A full wonderful day in my life on Newark-Granville Road. Lucky me to be at The Works connecting, supporting, helping as able execute STEMfest. The day wrapped up with the announcement of the winners for the Wing Design problem sponsored by Boeing. Heritage Middle School swept the competition. These amazing, well led, cared for with such intention students rocked it. Seeing their joy over winning this competition brought tears to my eyes. This is a school where most of the kids are on free and reduced lunch but you'd never know it by the way they presented themselves. Their teacher was the energizer bunny- everywhere supporting all the teams and their competition. All of the problems and all of the teams made me pause and say WOW! The youth of America are just fine- here they are on a Saturday doing academic challenges- wow! As I type I tear up for their efforts and all that I know that goes to make this happen for the Granville kids engaging, leading and inspiring growth with robotics and more, the parents, teachers, bankers, administrators, retired industry leaders and so many more there today to make this a huge success not for The Works but our community's future workforce and citizens.
I also get teary thinking back to the start of my day- Clare getting up an hour early to have breakfast with me to support the Kiwanis pancake breakfast- I savor these moments. The sun shining and Joe taking the kids to dance, lax, a run and some baseball fun- active deep breathing of fresh air and getting Griffey out and about. Life on Newark-Granville Road brings happy happy tears.
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