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Sunday, October 13, 2013

sharing my evening......

....with my children.  On Saturday night I repeated a beloved gesture from my childhood.  My parents went out most Saturday nights.  Saturday night was their night- they didn't refer to it as date night- it was just what they did. They went to dances, dinners, bridge club, they hosted dinners, attended plays and musicals.  They dressed up and I enjoyed hanging out on their bed, helping select the shoes, fasten a necklace.  (We also were able to select our TV dinners and had our own fun with babysitters.)  Often my mother would bring home trinkets from her night time fun...I remember masks, beads, cake (from weddings was always a treat to be placed under our pillows to dream of the man we would marry) and we'd hear about their evening the next morning on the way to church.   I have very fond memories of these Saturday nights.

Saturday night of this weekend was a beautiful evening for me.  The "Up on the Rooftop" fundraiser for The James was something to behold.  The mammoth tent, exquisite decorations, delectable food and sensational entertainment accompanied our great company of Cardinal Health friends and philanthropic energy. As Joe held me tight and sashayed me around the dance floor we counted our blessings. It was one of those special events one doesn't forget.  And to keep the evening's beauty going I was inspired by my mother's actions from my past and I brought a token of that beauty home to my children.  They were indeed fast asleep by the time we arrived home.  As I kissed them goodnight, the shoush of my taffeta and click of my heels possibly causing them to stir as I recall happening on Forrest Drive...I placed a flower from our arrangement at our table on their bedside stands.  The photos give you a snapshot of this gesture from my past, my children's Sunday mornings, the incredible beauty of Saturday night and life on Newark-Granville Road.

Peter received a yellow rose....these photos are from the girls' rooms.

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