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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

High 5!

Here is a cyber high 5 to my sister Sarah- 5 years have past since your diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer and your amazing fight!  Sarah met with her Dr this week and is doing great- she is thriving, not just surviving! Woo Hoo!  High Five about posting this happy joyous update on the blog we started five years ago to keep the positive energy and communication going- THANK YOU for the prayers, positive vibes and all the cyber high 5s out there as you read this!

Peter gave Clare a darling sincere High Five hand slap when learning the news that his big sister made the 7th grade Middle School Basketball tame- woo hoo!

Clare's expression as she walked out the of the school....she tried to act like she was sad...head down...she couldn't do it- she was beaming.  Love that smile...not an everyday occurrence with Clare...real and glowing.

So Life today I say- oh yeah, woo hoo, high on Newark-Granville Road is in a good place.

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