Ahhhh- we did it! True team effort- two Thanksgiving family gatherings and the four Nutcracker Performances, plus tech week and cast party @ The Works- it is a wrap! All went so well...Thursday's report was blog theme, so Nutcracker is tonight's- the why and the lessons.
Why the Nutcracker- fond memories of the lessons it taught Clare. Clare danced in it twice I believe. She attended as a child to see friends dance and to continue a holiday tradition my parents started with me. I love the music and story and various interpretations. Clare loved it too and wanted to dance- it is a big reason we started ballet, which wasn't the first dance we were able to make work- tap and jazz. Ballet made its way and Nutcracker gave her all sorts of experience. The holiday is often one for traveling for us so not always a fit. Sally started lessons at some point along they way and this year was old enough to audition. She didn't have a fall sport so this was her thing this fall to stay active and glean the lessons of the stage. We asked the Stoner clan to travel to Licking County for Stoner Thanksgiving and we're grateful they did! Wonderful long weekend with my family I don't see often enough- thank goodness for cell phones and email to keep us connected.
COYB is an impressive group - the mission to have youth execute, create, unite and deliver is really something to behold. This year my daughter wasn' the only one learning my volunteer role backstage for one performance and executing cast party gave me new perspectives. First - the hard work it takes to make it all go. I knew it before but it is something to be a helper back stage and witness the stitching, the chart for quick-change, the energy beyond just what the audience sees to get to all the right cues, in the right costumers from hair to shoes and eye/hooks in between. The auditions in August, rehearsals on the weekend all were out of sight, out of mind a bit for me. I certainly knew Sally was learning and many were working hard but I didn't understand the depth and detail until this weekend. So much more to be grateful for- the friends and adults that care deeply for our youth and coach, teach, support. I also have to share how pleased I was with the students and how they help one another, figure out their processes, ask for help and show appreciation for the support they receive. I loved sharing it with friends and their children and hope more friends will join this family. I must say thank you to all that bought tickets and attended- this means a great day and is part of my positive reflection!! Sally says she'll audition next year and we both will apply the lessons learned to deepen the experience.
I'm glad we check this off our list and it is in the book. Life on Newark-Granville creates so many valuable memories and Thanksgiving 2013 didn't disappoint. So now I'm off to bed with visions of sugarplums, shortbreads and snowflurries in my head. The music is playing too- good thing I really love it!
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