I know some people are tired of auction fundraisers. Some say their time has come and gone and to some degree I can relate to that statement. I'm all about creative, fun fundraising (the 1st three letters in fundraising are fun) and auctions can get stale- however they're also successful for reasons and have a generic meaning- auction is almost synonymous with charity event, fundraiser, benefit.
I can't believe it has taken me this long to post in my "see you at these events" section on the side- The March 1st Granville Elementary and Granville Intermediate Schools PTO Auction! It is an event that is a must attend- if your kid(s) attend the school(s) then go. Do not pass go, do not collect $100 just sign up now. I'm waiting for my paper sheet to submit my check and sign up…I don't want to pay the on-line fee…I hope I don't get closed out- eek! I want to be there. I want you to be there. I want this event to sell out ASAP! And because this blog is about the "why" here are the reasons why- you should attend. And heck even if you don't an immediate reason like a child in the school you can still attend if you want- it is fun. There are great things available to purchase that benefit the kids' and their education in our community. A great group of people will be there, you'll see the amazing classroom projects that show kids finest work, that show creative parents hard work and dedication. I don't know all the ins and outs this year. I applaud the volunteer leadership making it all happen. I'm working on one classroom project and am grateful for the partner volunteer parent and the teacher. (2 years ago- the auction is every other year- I did all 3 kids projects- I know I was NUTS. I thought since I worked at a museum it would be easy. Yes I know I get a bit over zealous at times. I learned my lesson.) Anyway- I remember exercising with a great group of women and hearing about the auction when Clare was still in pre-school. We were asked to join a table and attend to get a taste of what was to come- we declined. If I could do it over- I would of attended- I would of supported the schools and volunteers then- it really is that much fun.
This year the auction returns to where it came- Appletree Auction Center! I'm a big believer in figure eights, life repeating itself (kind of not exactly- just like figure eights on the ice) and I love the return to a previous successful site. I've loved them all- the snowstorm year at CVL, the Granville Inn event, the year I sold raffle tickets, the year we bought Clare's tile white board/chalk board, the year we didn't buy Peter's quilt- oh David Schnaidt we miss you. The year a friend bought really cool things..I could go on and on and on….amazing memories were made with great friends for great causes. I'm so grateful life on Newark-Granville Road includes those memories and support of our schools. And I'm grateful to do it again on March 1st- join me please!
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