While at Denison I thought our fair college on the hill was the center of the small world. It seemed EVERYONE had a connection to Denison. Then when I moved to Granville I swore it was actually Granville that was the energy connecting spot. After 10 years of research here I can now say I truly believe the exact center of the small world is Licking County!
Here is an example of the small world. There I am waiting in line to meet the future president of Denison, this was yesterday. I had a great chat with a former colleague. While waiting I turn to the students and strike up a conversation. I always enjoy the opportunity to hear what is going on with the current group. And yes I had to answer the usual question about life at denison in the...."eighties". We're legendary my fellow Denisonians from my '90 era! Anyway we have a nice conversation about where they are from, majors, etc.... we start talking about their perspective on what Dr. Adam Goldberg will bring Denison. It turns to global perspectives and travel. I shared my recent travel ah-has from Cuba. Turns out the one student will be studying abroad in Havana! WOW! It hits me then that Cheri Hottinger will be speaking on Cuba the next day (today) I figure out how to tweat her (not just read from my Twitter account- by the way neither DU student could help me) to confirm. He jumped at the invitation and I was very happy to connect this student with the Newark Rotary Club and the opportunity to hear our Chamber President's perspective on the trip. I look forward to seeing this student and watching how our worlds overlap.
I'm a big fan of figure eights and life's repeating- I've blogged about it before. Life on Newark-Granville Road is best when it connects in a happy balance the exciting and special places, people and happenings in my world.
Thanks for coming today, Susan. And what timing in meeting that student.
You brought tears to my eyes ...you are a giving woman with dreams to share. I am so blessed to have you in my life's circle! Peace, Mary Helen
Now if I can get these damn verifications to work...LOL!
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