll eat like the Europeans late...

The 2nd visit with Clare was for lunch on Thursday. I ended up having time to work in my hotel, and then realized Clare's work was around the corner- literally- we texed and made the call to meet for lunch!
AND on the way to Sarah's I dropped in for holiday delivery for Will Leithauser in Baltimore...so nice to see where he is...proud of him and his good work that was based on excellent work wtih Co-Op at Univ Cincinnati!
A colleague reminded me to share that this travel isn't always fund...our hotel had no water...Friday morning...it happens!
This week, I am headed west for Dension Everywhere. Excited for a full schedule of visits and engagement in the Bay Area! I took vacation time to make a stop on the way in Iowa to see Peter! Peter is working for Central College in Pella. I cannot remember the last time I was in this true Midwest state, but I'm enjoying it very much. Peter showed me around the college, his building (athletics), introduced me to colleagues- I like having his lay of the land. I then took time to just explore Pella!
A fun connection to Denison. Every year a generous alum sends pastries...I've always enjoyed them. Well they'r from Pella! So my first stop was this bakery...and then the 2nd bakery I heard about as well..I had to do my own taste test! I prefer the alum's gift and now knowing the source!

Small liberal art schools are important in our life on Newark-Granville Road, this trip affirms this. We're grateful to Central for this opportunity for Peter. We're proud of Peter for his willingness to move west and the work he is doing. We also value the role athletics plays in the college experience and are pleased Peter is playing a role to help. It also reminds me how fortunate we are to have what we have at Denison. With the news of dear friend Nan Carney-DeBord's retirement worthy of a future blog post, we're reflective of the role of leadership and so grateful for Nan's partnership and friendship to put us in this place in our lives on Newark-Granville Road!
Back to my time in Pella....it is important to go explore, see new things, even in small towns like this! There are many lessons and inspiration on the personal and professional...and volunteer level. I stayed at an old fashioned bed and breakfast- what a treat! I slept so well- the bed was a dream and embraced a yummy breakfast being served to me and catching up with my host! I picked her brain about economic development, history and a few other things.
Now I'm sitting in the simple and easy Des Moines airporst ready for my next work advenure with my Denison family!
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