Today I became a Rotarian. The point of this blog is to share the why....why Rotary and why the Newark Rotary. I've always enjoyed myself when invited to a Rotary meeting- this started when I was young and would get to go with my father to meetings. I remember attending Exchange Club meetings more than Rotary but similar experience. I liked and still am drawn to the order, the learning, the service. I like the singing but most of all I like the people and the example they set. Marcia Downes. It has always been a good time when she has said- want to come with me to Rotary? I've rarely said no and always learned something and been inspired by something someone has done. Marcia is a person that lives Service above Self with all she has done in Licking County and for those in the community. Pat Jeffries- I've admired Pat for years but really didn't get to know him very well until we worked together on HATSOFF. Pat is another person that walks the talk of Service above Self with Rotary playing a key outlet. I'm honored that these two community leaders were my sponsors. And then there are my parents. They've raised me to be who I am. I enjoy serving the community. I do make it a priority. I married a man that values the same thing and together we make it a part of our family activities setting examples for our children, just as our parents did for us and the communities where we were raised.
I've been thinking about this for some time and things fell into place and the time was right. When my library board position ended I knew I'd find another way to serve and the Newark Rotary was the organization and the right place and time. I'm grateful for the opportunity and look forward to serving along side so many good people, following the footsteps of my father and those that set this path. I look forward to attending other Rotary Club meetings with my friends in other communities and supporting their efforts to support the Rotary well with service and commitment. Life on Newark-Granville Road includes many family traditions and this is one I'm pleased to share. Big thanks to my parents for being with me today.
Another family tradition....Denison!! My brother, sister (younger- I found it), my brother in law and husband....all Denisonians. We love our Alma mater and enjoy serving. We're happy to help tomorrow with Denison Everywhere Event in Granville! Denison friends in the area- join us please!! 6-8 pm Granville Inn- it will be great to catch-up! Life on Newark-Granville Road is all the richer down the street from from good ole Den-i-do!
Another family tradition....Denison!! My brother, sister (younger- I found it), my brother in law and husband....all Denisonians. We love our Alma mater and enjoy serving. We're happy to help tomorrow with Denison Everywhere Event in Granville! Denison friends in the area- join us please!! 6-8 pm Granville Inn- it will be great to catch-up! Life on Newark-Granville Road is all the richer down the street from from good ole Den-i-do!