So much to share about today...a day off of work, well timed from the weekend and full in so many ways. Instead of expanding on subjects, I'll just share the day's activities and maybe some will inspire future blog posts.....
1. Slept in...yes...Joe did bus duty- hip hip hooray and Sally and I stayed in bed! Of course Peter called about his forgotten trumpet and Joe and I chatted but I cat napped off and on from 6 am- it was lovely.
2. Took my time getting dressed, helped Sally pick out her clothes with no stress of a missed bus!
3. Went downstairs to get ready to leave, thinking Sally was walking dog with amazing helper Barbara. Barbara came back- no Sally. (yes we've misplaced her a few times and this felt a bit like the Clare being with Joe on a walk when she was 3) I went up stairs and re-looked- she was curled up asleep in her bed, buried deep in blankets. Good news is I swept the kitchen and tidied while waiting for Sally.
4. Took Sally to coffee shop, delivered Peter's trumpet, took Sally to school.
5. Holiday coffee - annual tradition!! Nutcracker performance and this well decorated home with huge artistic accomplishment and attention to detail, plus wonderful people to connect with- I'm ready to embrace Christmas!! Fa-la-la-la-la!
6. Came home - discarded some pumpkins- see point 5, cleaned piles, updated the weekly schedule, started moving forward with December. Also enjoyed Maryland yummies for lunch- Baltimore Market's chicken salad, Utz chips and a cookie from same market- reminiscent of Hutlzer's Bakery....ahhhh
7. Eye appointment- first one in a long long time...I'm going with who knew I had astigmatism and not so perfect vision anymore..I use to have 20-15....oh well....its okay- I knew I was adjusting and compensating....we'll see how this goes. Enjoyed time with my Dr and am happy i have healthy eyes.
8. Dropped off invitations and gift for friend in new role- woo hoo Penny Sitler with MHA! So nice to chat and catch-up a bit!
9. Home to meet kids from school, do some reading with Peter, help Sally prep for music concert.
10. Removed pumpkins from front of house with Peter's help!
11. REALLY enjoyed Sally's 3rd grade musical presentation- innovative, creative, original, well timed- darling darling. And good to see Sally's classmates and their parents!
12. Book Club Holiday Dinner and book exchange....I have the best book club- what a lovely group with an amazing tradition. So good to gather around the table and catch-up, discuss a fun book (always a lighter read for this one) and then swap books- allegedly one's we've read and are pulling from our shelves. Everyone went home with one they haven't read- woo hoo!
13. Quick review of the week, tidy in the kitchen with Joe, blog update and I'm ready for bed!
I needed a day like today in my life on Newark-Granville Road!
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