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Thursday, August 29, 2013

hears from life in Towson.....

I excused myself from a meeting to take my sister's call this morning.  I called her back and was able to sit in the quiet of the church stairs and hear all about the exciting morning for Sarah, Greg and Louisa.  Louisa's first day of Kindergarten was today and it was magical.  Sarah gave me the scoop and I smiled, giggled and cried tears of joy.  Sarah said she had emailed photos and I took a peak as soon as we hung up- sure enough Louisa was bursting wit joy, pride and happy anticipation.  Sarah and I talked about the various feelings that catch-us off guard and then went about our busy days.  I watched my phone for the news of Louisa's return from school  Sure enough Sarah sent a detailed email about Louisa's success and pleasure with her new chapter! Woo Hoo.....job well done Mom and Dad Christopher!  Goddaughter Niece I'm so very proud of you and happy for you!

How lucky and blessed I am- my life on Newark-Granville Road to have such joys here and away....

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

one two three, omm-paa-paa

Life isn't always a cha-cha- steps forward and back, some times it is a polka! And guess what a polka is a whole bunch of figure eights....Anyone who knows me and this blog knows I love the figure eight analogy and how we come and go, cross over, repeat, draw in and out and toward one and things.  Tonight was an evening of learning how to Polka!

I did learn to polka as a pre-teen- Mrs. Burtner's dance class at the Women's Club of Hagerstown, MD. And as a result I polka best with my brother Matthew, who also learned from Mrs. Burtner.  When given the opportunity to take a polka lesson tonight with my friend Bill Snider- I jumped at it.  Joe strongly encouraged me as well and I'm so glad I did.

It was great to meet our WONDERFUL instructor. He grew up in Detroit with all sorts of ethnic influence and has parents that loved to dance.  He was so positive, encouraging and comfortable to be with for our dance lesson.  I had a WONDERFUL partner.  Bill is so easy to be with and it was fun to do something not Works related with this incredible Works volunteer. We need to practice and we both left with homework.  Works friends if you can't find me I may be in the wood shop doing the polka!

So where does one Polka on a Wednesday night you might ask...The Newark Mannerchor:  German American club with wonderful people, located on the river, in a simple setting-we so enjoy it there. We're grateful to the club for hosting our Volunteer Picnic for The Works for years.  As a result of that first visit I joined and enjoy the events and company whenever possible in this busy life on Newark-Granville Road. What they do really really well.....Spaghetti!  The 1st Wed of each month is Spaghetti night and it is fantastic. The kids love it- we go whenever we can and do take-out if need be!  Join us some day- we'd love to have you with us.

The day was filled with many great things- the sunrise, the return of TILT to the museum- lovingly refurbished by a devoted volunteer, really good cleaning, great planning and conversation about development work, planning for the upcoming Jerrie Mock Sculpture Unveiling, home base of FPC for a full evening that included dinner with church family and then an evening of German fun with friends...yes Das Leben ist schön auf Newark-Granville Straße!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

hands-on stewardship.

Today was a good day! Nothing like a little hard work to get the endorphins going and a project you really care to lift the spirits.  The Works is closed this week and we're cleaning, organizing, planning, cleaning, face lifting, painting and cleaning.  A lot of people are working really hard and it is amazing to see and experience.  A lot of special things are coming up and we want to be ship shape....but we do this every year because we care. 

We care about our members and guests that visit and want an incredible fun learning experience- not having things clean and in working order isn't acceptable. This week helps us do exactly that and more...we get to pull out some new things for our guests. Marcia keeps this as a high priority - we need things to be fresh!  We also want to make sure we're keeping up with learning in the 21st century and tied to our mission and exhibits to give everyone a cross disipline engagement to enhance the education!

This is what Howard LeFevre gave to our community and it our job to make sure we execute that legacy.  Wonderful donors, members, volunteers and staff make sure that happens and they trust us to use funds and time wisely to deliver our mission. This week is what that is all about- stewardship.  Stewardship is a key part of my life on Newark-Granville Road and down the road at The Works.

Today I had the privilege of executing the annual cleaning of a bronze sculpture- Journey of the Imagination- boy in of my all time favorite pieces of art.  I scrubbed him clean and then waxed to protect the material from pollution.  I was able to have my own hands-on learning as I took in the phases of the moon and planets that were unknown to me on this statue.  I recalled with pleasure the fun my own children had with this boy and his dreams and the privilege we had to meet the artist. 

I love how this piece ties to our upcoming special events at The Works this year and connects to a wonderful supporter- Boeing.  Flight/Aviation/Aeronautics- one of our amazing 2013-14 STEM themes!  The dedication of the new sculpture- Jerrie Mock- is getting close- Sept 14th and shouldn't be missed.  We all need to know Jerrie's story, take pride in this hometown hero and tell her story.  I asked my children last night who was the first woman to fly around the world...they said Amelia E....I stopped them- no no no- we've been talking about Jerrie Mock for a year! It was Jerrie Mock....the kids had a lemonade stand to raise funds for the isn't sinking yet...we'll keep tyring and I'll keep talking and typing.   Her story is amazing and her book will be available  at the dedication- Clare is getting one for her birthday! The cliff notes version is she is from the South End of Newark, graduated from Newark High. A dear volunteer was in her class and says she was a smarty! She followed her dream and fixed up a Cessna airplane with her husband and then she flew around the world.  She was a Bexley housewife. She followed her dreams.  The story of the flight is wonderful too and I could go on and on....I'll continue to share about this in the future but I have to leave some for the 14th too!  

The statue is stewardship too...donors have made the statue happen through the Licking County Foundation and we're grateful for the partnership.  Donors want the story to be told and for Jerrie's legacy to keep inspiring....and that is what we're doing with our mission, cleaning, preparation for the rest of the year and into 2014 and it is quite and honor and makes for a good day on Newark-Granville Road.

Monday, August 26, 2013

had a too much to do, not enough hours, high expectations Monday....

yep- it happens.  I LOVE the book "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" by Judithy Viorst.  My day wasn't nearly as bad as that...and it certainly had some high points....but I just didn't get all the things done that I wanted to get done.  And some things just aren't going as well as they did last week...last week was a very good there it is- days like this happen.  We have ups, and downs.  I'm very lucky that I was able to come home from work and make it a better day.  Joe greeted me with a hug and a kiss.  Most of the homework was done. I was able to jump into the kitchen and cook and that makes me feel better. We sat down for a real dinner and I even made a quick red clam sauce for the rest of the week.  Home cooked meals just don't happen enough around here- we love to eat them and I love to make them and I really like it when I freeze and prepare for busy nights.
A friend who reads this blog told me she appreciates me keeping it real and sharing days like this.

It really is about balance isn't it. Life on Newark-Granville Road is a happy life but there are ups and downs and things can get out of balance.  Family dinners help restore that. Facebook posts and phone calls about really sad things help put things in perspective.  On Saturday I took a child to a birthday party two hours early...yep- had put it wrong on my calendar and didn't have the invite.  I LOVE the parents that welcomed me and acted like it was no big deal- those are good folks, good friends.  Some days we roll with our mistakes better than others.  Some days it is easier "to sit loosely in the saddle of life" (my mantra from Robert Louis Stevenson)...than others.  

In case you are interested the flavor of the week is "Almond Joy" and that is another little treat to help life the mood. Tonight was perfect- it was a great way to get us outdoors and in our beautiful town, saying hello and exchanging nice interesting conversation with good folk we were able to greet. I'm also fond of the quote "Face piles of trials with smiles, it riles them to believe you perceive the webs they weave"...The Moody Blues. I picked that one up in high school (Mercersburg) and it cares for me well, on days like this on Newark-Granville Road in particular.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Get Tickets.....

This is a wonderful piece of advice I learned from a self-development class at Denison for employees and I've always been grateful for the nugget.  I know I've passed it along on the blog before as it does create a nice way to share philosophies of my life on Newark-Granville Road!  It also gives me a chance to plug events that I'm happy to know about and therefore want to share.

I love the arts- always have- I grew up being exposed to wonderful programs, music, theater, art. My dad is an architect and both my parents value what the arts provide in our lives- inspiration, entertainment, education and community building.  A favorite arts experience for me was summer stock theater in Brandon, Vermont.  We saw a number of Gilbert and Sullivan shows those Naidni years.

A bonus of my drive back to Columbus on Friday was listening to WOSU/NPR with Christopher Purdy and an interview with Nannette Maciejunes from the Columbus Museum of Art and other art leaders including Shadow Box Theater and Opera Columbus.  Not only did I get to hear wonderful descriptions with insider descriptions about upcoming programs:  an art exhibit with music created just for the art- a rock opera perhaps??- CMA/Shadowbox.....OSU and Opera Columbus- Madame Butterfly...newly aquired art!   Now on a Sunday night my tired brain isn't pulling it all out....regardless what I was reminded of is the wonderful art experiences right here 30 minutes away....of course The Midland Theater, Weathervane and Denison provide the same easy distance...30-45 minutes for most of Columbus and only 15 for us.....We all need to get tickets.   Back to the advice...when you have tickets- you go to the show.  If you don't get the tickets the chance of buying and attending goes down...and you might miss out completely!  Buy tickets not just for the art experience, but also to support these organizations and artist.  Buy tickets so you get a date night with your spouse, child, parent, friend and time for yourself to sit and enjoy life the old fashioned way- live!  Here are some websites- check out the schedules and make plans now....and keep me posted- maybe Joe and I can join you....or Peter and I....or I'll just tag my life on Newark Granville Road I need to follow my own blog advice and get tickets!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

summer sing-a-longs......

A great woman put a fun post on facebook....."
Paul Simon's Kodacrome has to be one of the best, summer, feel good, sing-along songs of all time. What's on your list?

I posted- "Vacation" by the Go-Gos.....I sang it the day before I went on...vacation at work. It takes me back to middle school, walking on northern avenue and then other fun times.

The other day in the car Madonna's "Star Bright" came on- my kids were giggling at me singing as loud as I could happy in my own words-thrilled to have a happy song that I knew all the had been an amazing day and this song on the radio was like a cherry on the top of it.

The other songs I'd add to this list are:
-I wear my sunglasses at night......Corey Hart....takes me to Ocean City Maryland and some happy times where everyone just joins in and shared the fun...that is joy created right there and then.

-Call ME Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen....thanks to the 2012 Summer Olympics- swimmers in particular....the world things that is a summer sing along and I do too! While running today it came on and made me smile, pick up my pace and think about doing this as a blog.....

The topic summer sing along also takes me to camp fires...loved being in Vermont at Naidni and learning "they say that in the army...the jeeps are might fine....went around the corner and left the rest behind..."  and camp...I have a whole song book of Camp Alleghany songs now thanks to Clare..."rolling over the ocean".....

So on this beautiful summer day I hope you will find a sing along to keep you happy even if it is just you singing.   Life on Newark-Granville Road will share this one last song that really is the ultimate summer sing appropriate with "end of summer ball (I won't call it fall ball) starting today"....ah 1 and ah 2....

"take me out to the ball game...take me out to the me some peanuts and cracker jack, I don't care if I never get back....for it root root root for the ...Clippers, Red Legs....Cubbies...fill it in....if they don't win it is a shame....for it's one-two-three strikes you're out at the OLD BALL PARK!!!!  Jack Norworth and Albert Von Tilzer!

Friday, August 23, 2013

the drive to Columbus...

No Blog Yesterday....this week is one of the busiest weeks I've had in some time....adding trips to Columbus for many reasons.....classes at the Columbus Foundation, work meetings, Field Hockey Game, etc....and I've loved each trip, each drive......yes I'm like to drive.  I like to venture off Newark-Granville Road. I like radio time, thinking time...I'm not a lone very often in this life on Newark-Granville Road.  I'm not complaining, I'm just stating the facts- thinking time doesn't happen often.  I'm an extrovert so it is OK but as we age we need balance and for me introvert and extrovert time is important.

Joe drives to Columbus/Dublin every day.  His commute is just part of his job.  There are days he doesn't like it- days with backed up traffic for the only reason that something has happened on the opposite direction side he is going....He loves his job and the commute is worth it.  He loves living on Newark-Granville the commute is worth it. 

I'm grateful for all the reasons I've gone to Columbus this week- each and every one of them- Columbus offers so much for us and I really haven't been over there often.  My absence has made my heart grow fonder.  And of course the critical component is the people and businesses we're interacting with in Columbus- good folk and I'm lucky to count them as friends, colleagues, business supporters.

So this blog is about the why...why is Columbus such a good city. I think it ties to why our community is such a good community. Of course again it is the people- people with good values!  This is what defines the Midwest...although I think we're mideast.  This is a common conversation I have- it what you talk about when you have time to get to know someone. I've talked about it with the new Denison President assessing Denison's strengths and he is impressed with our Midwest location and values.  We've been talking about it at The Works with our Smithsonian "Places of Innovation" project.  Don't get me wrong- I LOVE the east coast, the pacific northwest, the south- all have things that I admire....but this is home now and I enjoy reflecting on this wonderful area and seeing the positive and growth it offers.  

Now it is time to get ready for another trip to Columbus.....the only thing it doesn't give us is the extra hours in the day as Life on Newark-Granville life is full of good things to enjoy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

And the rest of the story......1st Day of School!i

I love to share the what was happening while photos were being taken..... and this one is a sweet one....Here is the first day of school on Newark-Granville Road 2013- August.

5:45 am Yep we were awake, knowing we had to get up and get everyone up to meet our morning timetable.  The kids asked for Joe to play revelry on his trumpet- now Peter's trumpet- so I encouraged him to do so.

6:01 am- Revelry

6:30- everyone downstairs ready to go, having breakfast- homemade smoothies with berries picked this summer and frozen and.....pop tarts!  For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

6:55- This photo- they gathered without protest, the smiled without threat...I LOVE THIS PHOTO- it may be my all time favorite and I've taken a lot of photos.....

7:00- we said hello to our new bus stop mates...haven't seen Dana in ages- how fun to reconnect.
7:03- waved goodbye to Clare, met new bus driver!

7:10 - Sally and Peter watching TV, big hugs to Mom, Susan to work......

7:12  Email this photo to family!

I did see a photo of the 8 am bus stop- darling and happy group- YEAH Joe for putting them on that bus in happy way and documenting it.  Deduction for not texting me photo....thank heavens for facebook.

Great day- LOVE the first day of school....although I did get teary on drive to work...grateful for convertible to lift my spirits...they're growing up.

Tonight we're all a bit tired...5:45 was' actions are again sharing more than their words. They didn't rave with positive declarations about the day but did all talk and talk and talk and vow to listen more is in full gear!  Field Hockey game tomorrow so we're making sure all projects and "homework" is done tonight! So the picture tells the story and the blog gives you the rest of the story on Newark-Granville Road today.  Thanks for sharing the fun of the first day of school.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Heigh Ho Heigh Ho......Back to School They Go......

Face book makes me smile....Laura A- you're commentary is brilliant and you don't disappoint at this time of year....odorless black market...I snorted when I read that one...Kim Reding....Your Twas the Night Before School started.....darling......Marcia Downes you are in my head singing "It is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" for us...all of August.....And I'll add the Heigh Heigh Ho! Heigh Ho...back to school they go...with back packs full and pencils sharp- heigh ho, heigh ho......

As much as I LOVE Summer...the time has come- we're ready for routine, ready to kick into learning gear...we've tried to keep them reading, doing math facts, etc....All 3 are excited to be with friends and their fall activities to start- it is time to go to school.

It is hard to believe we have a 3rd graders and this is our last year in the Elementary School. Peter in his final year of Intermediate as a 6th grader and Clare has embraced Middle School- she was quite the pro with her locker and location of the 7 classes at the Open House with Curriculum Night.  We're pleased and proud and look forward to life on Newark-Granville Road moving into school mode tomorrow!

The Sun will come up your bottom dollar that tomorrow...the'll be SCHOOL! Just thinking about tomorrow, clears away the TV and brings homework....come what may....Tomorrow, School Star-arts, I love you Tomorrow, You're only a night away.....Okay I'm tired....

Monday, August 19, 2013

listening and learning

Twice today listening was stressed as something I need to embrace at this place in my life on Newark-Granville Road.  The first was in the wonderful seminar/education course I'm taking for my Development work.  The second was from the principal at the Middle School- listen more, talk less with our early teenagers.  I'm game....

Today my role has been to listen to many people....all teachers.  The course today had five instructors and many fellow "extroverts" attending that liked to share.  The material being shared I've craved and am grateful to have the time and opportunity to learn.  This evening we went to all of Clare's classes (except science) and heard about what she'll be learning and hearing this year.    I was so impressed with the material presented, the teacher's perspectives and attitudes.  I'm so grateful it was all done this evening!!  Clare talked the whole way home- her voice filled with joy and anticipation of this new chapter. She is ready way beyond being able to open her locker and find her way from class to class. I listened with joy.  Sally and Peter are talking as well and we're still processing- tomorrow we'll listen some more.  Joe's Mom is here and she is always a good listener- something I value in her. I'm grateful for assistance in so many ways.

Sometimes I do need to hear things twice...good lesson to help me be successful and happy on Newark-Granville Road.  I'm listening to you too my dear readers.  MH- I love your support and comments.  Facebook comments are appreciated too and in person conversations about the blog are so very helpful.  There is so much good to hear in this life....when I read I hear the voice. And now as I sit here at my desk there is peace in the evening...the cicadas chant that it is time to sleep.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bad News Bears and Church made us Happy.

Family movie night....we've waited and waited.  Joe watched the Bad News Bears ages ago to see if it was appropriate for the wasn't.  But are finally old enough to watch it with the opening lecture about how this movie allows certain language and behavior to happen we don't approve actually added another aspect to watching a movie...a movie beyond just baseball fun....the kids were commentating on what was and wasn't appropriate.  It was a fun night.  Joe's Mom is here to help us with this last week of summer babysitting needs which is amazing.  Plus she helps with the crazy open house and transition to school- I'm so grateful.  Nice to have her with us as we watched the movie as Joe remembers it being his first PG movie- he was 8 (Sally's age) when his Mom took him.

It has been a good day on Newark-Granville Road.  We started with church and led by the youth of our church- it was amazing.  Four students gave wonderful reflections for the sermon.  One young woman in particular did an incredible job talking about aspect of motion in religion and the perspective between right and wrong, sorrow and joy....and religion's pull to keep us happy, safe and protected.  Our baptism is the starting place and pulls us back over and over again....I've known this, defined this concept in my own ways with figure eights and such but here is a 17-18 year old already understanding this grounding joy giving concept- alleluia!

Life on Newark-Granville Road wore Joe and Peter out with new sports starting up, Clare's entered a new place with Youth Choir and we prepared more for the start of school....transition time will need the grounding comfort shared at church today and family time with lessons and laughs makes life on Granville Road a good place to be.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

with a family meal- now and in the past.

With our busy schedules I regret not cooking for my family as often as I think I should be...I like to cook.  It is one of the ways I share love.  It is a way I honor my past- the wonderful cooks who developed my palate and gave me confidence in the kitchen.  Tonight on Newark-Granville Road we mixed a number of dishes to bring our family together and my life in the kitchen makes me happy.

Chicken Salad-chicken cooked, taken off the bone...and bone turned into broth.....simple ingredients- onion, celery, boiled eggs (I practiced peeling them for non crater deviled eggs needed in the future- did well).  I like a chicken salad with grapes or other additions....but summer takes me back to many a meal my mother and Ga-Ga made with this combination.  We serve it on a bib like lettuce with all sorts of goodies to garnish and accompaniments- farmers market tomatoes, pickles, black olives, I picked up hearts of palm, a red pepper Sally selected from the FM.  In Maryland often we had homemade Mac n Cheese, rolls...sometimes green beans.  Tonight we added DELICIOUS sweet corn (enough to add to the chicken broth to make chicken corn chowder instead of noodle soup and Joe's beloved Barefoot Contessa Corn Salad!)  Ann Leithauser gave me her Swiss chard so I sauteed that as additional green for the plate tonight- yummy yummy.  To make it complete we ate outside and savored summer and the bounty provided- much to say Grace with and for tonight.

Of course it isn't perfect as it sounds... the broth boiled down creating a terrible odor, the kids didn't love the chicken salad.....and we're all pretty tired from a fantastic full day...Peter and his friend win the summer activity award- biking to see other friends, playing baseball and covering as much ground as possible...we had to call him home- love it!  My parents use to ring a bell and we'd come from every direction to sit at the table. We're happy and can see the silver lining... luckily I had lots of boxed broth to make the soup I want for the week and Joe and I get chicken salad sandwiches for Concert on the Green tomorrow! I had plenty of food so no one went hungry and the kids ate most of the mac n cheese I made.

The evening wrapped up with Sally asking for the dessert she chose at the Farmer's Market today at GoCat Bakery...a lemon basil verbena cake. When I added to the orange farmers market bag I didn't realize the significance it would play.  One taste and I was taken back in time....Gaga's house on View Street....soooo often she made a lemon cake.  They tasted so similar and on Newark-Granville Road is all summer and all family tonight- amen.

Friday, August 16, 2013


Smack dab in the middle of it.....but like life there are ups and downs.....few things are clean- in/ is four steps forward 2 back, fiver forward, 1 back...the cha-cha....a dance....we're dancing with fall and the sweatshirt at the pool....we're getting ready for school to start, figuring out routines....but still in that stay out and up a little longer.....

Kids are happy- the teacher info is official and although nothing changed from our "pretend" info earlier this summer....we're happy.  Actually we're thrilled....lots of good things to build upon with friends in classes, great teachers to partner with and keep our kids progressing, learning and growing- woo hoo!

Work was good for Joe and I today, we wrapped up our evening in a low key favorite way with dear on Newark-Granville is just where it needs to be.   I hope you had a nice Friday night too.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Julia!

thank you Janice- great post on Facebook....I love to share other blog posts and when they tie to something that makes my life on Newark-Granville Road better.......and hard shell crabs make my life better!  Reading Julia Child and cooking from her cook books....makes my life (and Joe's) better!  Most of you know I'm from Maryland and grew up eating hard shell crabs.  The blogger's first experience very well may be the restaurant where Joe and I ate with friends hours before he proposed in Annapolis, Maryland!  The food is fantastic, but it is also the ritual.  I also love this blog as it talks about having the proper tool for the seafood task.  I loved my summer job after my junior year on the NJ short- LBI/ Beachhaven- in the evenings I was in the kitchen prepping oysters, making shrimp cocktails, keeping the salad bar stocked, plating desserts...I even made the early bird special rice pudding dessert...but learning how to open oysters- meant the world to me.  The blog is also extra special as it ties to my favorite Smithsonian of them....and of course I love the Smithsonian experience all the more with our Works affliation....I grew up every break visiting and exploring these Amercian treasurers!

Okay- a favorite activity in our lives on Newark-Granville Road....Nutcracker auditions...and performance (Thanksgiving weekend) at the Midland in Newark!  Clare did this two years and it was a fantastic experience.  She made friends from all over the county and beyond.  She learned what it takes to pull off a production, she gained confidence and skill and I'm grateful for my family for building our Thanksgiving around this experience.  It is now Sally's turn!  She will audition this Saturday at 1 pm....if you have a child who would like to partake email me now!  Boys and adults will be needed for party scene too if it is similar to past years.  "All the world is a stage" after all.....

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

and tonight's award goes to.....

I've never attended the Golden Globes or Academy Awards.....but tonight watching my dinner companion accept the 1st Licking County STEM Educator Award at the Licking County Chamber Awards Event was an awesome moment in my Works tenure.  So here is what happen....I was sort of caught of guard by my reaction.

I knew all about this award.  I worked on the funding for this award- thank you Boeing and State Farm. The award wasn't just an honor and a trophy (one of kind glass award) it was $1000 to spend as the teacher wants as a thank you for all she did to further STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) in her class room.  I knew it was happening and we'd have the winner at our table.  We enjoyed our evening, chatted about upcoming events, her efforts to connect with others to further enhance the outdoor classroom (they need a boardwalk way and eventually hope for a pavilion...if interested in helping fund this let me know!!)  We talked about the fun she has living in downtown Columbus, her six year old son, her finance....the night moved quickly.  The next thing we know we're applauding all the other wonderful award winners earlier in the program.  Wonderful businesses were honored- yay to our mechanic (just said hey to him this morning) Jeremiah- 3rd generation mechanic-woot woot!  The Metropolitan Hotel (as I said yesterday in my blog- love our nice downtown accommodations and meeting spot!) and Boeing- yes!! Also the STEM Company award winner....many great nominees there!!! While listening to the other recipients Melissa looked at me and said- oops my acceptance speech is a bit longer...and sure enough she opened her darling purse and took out the typed speech.  That is when it hit me I was at a real award event, she was prepared for this evening and the opportunity to share with business leaders what it meant to her....ahhh! Then it was my job to take photos for The Works when she was presented her award.  Sure enough it was a fantastic speech- she made me laugh (she'd prefer for us to wiggle in our seats and raise our hands) and made me cry and made me smile and feel good about what we're all doing in this amazign community to connect kids with businesses, to prepare for the future all around...THANK YOU Melissa Bell and all those you thanked and all the other awesome educators out there creating life long learners.  Thank you to the Licking County Chamber for a lovely evening.

Life on Newark-Granville Road Blog is inspiring me to start another blog at Work....entries like this are certainly connected to my life on Newark-Granville life balance can be tricky but I'm fortunate that my work is tied to my life- educating my kids and the kids in our community in fun life long learning skills....and it is why I was so touched by Melissa Bell and was delighted to spend the evening with her.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Figure Eights Fun!

It has been an outstanding week in my life on Newark-Granville Road.  My life here is thanks to my Denison University experience and I've surely blogged about the providence that put me here. I believe we're in relationships with good people and we come and go, looping by, in and out from people and places.  This week my Denison friends and I pulled back in and the connections were lovely- absolutely lovely.

Yesterday I went to the Cleveland area with the three kids to meet up with the group I hold dear and have kept in touch with very well- The Pi Phis.  A number of my sorority sisters and I email, have traveled to celebrate birthdays, visit when we can....the pi phi wedding circuit in our late 20s-early 30s was amazing....we still reminisce about the fun and connections it strengthened.  Yesterday one dear friend rallied the area and traveling-through group and hosted us in her home.  It was a quick get together but something so special.  The bonus was our children meeting, reconnecting and having play time- old fashioned- go play time.  It is a pretty good looking group and honestly pretty well behaved.  14 of them posed for this picture....and 11 of them had a slumber party last delighted me.  Hearing my 3 talk about the fun they had with their new friends just made me feel like all is well in the world.  Look at their faces- being a friend, being able to make friends- it is such a gift we are given in this life.  I treasure these friendships with these strong, beautiful, smart women and love that it continues and grows in new ways.

Earlier in the week the a Denison connection made me giddy.  How fun to drive to the Cinci area with my youngest Sally, to see my roommate of 4 years...OK- we didn't live together that first year in East....we lived next door!  This get together was way overdue and our catch-up over lunch is a gathering I will remember forever.  How fun it is to just pick up and fill in the blanks.....the fun is all the more special when the kids get along so well.  We walked in the door and Sally felt at home immediately- in between ages of Lori's kids- Sally had a way to connect with both kids.  Lori is a special friend who helped me grow up...we've both grown over these past ten years and our experiences enrich the friendship now.  I count my blessings to be closer in georgraphy with this friend that knows me well.

The week started with a classmate and friend bringing his son to look at Denison.  Yes this ages us but time marches on and it is a bonus of living in our college town!  I hope this will be repeated over the years and with many friends.  It was greatly appreciated for Scott to remember we're living here and to reach out to connect.  He gets bonus points for joining in Newark fun with a stay at the downtown Metropolitan (thank you Metro hotel bar- Elements for giving a fun group of us a place to go at 10 pm on a Sunday!!) and joining us for the Settler's Championship win!

Life on Newark-Granville Road had a big old convergence with all these Denison loops coming together...and prove good things can happen in threes too!

Beautiful Day.....Pelotonia in Granville 2013....

I spent my morning on the other end of Newark-Granville Road...Katie and Ken Richards and their family hosted an amazing breakfast so we could cheer and welcome the Pelotonia Riders into Granville. Their purpose was to raise funds, awareness and share their amazing location and energy in their own effort to join the cause of Pelotonia- END CANCER- One Goal. Of course life on Newark-Granville Road is always filled with lessons along the way and today many many surfaced.

Here are just a few:
1. We live in an amazing community- Granville, Ohio!  Here is our history which explains some of our is in our roots.  I encourage you to explore this more, learn about our history- the native Americans were awesome people in this area- their use of natural resources, their peaceful trade existence...very wise people when you understand the mounds...I have much to learn on this topic myself but I respect it.  And I know to give credit to those intentional settlers as well who came from the East with great value of education, reading, sharing (library was part of original start-up in 1805)......this community can do so much right. 
Welcoming and having Pelotonia come through our village was so right. It wasn't perfect but soooo many people made it right and it was incredible to see and experience and be part of the supporting role for these riders and teams and volunteers.  I did see downtown in the early afternoon and am grateful for all involved there....the farmers market folks staying open late, Nathan and Nicole Arnold for their Team Granville tent with cool items for sale- LOVE my cowbell, St. Luke's- Nicolas Havil's bell ringing made me so happy.....up close and far away...the green flags, the banners, Team Spokesman at Hugh Price's place.....and so much more I didn't see but could feel....the energy was amazing, amazing!
2. Some things are meant to be and Timing is did we get so lucky for our friend Steve Callison to see us in the green convertible and call out to us as he entered Granville on his 180 MILE!!! journey with Pelatonia. Amazing- we were ready to leave....3 hours was enough for the kids....but before we left there was Steve.  He has been an inspiration and friend to us for some time, for many reasons....I can't express to you how right it was to see him on Newark-Granville Road (Broadway extended) this morning..
3. Right Place....Right time....I wasn't quite sure where we should cheer on the riders today...many options and thoughts.  I am so grateful I was where I was at soooo many points today.  As mentioned above being with Ken and Katie was awesome.  Cancer is too close to their lives and amazing things are happening with research in their lives (all our lives) I love their action today and am grateful. It was incredible to be there to cheer and see these riders- we couldn't stop.  I don't think we planned to spend the whole morning there- duty called. I couldn't even leave to get coffee, didn't want to miss one rider, I wanted to say thanks, wahooo, they all looked amazing, there was an energy that was life giving literally and figuritvely and it was beautiful.
And it wasn't just beauty in the riders...all of us there that gathered together. I enjoyed being with each person so very much. The stories we shared were inspiring. Cancer research is prolonging lives, giving opportunities and is teaching and preparing the way for THE CURE!  Pelatonia's energy joined us together.
4. Many roles to play......embrace and understand that. Today I loved being a cheerleader.  I'm back to bookclub on Monday...Shakespeare's words we dusted off.....
All the world's a stage,And all the men and women merely players;They have their exits and their entrances,And one man in his time plays many parts....  From As You Like It
There were many parts played today by many....riders, volunteers, cheerleaders, hosts, heroes, supporters, funders, donors, those crying, those showing strength, many many working and it all works.  Some roles are harder for others...we all take our turns doing various things at various times... Much much work and effort happened days, weeks, months and years prior.  Efforts just like in Granville happening in communities- physical towns, work communities- yay Cardinal Health,  the great stories with Limited Brands bringing in folks and duck races leading up....and communities of friends and family....I'm grateful for all the beautiful people and energy I picked up today....I walked home from town and it will be a walk that stays with me.  I carried the energy from the other end of Newark-Granville Road and added it to many lovely conversations and interactions I had along the way......I'm so grateful for the lessons life on Newark-Granville gives me over and over again....and how many blessings I have.
5. It is a beautiful day in my life on Newark-Granville Road....I can hear the U2 song...

Thursday, August 8, 2013

keeps on running...Maple Leaf 5K

Scholarships, Granville's 4th of July, Youth support.....the Kiwanis make our lives better on Newark-Granville Road and all their efforts with a fun community 5K!  My kids love this run- we've been doing it since the first one and it is a great tradition. We always see great people, get some good information, support a good cause and get exercise....and eat snow cones...bonus!  We love how this event support our youth's running efforts- making it a special family fun activity.  I hope you'll consider being part of the fun on August 17t at 8:30 am- Granville Intermediate School!  They really think of everything to make it easy and fun to run:

-Day Care during the race
-A kids race that is free
-Family Discounts......

Thanks for reading and spreading the word! Warmly- Susan

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

making Life in Granville good for all!

Here is a way to get involved and help our community.  Our schools reflect what is happening in Granville now and in the future. Everyone is welcome- all adult ages and experiences are needed- you don't have to have children in the schools!

Good folks are leading this - ACES (Achieving Community Excellence in our Schools) -- Join volunteers from our community support our schools -- First all hands on meeting Wednesday at 7:00 pm at the district office. Help us spread the word!

Help us keep Life on Newark-Granville Road involved, learn about what is happening here and encourage others to do so as well! thanks!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

goes back to the fair......

One of the purposes of this blog is to share fun happenings/events and why we enjoy and encourage others to attend and support.  This week is Hartford Fair week in Licking County and I strongly encourage everyone to go to the Fair. I may not strike you as a fair person and honestly until I moved to Newark-Granville Road I wasn't one.  It is kind of fun to reflect back on the various ways and reasons I've gone to the fair.

When the kids were little and I was home, we went during the day.  The other Mom friends encouraged and shared the fun activities in the barn for little kids.  We learned about life on the farm and I learned right along with the kids.  Now my cousins had cows, sheep, horses on a farm so it wasn't like I was a pure city girl.  I have very fond memories of walking the beautiful pastures of Washington County- rocks and stones and rolling hills along the Antietam Creek.  In fact when we were in Aberfeldy, Scotland it reminded me of my hometown!  At the Hartford Fair we would enjoy an ice cream snack and see the various animal barns.  I did fall in love with the poultry barn at that point- I love ducks.  Seeing the various types of ducks and geese,  chickens and roosters and turkey...amazing.

A number of years ago we learned about the political nature of the fair and started helping out and visiting our friends who were in campaign mode/season.  This was fun and this was fair without kids.  It happened for a number of years our vacation was the last week of July with kids going back to Maryland with my parents and therefore they missed fair week.  I embraced the new fair scene and enjoyed it with friends and Joe.  At this point I also met a friend that told me about the various food establishments run by the boosters of communities- some good eats! Beef and noodles, taco salads...the Trojan burger line to this day still is too long for me.  Personally I'm drawn to the cattle club's steak sandwich...although the bourbon chicken being grilled tonight looked good.

Over the years I've made friends that had the good fortune to grow up here and had the benefit of participating in fair activities as teens. Here their stories strengthen my admiration for what the fair offers beyond what visitors experience.  The same goes for friends that have children showing animals at the fair.  It is fun to peak into the dormitories and think about the 24 hour efforts that go on to make the fair work- those eating establishments have breakfast, there are cookouts, and showers,  a basketball hoop. And on the other side I admire the support and philanthropy shown by those that purchase the animals and sponsor events and days celebrating the lessons and hard work of the youth and families.

Tonight was a treat to return with kids. Peter and Sally went wtih me and enjoyed big kids activities- bungee jumping and bull fair rides for us. We played a round of put-put- I lost- Sally had two holes in one, winning another game.  I met a friend who is all of the above and so it was a treat to be with her.  We walked through the 4H barn and the displays were amazing.  We took in the sewing, arts and crafts and produce.  I learned about the cattle requirement and commitment and the showing of hogs and how many are involved. I met super nice people and took in the sights, sounds, smells and tastes.  Of course there are the tacky things for sale, every fried thing under the sun and tractor pull night provided some fun people watching but the overall scene is awesome.  It is all about community and a wonderful important way of life and it is what keeps me going back to the fair.  I hope you will go to the fair and share with me which barn is your favorite..the steer and dairy barn delighted me tonight...the sheep and goats were Peter's favorite, but make sure you see the poultry barn too! Schedules are around and posted on-line many fun activities...sorry we missed the frog jumping races on Friday will give Music in the Courtyard some competition no doubt!  Make sure you find your way to Lindsey in the Energy Co-Op Natural Resources area....beautiful spot with a pond for fishing and all sorts of cool things happening including recycled crafts/art- a direct tie to Green Revolution- these happen during the day. 4H Band plays often and has an amphitheater to enjoy a place to sit.  I missed the opening parade...who doubt I'll go back to the Fair next year too!

Enjoy the ride up- the scenery is beautiful! I always find a new creative country road route...I like to come in from the east and avoid the line-up to get in...although big talk tonight about a new road...I can't wait to try that! A goal of mine on Newark-Granville Road is to drive every road in Licking County....and nights like this get me a bit closer.   However Croton is a charming small Ohio town and seeing the Walmart trucks picking up the eggs is kind of cool to much to offer this north west corner of Licking County...a special part of my life on Newark-Granville Road.

Monday, August 5, 2013

needs a sweatshirt.....

I love this weather and what it means! It means long pants and sandals, shorts with sweatshirts or that I can wear long sleeve shirts in the summer!  I learned to love this type of dress in Vermont and I think back on a beloved Middlebury blue and white sweatshirt I wore with shorts to everything, or the jeans and t-shirts with a sweater so you didn't get the bug bites.  Sunday/yesterday's weather was perfect- it was a cool gorgeous morning for blueberry all know how much I love those experiences. It warmed up for a nice trip to the pool and swim to stretch the tired muscles and float...and then we needed jackets for baseball under the lights....tonight was the same thing- jeans with open toed shoes and a sweater to sit on the Veranda at Cherry Valley and talk books, summer vacations and what we've been reading.

As I type and extrovert tonight I realize as much as I'm challenged by the transition of summer ending, school starting, I also love the way nature prepares us for what is coming next.  I'll be ready for fall clothes and weather with the hint of it now. It is the same way in the spring....those strange warm days we get in January or know when the Denison kids don flip flops...but it gives us something to look forward to, we know it is coming.  Just as the sun will come up the seasons will change..the weather will go back and forth...we'll have roasting hot days soon enough.  Last night was the last Settlers baseball game and the blueberries were my last chance to u-pick my favorite fruit. By the way- The Settlers (wood bat baseball league for college kids- great baseball to watch in a beautiful stadium) won their championship tournament last night- it was an awesome game and so much fun to be there right behind home plate...with a sweater on...and leaving Newark-Granville Road I made sure everyone had one.

It was time to put a new photo at the top of the I grabbed another favorite moment from vacation that connects to this post...being prepared.  Sally was on the beach starting to get a bit whiny for lunch...and I wasn't ready to go up to help her with lunch...all of sudden I look over (from my very good book) and Nana has the peanut butter, crackers and a knife and Sally is happy as a clam.  Seriously- that is prepared!  The best thing is Nana shares a story of her early vacation years with Aunt Catharine and Ga-ga- that is what lunch on the beach was...they packed for the day when they left Sandy Landy on the bay...and headed to the beach in Delaware/Maryland.  I LOVED it and thought it a fun photo too- yay Nana!   Life on Newark-Granville is about being prepared.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Beauty in the last 24 hours......

My life on Newark-Granville Road is filled with beauty.  I've said this many times and you must not be too tired of my happy sometimes too Pollyanna perspective as you return and I appreciate it.  I'm grateful you share my "whys"- why I think it is beautiful, hard, full and so many other things.  I can't help myself today- the past 24 hours have been filled with awe (and challenge) and I want to share it here.

Last night the fundraiser for the new Pelotonia team- Spokesman for a Cure- at Appletree Auction put on by the team, family and friends all connected to David Schnaidt was something that was quite inspirational and filled with beauty.  David is a cancer survivor from his teen years. David is a devoted husband and father to 3, savy and passionate family businessman and involved community member. His cancer is back and it sucks and it is stage IV, terminal and debilitating- tumors on his spine....Please join me and this community in prayer for a miracle, for healing, for strength....This family is surrounded by love and support and last night celebrated and united that in a fundraiser to support the Pelotonia effort to find a cure.  This family has helped The Works and many other special places to my family for years and I'm SOOOO grateful to the conversation I was having with a friend when it hit me I could offer to help at the Friday night event.  I'm soooooo grateful when I asked David's sister if I could help she said yes.  Joe and I had a wonderful time bar tending- working with other volunteers (shout out to Mike and Adrea Sarap-Red Oak Pub- incredible partners and we enjoyed the Homestead local brew too- the IPA in particular), seeing all the great folks out supporting this team, family, man in awesome ways. It was a family event- shout out to Brett Jump and her efforts and her reminder to me that it was a family event.  We took Peter and Sally- the children's happiness and fun- thanks to great activities put on by the Granville Cheerleaders- a key part of the Schnaidt family- kept the spirit of the evening so joyous and not the somber event it could of been with a concerning diagnosis. David and his whole family radiated beauty, the whole event did and each person I greeted that evening shared their love and it made for a night I won't forget in this lifetime.  I admit though my feet hurt- I made the mistake I know- change shoes for evening activities- especially when standing.  I learned it at Denison when I worked long days and stood for evening events.  By the end after clean up as good as I felt inside the dogs were barking!  But I went home for a good night sleep for our fun morning's plan- the 5K at Dawes.  I slept with feet on a pillow and took an anti-inflammatory.  (note Joe has work challenges and has been a bit distracted with phone call meetings...but all works- others helped when he was late last night) and his work is imporant- and it really is a weekend that isn't overly impacted by this. And in the grand scheme of things.....sore feet, work to do...are blessings.....The person who answered "blessed" when we did the usual exchange of "how are you" summed it up best and I've embraced and used the word many times today.

Dawes- what a wonderful place for a run- or walk....Licking Memorial Health partners and puts on the event with focus on wellness! There was a walk component that was nice as others that normally we don't see at 5K events joined the fun.  Joe and I did this race the 1st year when dear friends- The Plaughers- were hosting.  A difficult course- hills like no other I've done- didn't keep us from signing up this year.  We've wanted to attend in the past when the Downes' were hosts- but vacation timing prevented it.  I haven't been running as much and I appreciated the work incentive and hospital's encouragement to start training again with the Couch to 5K.  I've loved my morning runs with the dog and building up my endurance.  It went well early but has been hard the past two weeks- nonetheless I did it it today and boy did it feel good!  The rain kept the temperature down and I've shared my love of the water- felt as good as swimming in the ocean- very similar- sweat added the salt!! Sally was with me, Clare and Peter on their own with Joe.  My music helped- Wagon Wheel spurred us up the first steep hill to the observation tower!  Great people all around, wonderful host family, and a morning with beauty in nature and health.

It was also so good to be together as a family- how proud am I of the kids and Joe (running on little sleep) popping right up, not complaining about rain, finishing a 5K course and then Joe and big kids coming back to encourage Sally and I to our finish.  We enjoyed family breakfast out at the Jacktown pub- love the low key environment and yummy low budget breakfast.  I did a quick run through the Farmers Market on my way home and stop at a great corn stand (40 and 37)!  The rest of the day included a great soak in a Lush infused bath and tidy time, laundry time and cooking with fresh produce- dinner will be yummy!

So that is the past 24 hours for me.....simple all around on Newark-Granville Road in this caring community.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

running on......

5K on Saturday...crummy cold needs to go away....I've loaded the new run play list on the iphone....that wasn't easy?  But then Joe did it in a snap...sigh.....Kids helped me find "new songs- their songs" I like...I'm feeling old....but I'll take feeling this way because I like where I am- like that I can appreciate the music my kids presented in the "talent show" at the beach....I like that I have songs from the past that I love that they love.  I love having songs from movies we've all seen together that make me really happy- those are the songs that I will run to on Saturday. It will distract me and entertain me! That is my life right now and I embrace it and am grateful for it- sniff sniff, pause, ponder, hmmmm-hmmm-hmmmmm- hugs goodnight on Newark-Granville Road.