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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

in 2009…..

Here is what I wrote in August of 2009- 3rd or 4th post!!  Wow- never thought I'd still be blogging…..busy, tired, sad, happy enjoying my kids while Joe out of town….all reasons for bringing back an oldie…..

August 2009- Sharing fun events is what this blog is all about...and spreading the word about good things.
-It is hard to believe Labor Day weekend is next weekend. We're looking forward to a visit from my parents and some great activities- including picnicking at Dawes withe Bluegrass, BBQ and Boom next Sunday 9/3. Fantastic music, beautiful setting and fun people- join us! Tickets are available at Dawes in August or at the door (doors open at 3) tickets are $10, 10 and under free!

We'll be sorry to miss the movie at the GSVA- another activity you should consider!

And back to favorites- lunch yesterday was indeed a favorite- Farmers Market BLT- the pepper bacon from the vendor at the Gville farmers market with all the coolers- I should know their name, a light and flavorful lettuce from another, sourdough bread from...the cat folks and tomatoes from nice neighbors- we were in heaven! It was also good to connect with some fun people and see Denison students and families back in town.

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