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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Leithausers Unite- Moms Weekend, Basketball Energy

Lucky me, I saw all three kids in their natural habitats this first quarter of 2025! I posted about Peter and Clare time, so now, it's Sally's turn!  My first Mom's weekend at DePauw.  Make that my first Mom's weekend! We have loved family weekends, tailgates, Monon Bell, lax and field hockey games...but this was the first- Ladies Weekend hosted by the Alpha Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta!

I felt like I was such a winner! As soon as Sally gave me the date I booked the room at the DePauw Inn. As soon as I saw the agenda and dinner was on our own, I made a reservation for a group at Bridges. These are things in the past I've missed when planning visits.

It really was a great weekend and we continue to know Sally is in the right place. She has great friends and it was fun to get to know them better. It was great to just hear about happenings and see Sal in action. And bonus- fun Moms (and one great Dad)! Here are highlights:

  • impressed by the coordinator, who actually could not join us- she is on the basketball team and they were away for tourney! They won the whole thing and we were able to say hi and great job when she arrived home late Saturday night!
  • basketball fun- Sally connected her lap top and we watched both NCAC tourney games in the comfortable room at the house- Friday and Saturday. And yes was watching the DU Men's game on my phone!
  • Yoga- ahhh a really great class taught by a that same great room
  • Fraternity parties- three- two specifically for us...these young men were a lot of fun- we danced, played games and enjoyed the time with our daughters and engaging. We had tours and I felt like I was back at Phi Delt or Sig or KZ in 1988 at Denison.  Saw Denison era friends' children- always a treat!
  • Just fun hang out time- really enjoyed the Moms that Sally connected with me for a family lunch, pre party, late night walks back to the Inn.
  • Painting activity- creative time, hanging out time....
  • Great play lists at the house and at Phi Delt- so Mom oriented!!

Thank you Sally and all the made it possible and spent time with me. It was certainly a highlight this year in my life on Newark-Granville Road!

Basketball energy continued- so fun to have Depauw win and Denison win! Peter also texted that Central Won- he went to that game in Lincoln, Nebraska! On Monday the NCAA brackets revealed DU and Central in the same bracket- Wash U hosts this Friday in St Louis- too fun!! Peter will attend for work. We're busy here, fun full Granville/DU weekend, but excited the dancing continues!!

Thanks for reading and sharing the happy on Newark-Granville Road!