Tuesday's life of Newark-Granville Road- Derby and OAA week! Yes breakfast of champions being served here- sausage, fruit salad and coke-a-cola for Clare. Joe started this tradition when I was in China years ago….the teaher reacted very well when one child shared this Leithauser routine- well sausage with soda is better than no breakfast at all.
Derby update- I was serious about the rain/mud boots - at least the rain will make it all the greener and prettier. Forecast is only 30% rain and it went from 59 degrees to 60! Lets all think positive- see the clear day, a bit of a chill but we'll dress appropriate and enjoy being together! Kids will run and stay warm.
Derby update from Saturday with details: Woo Hoo- One week from today…..Derby Time!!! It has been a crazy week and now weekend of who-goes-where-when-how and it has an impact on Derby prep. But that is OK- your reactions to this party is what makes us love to do it….and the early outside prep so we enjoy our yard!!
I hope you will join us…here is what you need to know for 2014…..
1. Once invited always invited! We invited all of our wedding party in 1999 you never know who will show with their julep cup! Also know we really like to make sure people don't feel left out we love to include committees members we serve with, sports teams, etc….
2. Party start time 4:30 this year…..come when you can- race is 6:24 ish……some say the party before is the most fun, some say it is more fun after….every year a bit different.
3. Bring the rain boots- help us ward off the rain/snow flurries and know the yard is filled with mud due to the Sewer Tap in project- fun fun!
4. Bring a dish to share…finger food- sweet or savory….we'll have the traditional drinks! But don't let this stop you- I know how busy we are- you may walk in with nothing- really!!
5. Friend and families welcome- kids have fun just playing.
6. Hats are encouraged- not required- need to borrow one- let me know! I'll put some at the back hallway- stop by or grab one when you arrive for Derby time!
7. Parking- always challenging- we live on the corner of Newark-Granville Road and Fairview. Golf Course lower lot- churches, Bryn Du sub- all parking places with easy walks. Thing shoes again….
6. Simply party this year- we'll have a play list going and the toys and sports stuff out- this year it is about being together.
We'll keep you posted- hope to see you on the 1st Saturday in May- May 3, 2014 for our annual event!
Friday Night- Fillies Run for the Lillies- Kentucky Oaks race - we'll be at MCC- join us for the Spring Fling Party (we'll go early and leave early for Derby prep)!! Great way to check out MCC fun! Send me an email at ssleithauser@roadrunner.com to chat about this!
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Derby Party Details…..
Woo Hoo- One week from today…..Derby Time!!! It has been a crazy week and now weekend of who-goes-where-when-how and it has an impact on Derby prep. But that is OK- your reactions to this party is what makes us love to do it….and the early outside prep so we enjoy our yard!!
I hope you will join us…here is what you need to know for 2014…..
1. Once invited always invited! We invited all of our wedding party in 1999 you never know who will show with their julep cup! Also know we really like to make sure people don't feel left out we love to include committees members we serve with, sports teams, etc….
2. Party start time 4:30 this year…..come when you can- race is 6:24 ish……some say the party before is the most fun, some say it is more fun after….every year a bit different.
3. Bring the rain boots- help us ward off the rain/snow flurries and know the yard is filled with mud due to the Sewer Tap in project- fun fun!
4. Bring a dish to share…finger food- sweet or savory….we'll have the traditional drinks! But don't let this stop you- I know how busy we are- you may walk in with nothing- really!!
5. Friend and families welcome- kids have fun just playing.
6. Hats are encouraged- not required- need to borrow one- let me know! I'll put some at the back hallway- stop by or grab one when you arrive for Derby time!
7. Parking- always challenging- we live on the corner of Newark-Granville Road and Fairview. Golf Course lower lot- churches, Bryn Du sub- all parking places with easy walks. Thing shoes again….
6. Simply party this year- we'll have a play list going and the toys and sports stuff out- this year it is about being together.
We'll keep you posted- hope to see you on the 1st Saturday in May- May 3, 2014 for our annual event!
Friday Night- Fillies Run for the Lillies- Kentucky Oaks race - we'll be at MCC- join us for the Spring Fling Party (we'll go early and leave early for Derby prep)!! Great way to check out MCC fun! Send me an email at ssleithauser@roadrunner.com to chat about this!
I hope you will join us…here is what you need to know for 2014…..
1. Once invited always invited! We invited all of our wedding party in 1999 you never know who will show with their julep cup! Also know we really like to make sure people don't feel left out we love to include committees members we serve with, sports teams, etc….
2. Party start time 4:30 this year…..come when you can- race is 6:24 ish……some say the party before is the most fun, some say it is more fun after….every year a bit different.
3. Bring the rain boots- help us ward off the rain/snow flurries and know the yard is filled with mud due to the Sewer Tap in project- fun fun!
4. Bring a dish to share…finger food- sweet or savory….we'll have the traditional drinks! But don't let this stop you- I know how busy we are- you may walk in with nothing- really!!
5. Friend and families welcome- kids have fun just playing.
6. Hats are encouraged- not required- need to borrow one- let me know! I'll put some at the back hallway- stop by or grab one when you arrive for Derby time!
7. Parking- always challenging- we live on the corner of Newark-Granville Road and Fairview. Golf Course lower lot- churches, Bryn Du sub- all parking places with easy walks. Thing shoes again….
6. Simply party this year- we'll have a play list going and the toys and sports stuff out- this year it is about being together.
We'll keep you posted- hope to see you on the 1st Saturday in May- May 3, 2014 for our annual event!
Friday Night- Fillies Run for the Lillies- Kentucky Oaks race - we'll be at MCC- join us for the Spring Fling Party (we'll go early and leave early for Derby prep)!! Great way to check out MCC fun! Send me an email at ssleithauser@roadrunner.com to chat about this!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Yes- a victory in the who-goes-where-when-how game today!! I came home at the end of the day to everyone safely at home and happily reporting on their activities. Peter's team won and plays again Saturday at 10 am. Sally came and went from New Albany without incident. Was it perfect- no- sally was cold- the wind was chilly and Peter went 4-0….but I recall what Coach Franks said in talk I heard recently- WIN stands for What Is Important Now……for Life on Newark-Granville Road it all worked for each of us to be where we needed to be thanks to the help of others and I'm grateful.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Let's play who goes where when how….
That was tonight and so far so good…I can't declare victory until we execute and deliver everyone successfully! Tomorrow we have tournament baseball- Joe will get home early and pick up Peter to take him to game by 5:15….only in Hebron. Sally has Lax- in New Albany, and it is picture day so she needs to be there at 5 pm. She will need picked up at 7:30. I will be in Columbus tomorrow afternoon and have a 7 pm meeting in Gville. Because too many Tuesdays have occurred with me worried about Sally coming home alone- we now have awesome Newark Catholic High School sitter with us- sitter wiling and able to drive Sally to New Albany. And we have awesome Denison student able to pick Sally up at end of practice! So life on Newark-Granville Road is feeling better than it did mid-day today when I realized we didn't have the blanks filled in for this game that keeps us on our toes and grateful for the help in our lives on Newark-Granville Road!
We'll play the game again as the tournament progresses and duty calls- fun duty!! Friday night The Works opens- Local Color! 6- 8 pm- a beautiful gallery of artists coordinated by Meredith Martin and her Sunbear Studio and Gallery. This charming artistic destination is one of my favorites in Licking County- located in downtown Alexandria. The Works Gallery is really looking beautiful filled with talent and color and unique approaches to art- I hope you'll join us on Friday! We'll figure out how to get the kids where they need to go so we can enjoy the artist and your company and a glass of wine!
We'll play the game again as the tournament progresses and duty calls- fun duty!! Friday night The Works opens- Local Color! 6- 8 pm- a beautiful gallery of artists coordinated by Meredith Martin and her Sunbear Studio and Gallery. This charming artistic destination is one of my favorites in Licking County- located in downtown Alexandria. The Works Gallery is really looking beautiful filled with talent and color and unique approaches to art- I hope you'll join us on Friday! We'll figure out how to get the kids where they need to go so we can enjoy the artist and your company and a glass of wine!
Sunday, April 20, 2014
in my Easter Bonnet…..
It has been years since I've donned a hat for Easter. I'm feeling the need to dust one off for this beautiful morning! What a lovely Easter weekend we're having on Newark-Granville Road! Each Easter is unique on Newark-Granville Road. It is a holiday that doesn't have set traditions in regard to celebrating. We've done a number of things over the years- this can be difficult to me. However I am a gal who embraces "sitting loosely" and all turns out well. This year is no different.
The kids will tell you our traditions are- an egg hunt somewhere, somehow, going to church, getting candy, Easter dinner, sugar cereal in our basket…..they do remember Easters in Maryland with Zion Egg Hunts, being in Baltimore and often Eater in conjunction with Spring Break. "The Country Bunny" is a big tradition and they love Nana having it memorized! I'm glad church did get in there! I have fond memories of Easter Sunrise services, walking all over town very pregnant with Peter in early labor- he arrived the next day- opening day of baseball. I also have fond memories of egg hunts at cocktail hours.
This Easter weekend included baseball- making Peter very happy and honestly this momma bunny. I love to watch him play- with 3 kids on 3 teams it can be a challenge to just sit and take in baseball. The game was moved yesterday and I'm grateful all the kids and parents made it happen- a 2 pm game was delightful way to spend the afternoon. Yesterday I attended the St. Luke Episcopal Church's Easter Vigil service to attend a baptism of friends' daughter and support her Godparents. What a treat. The service was full of scripture, music and old traditions (cantor) I don't experience often- a meaningful way to spend Easter Eve. The homily and baptism divine- life on Newark-Granville Road embraces baptism and the community/congregation's role with a baby's baptism. Accepting the vow to support as a non-church member, family member was touching to me. It reminded me of the dear children and families Joe and I are connected to in this way- we've very blessed on Newark-Granville Road. St. Luke's really is a lovely church- they are having an Easter Bonnet parade today, they have quite the celebration on a Saturday evening after a the Vigil service and most importantly beautiful people gathering to serve the Lord, a wonderful community of faith that supports this community and my life on Newark-Granville Road. I came home for Easter Eve wrap up to a happy house hold- the Columbus Blue Jacket overtime play-off game…and they won! The good news is the late bedtime allowed children to fall asleep fast!
Stephen Applegate's words really touched me last night- we all know Easter is about new life, everlasting life, celebration of God's love and promise…..but the connection to our baptism, how we all are reborn in baptism and reminded when we celebrate a baptism and each Easter. Fresh starts abound because of our faith in Jesus Christ- the trinity surrounds us to lift us up and comfort us with this very very good news. I take this to heart on Newark-Granville Road and today life is about celebrating, smiling and soaking in that promise delivered….Allllehlia………can you hear us singing "Christ the Lord has Risen Today" that is what is happening on Newark-Granville Road right now. I hope you'll enjoy your Easter Sunday.
The kids will tell you our traditions are- an egg hunt somewhere, somehow, going to church, getting candy, Easter dinner, sugar cereal in our basket…..they do remember Easters in Maryland with Zion Egg Hunts, being in Baltimore and often Eater in conjunction with Spring Break. "The Country Bunny" is a big tradition and they love Nana having it memorized! I'm glad church did get in there! I have fond memories of Easter Sunrise services, walking all over town very pregnant with Peter in early labor- he arrived the next day- opening day of baseball. I also have fond memories of egg hunts at cocktail hours.
This Easter weekend included baseball- making Peter very happy and honestly this momma bunny. I love to watch him play- with 3 kids on 3 teams it can be a challenge to just sit and take in baseball. The game was moved yesterday and I'm grateful all the kids and parents made it happen- a 2 pm game was delightful way to spend the afternoon. Yesterday I attended the St. Luke Episcopal Church's Easter Vigil service to attend a baptism of friends' daughter and support her Godparents. What a treat. The service was full of scripture, music and old traditions (cantor) I don't experience often- a meaningful way to spend Easter Eve. The homily and baptism divine- life on Newark-Granville Road embraces baptism and the community/congregation's role with a baby's baptism. Accepting the vow to support as a non-church member, family member was touching to me. It reminded me of the dear children and families Joe and I are connected to in this way- we've very blessed on Newark-Granville Road. St. Luke's really is a lovely church- they are having an Easter Bonnet parade today, they have quite the celebration on a Saturday evening after a the Vigil service and most importantly beautiful people gathering to serve the Lord, a wonderful community of faith that supports this community and my life on Newark-Granville Road. I came home for Easter Eve wrap up to a happy house hold- the Columbus Blue Jacket overtime play-off game…and they won! The good news is the late bedtime allowed children to fall asleep fast!
Stephen Applegate's words really touched me last night- we all know Easter is about new life, everlasting life, celebration of God's love and promise…..but the connection to our baptism, how we all are reborn in baptism and reminded when we celebrate a baptism and each Easter. Fresh starts abound because of our faith in Jesus Christ- the trinity surrounds us to lift us up and comfort us with this very very good news. I take this to heart on Newark-Granville Road and today life is about celebrating, smiling and soaking in that promise delivered….Allllehlia………can you hear us singing "Christ the Lord has Risen Today" that is what is happening on Newark-Granville Road right now. I hope you'll enjoy your Easter Sunday.
Friday, April 18, 2014
an extended evening…..
the beauty of living in your college town…not just a college town….friend come back! Tonight was one of those special nights- a great friend of Joe (love when you like your friends by marriage and have things in common) was back with his two kids. We met at the end of the day- let the kids warm to one another and then we headed to town for dinner. Who knew the wait at Brews would be 50 minutes- giving the kids lots of warm to one another time. The best thing I did was give them a $5 bill to get a snack….the snack was good for waiting for food to be delivered too.
It was nice to introduce Todd to our cool Granville friends- people do cool things in this community- they're nice and interesting. You stand out on the sidewalk in front of Brews and people you know go by and say hi. Once we were in Brews we had a great meal- something for everything but still a made to order restaurant so chatting time, getting to know one another time. Our 4 kids (Peter at Bball) did great together. We found a passion for travel, spilling, music and the baseball that unites the Dads.
Life on Newark-Granville Road appreciated the wait, delay and time to spend with friends- we look forward to return visits, visiting our friends' hometown (NYC!!) and other Denisonians making their way to 1142 Newark-Granville Road!
It was nice to introduce Todd to our cool Granville friends- people do cool things in this community- they're nice and interesting. You stand out on the sidewalk in front of Brews and people you know go by and say hi. Once we were in Brews we had a great meal- something for everything but still a made to order restaurant so chatting time, getting to know one another time. Our 4 kids (Peter at Bball) did great together. We found a passion for travel, spilling, music and the baseball that unites the Dads.
Life on Newark-Granville Road appreciated the wait, delay and time to spend with friends- we look forward to return visits, visiting our friends' hometown (NYC!!) and other Denisonians making their way to 1142 Newark-Granville Road!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
50 years ago tonight…...
Three Cheers for all those involved in celebrating this remarkable story, for doing their best for us all being able to answer the question: Who was the first woman to fly around the world- solo? Jerrie Mock! Last year thanks to individuals working with the Licking County Foundation a statue of Jerrie Mock was unveiled at The Works: Ohio Center for History, Art and Technology. This morning The Columbus Foundation did a beautiful job with an unveiling of a statue of Jerrie for the Port Columbus Airport. Renate Fackler is the artist, Susan Reid is Jerrie's sister, Wendy Hollinger is the book publisher- all of these women have put countless hours into making sure we all can answer the question, learn the story and celebrate this remarkable accomplishment so inspiration can happen!! Life on Newark-Granville Road embraces this inspiration and story!!
By the way- Clare read the book- 38 Charlie and really enjoyed it- travel log, diary, journal- hmmmm maybe I need her to guest blog again…we'll see what she thinks after our time together tonight attending the re-enacting of the landing at CMH!
By the way- Clare read the book- 38 Charlie and really enjoyed it- travel log, diary, journal- hmmmm maybe I need her to guest blog again…we'll see what she thinks after our time together tonight attending the re-enacting of the landing at CMH!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
uniting to make a difference, executing a call…..
Connected to the book and the talk from last night about entrepreneurs- the heroes making a difference in the world, making things happen was my time with 100+women who care in Licking County. The group of women that unite their dollars to support organizations, the women that unite to share and learn about others making a difference in licking county with families, children, those that need that boost. What a wonderful night. I leave these gatherings so humbled, so inspired, feeling very blessed and grateful to the heroes that connect me- Amanda, Kelly, Ann, Katie, and the other woman I don't know that well but will insert your name when it is posted on the 100+women facebook site I hope….the couple that provide amazing foster care and share and providing programing…and all the women that wrote checks to help make the egg hunt happen, and the 3 year old boy get his bike, and my teammates….I could go on and on…..my life on Newark-Granville Road is very cool…I hope you'll consider joining this group- let me or any of the contacts on the website:
know if you want more info- you can just attend-in July we'll learn about how "Bridge Out of Poverty" will use the funds they received tonight and we'll learn about 3 more heroes and organizations making an impact in our community. Congratulations 100+women- 2 years old- thanks for being the heroes- heeding your call to help and help others help.
know if you want more info- you can just attend-in July we'll learn about how "Bridge Out of Poverty" will use the funds they received tonight and we'll learn about 3 more heroes and organizations making an impact in our community. Congratulations 100+women- 2 years old- thanks for being the heroes- heeding your call to help and help others help.
Monday, April 14, 2014
going up to the fair college on the hill…...
Tonight I'll connect with a Denison classmate- at Denison. It is always great to meet up with friends from our college days, it is all the sweeter when they are back in Granville! And this one is particularly special as our classmate- Dave Howitt- published a book- Heed Your Call. He had me at the title as I really do value "call" and spend some time with the concept. I read the book and really enjoyed it. I'm an extrovert so what I really like to do is talk about the book, share the book and best yet- interact with the author! So I'm sharing what is going on with my life on Newark-Granville Road right now….I'll blog more later or feel free to join me live and hear what David has to say too- tonight 6:30 pm All Amercian Room in the Mitchell Center. Want to know what else is happening at Denison or directions-
http://denison.edu if events are open to the public it says so! Sooo many good things happen up there-never enough time…kind of like the Works!! Lots of connections which isn't surprising as I'm called to support and engage both places in this life on Newark-Granville Road. More about the book and concepts Dave explores. http://www.heedyourcall.com
http://denison.edu if events are open to the public it says so! Sooo many good things happen up there-never enough time…kind of like the Works!! Lots of connections which isn't surprising as I'm called to support and engage both places in this life on Newark-Granville Road. More about the book and concepts Dave explores. http://www.heedyourcall.com
Sunday, April 13, 2014
waving the palms…..
It is Palm Sunday! I love Palm Sunday- it is about going to church, singing Hosanna, a community gathering with greenery and praise. It isn't about mysterious gifts or when and how- it just is. Okay maybe a little when, where how as it is life on Newark-Granville Road.
Right now we're dressed and ready- ready for a very special baptism at FPC- life's figure eight is in beautiful motion, angels watch over us and are with us as heaven is on earth to help unit and connect us. We're blessed to have Laura Freeman Krebbehenne in our life for all our years on Newark-Granville Road.
What a gorgeous weekend- walks to town twice- once with Sally, last night with Joe. Birthday gathering, incredible music, learning, uniting, supporting, talking, celebrating life and them impact we have one one another- God put us on this earth together to help one another and treat one another as the children of God we are.
I hope you have a wonderful day- we'll wrap up the day with family spaghetti dinner at the Nutcracker in Pataskala- fundraiser for Scott Ryan! Join us- 4:30-6:30! It is time to wave some palms and sing for the blessings on Newark-Granville Road.
Right now we're dressed and ready- ready for a very special baptism at FPC- life's figure eight is in beautiful motion, angels watch over us and are with us as heaven is on earth to help unit and connect us. We're blessed to have Laura Freeman Krebbehenne in our life for all our years on Newark-Granville Road.
What a gorgeous weekend- walks to town twice- once with Sally, last night with Joe. Birthday gathering, incredible music, learning, uniting, supporting, talking, celebrating life and them impact we have one one another- God put us on this earth together to help one another and treat one another as the children of God we are.
I hope you have a wonderful day- we'll wrap up the day with family spaghetti dinner at the Nutcracker in Pataskala- fundraiser for Scott Ryan! Join us- 4:30-6:30! It is time to wave some palms and sing for the blessings on Newark-Granville Road.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
looking back to prepare for Derby!
I've caught the "throw back Thursday" bug! I'm going to post the picture I put up on the blog- my goal is in April as we prepare for Derby to post all photos from the past with hats. I was quite the hat girl and for some time my kids were too! We'll see what I can find. This one caught my eye recently. It is a favorite. You know on "Life on Newark-Granville Road" I love to share the behind the scenes for photos- what was happening when this was taken. It may be - the kids were screaming and pulled it together, I chose these outfits because…. or simple place and time as I get older.
So Keeneland, October- to those that do not know much about horse racing- Keeneland is in Lexington, KY- the races run in April and October. It is one of the most beautiful places to take in a race, or see horses, or be in Kentucky. It is stone and green and gorgeous, the grounds are lovely and the southern civility here is simply beautiful. I lived in Maysville, Ky- an hour from Lexington - in the mid 90s. I moved there single and then started dating Joe- another story- connected to Derby!!
I visited Keeneland a number of times and absolutely loved it. So grateful to my friend Donna for making that happen. What fun to take a date/boyfriend to Keeneland- a guy who liked to gamble, appreciates the finer things in life- we had a great day. I dressed for this date in what I had- as I look at the photos I realize they were old stand-bys and favorites- a brown felt hat, a paisley Talbot's skirt, the Lands End barn jacket….the co-eds always inspired and delight when attending Keeneland- especially those boys in their blue blazers- just look at my handsome Joe.
So there you go- throw back Thursday with a hat and derby (horse, party, fun, hats) -inspiration- my life on Newark-Granville road has amazing memories to share on these days! We hope to see you on the 1st Saturday in May- May 3rd for our Derby Party!
So Keeneland, October- to those that do not know much about horse racing- Keeneland is in Lexington, KY- the races run in April and October. It is one of the most beautiful places to take in a race, or see horses, or be in Kentucky. It is stone and green and gorgeous, the grounds are lovely and the southern civility here is simply beautiful. I lived in Maysville, Ky- an hour from Lexington - in the mid 90s. I moved there single and then started dating Joe- another story- connected to Derby!!
I visited Keeneland a number of times and absolutely loved it. So grateful to my friend Donna for making that happen. What fun to take a date/boyfriend to Keeneland- a guy who liked to gamble, appreciates the finer things in life- we had a great day. I dressed for this date in what I had- as I look at the photos I realize they were old stand-bys and favorites- a brown felt hat, a paisley Talbot's skirt, the Lands End barn jacket….the co-eds always inspired and delight when attending Keeneland- especially those boys in their blue blazers- just look at my handsome Joe.
So there you go- throw back Thursday with a hat and derby (horse, party, fun, hats) -inspiration- my life on Newark-Granville road has amazing memories to share on these days! We hope to see you on the 1st Saturday in May- May 3rd for our Derby Party!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
getting ready for summer which means…SWIMTEAM…..join us!
This is the email I received about the upcoming swimteam season at MCC- thanks Carol for your hard work! Please let me know if you want to come play some bingo and hear about the fun program we have at MCC- April 23. All 3 Leithuasers are strong swimmers and comfortable in the water- this is largely due to swim team experience! Life on Newark-Granville Road loves being in the water and around the pool- join us!
What a fantastic MCC summer swimming experience we have ahead of us! Feel free to invite your friends!
What a fantastic MCC summer swimming experience we have ahead of us! Feel free to invite your friends!
Welcome back to your swimmer , your family, and welcome new learning, fun, and social experiences!!
I can't wait to meet and greet with much fondness the exact same excellent coaching staff from last year's team!
Head Coach: Robby Spichiger
Assistant Coaches Seth Stahl, Timmy Spichiger, Kelsey Haller, Kassandra Mestemaker, and Keely Lovern
We also welcome MCC board member Joe Leithauser as our representative on the board for the pool & tennis aspects of MCC. . We are so grateful to have 3 new board members whose children also swim on our team. This helps keep communications and ideas flowing! Many thanks to Joe Leithauser, Chris Eckels and Mike Biehle, among others, for their numerous volunteer hours spent making MCC a great place for families to spend many hours together swimming, golfing, dining, and playing tennis...etc....
The excitement is also a BUZZ with the addition of a new MCC Club manager, Joseph Moore. You will have a wonderful opportunity to meet him and experience his BINGO ( the best BINGO I have ever played ) on April 23rd! Joseph loves kids and families as will be very evident as the BINGO fun begins. So, bring your whole family to dine, play, get sized for suits, and kick off the season with swim team 2014 sign ups! Family buffet 5-8pm. BINGO from 6-7pm.
See you Wednesday April 23rd from 5-8pm. Come to sign up in person and start having fun with us! GO Piranhas!!
Monday, April 7, 2014
March Maddness…..
and the 2014 bracket winner on Newark-Granville Road is Joe Leithauser! We've been doing the family bracket a few times now and it really is fun. We all enjoy basketball- all 3 kids play, Joe coaches, I drive shuttle and cheer. It has been fun to talk about the schools, the decisions- it was fun to pick Creighton and talk with my kids about life in Omaha in the early 90s! I love how I connect March Madness with Spring break and was often the one finding the papers to pack or include in purse for Peter to update.
Reality is Joe led the pack with Peter a close second these past few weeks. Peter sums it up: "well, Sally was in 4th and Clare was trailing big. It was the Michigan game that Clare made her come back- you know that was an exciting game to watch and KY got lucky with that shot. It was the Florida loss that took Clare and me out of it and declared Dad/ Joe our winner.
A sweet moment for me - I was actually cheering for Michigan as Peter was so darn cute in his Michigan Tournament Jersey he received for his birthday gift from us- just in time to put it on for that Monday night game. I had picked KY but…..Also the news of Florida's loss. I did not watch that game which was kind of made the news all the sweeter- a little bonus in my awesome girls day on Saturday that did include basketball. The evening game had me sitting in a bar sipping a single malt watching KY make their come-back. Wants to see that now…..
Peter played another tourney with school pals and Joe participated in some others too- I didn't pay much attention to those- our family bracket made life on Newark-Granville road within March madness quite entertaining. Living in Kentucky for 2 years, Lexington is a favorite city to visit- I can't help but be thrilled to be yelling- go ya'll as I type tonight!
Reality is Joe led the pack with Peter a close second these past few weeks. Peter sums it up: "well, Sally was in 4th and Clare was trailing big. It was the Michigan game that Clare made her come back- you know that was an exciting game to watch and KY got lucky with that shot. It was the Florida loss that took Clare and me out of it and declared Dad/ Joe our winner.
A sweet moment for me - I was actually cheering for Michigan as Peter was so darn cute in his Michigan Tournament Jersey he received for his birthday gift from us- just in time to put it on for that Monday night game. I had picked KY but…..Also the news of Florida's loss. I did not watch that game which was kind of made the news all the sweeter- a little bonus in my awesome girls day on Saturday that did include basketball. The evening game had me sitting in a bar sipping a single malt watching KY make their come-back. Wants to see that now…..
Peter played another tourney with school pals and Joe participated in some others too- I didn't pay much attention to those- our family bracket made life on Newark-Granville road within March madness quite entertaining. Living in Kentucky for 2 years, Lexington is a favorite city to visit- I can't help but be thrilled to be yelling- go ya'll as I type tonight!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Derby Preperation 2014!
One month from today…..or per the Kentucky Derby Website- 29 days, 19 hours, 22 minutes…..http://www.kentuckyderby.com check it out for the most up to day count down to the 140th Run for the Roses……details are in the works for this annual event at 1142 Newark-Granville Road. I hope you will join us…here is what you need to know for 2014…..
1. Once invited always invited! We invited all of our wedding party in 1999 you never know who will show with their julep cup!
2. Party start time 4:30 this year…..come when you can- race is 6:24 ish……some say the party before is the most fun, some say it is more fun after….every year a bit different.
3. Bring the rain boots- help us ward off the rain/snow flurries and know the yard is filled with mud due to the Sewer Tap in project- fun fun!
4. Bring a dish to share…finger food- sweet or savory….we'll have the traditional drinks!
5. Friend and families welcome- kids have fun just playing
6. Not sure about the music yet- in the works- have a band that wants to play let us know!
7. start shopping or undusting your hats…..we love when you wear one- baseball, wide brim, fascinator….
We'll keep you posted- hope to see you on the 1st Saturday in May- May 3, 2014 for our annual event!
1. Once invited always invited! We invited all of our wedding party in 1999 you never know who will show with their julep cup!
2. Party start time 4:30 this year…..come when you can- race is 6:24 ish……some say the party before is the most fun, some say it is more fun after….every year a bit different.
3. Bring the rain boots- help us ward off the rain/snow flurries and know the yard is filled with mud due to the Sewer Tap in project- fun fun!
4. Bring a dish to share…finger food- sweet or savory….we'll have the traditional drinks!
5. Friend and families welcome- kids have fun just playing
6. Not sure about the music yet- in the works- have a band that wants to play let us know!
7. start shopping or undusting your hats…..we love when you wear one- baseball, wide brim, fascinator….
We'll keep you posted- hope to see you on the 1st Saturday in May- May 3, 2014 for our annual event!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
visiting The National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC…...
there are so many ways to engage with this topic. The first will be with Clare's perspective:
Guest Blogger: - Saturday (3/29/14) morning before we left DC- Clare
Leithauser, 13 yrs old.
On Thursday we went to the Portrait Gallery on a special
tour early in the morning. I didn’t think it was going to be that interesting
because lets just say I am not the biggest fan of art. When we got there we
went up this exhibit called American Cool. It was about famous Americans who
were “cool”. To be considered
“cool” they had to have 3 of 4 of special characteristics. The entire exhibit
was spread out through 6 galleries in chronological order starting with
Fredrick Douglas. Some of my favorite people were Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan,
and Jay Z, some of the more recent “cool” people. The exhibit was more
interesting than I thought. I liked looking at the pictures of people and
reading about them. The ones I could recognize were interesting to read about
and talk about. We also talked about what being “cool” really was. It was being
able to stay calm, which isn’t really how we use it today.
From Newark-Granville Road to DC….. The path has orgin with my childhood trips to DC. Any "in-service" or day off of school I recall going to DC. My parents embraced the easy drive from Hagerstown, MD and I have very fond memories on the mall and in museums. The trips to DC continued when Joe and I married and he loved the time and looked forward to adding those to when ever we were "back home." As soon as the kids were old enough we included them in exploring and revisiting the Smithsonian experiences. A number few years ago we made the Spring Break Trip about DC and had an absolute blast- this was before I went to work at The Works- a Smithsonian Affiliate. This year we made the call to return to Maryland for the Appalachian Trail trip and I decided to do something special for me. I reached out the the Affiliate Representative we have at The Works. What a delight it was to talk with her and she immediately recomended the tour of "American Cool." I followed her lead and couldn't be more pleased as she took me to the National Portrait Gallery- a museum I had never visited and one I highly recommend you visit!! The NPG is north of the mall and other Smithsonian destinations, probably why we hadn't gone there.
Why visit the Smithsonian- Donal W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture. We invited others affiliated with the Works to join us but that didn't work out- so the Leithauser family lucked out with our own tour. Now we'll do our best to share the fun we had and encourage you and other Works members to embrace this national treasure.
- It has a great metro stop (Gallery Place). And believe it or not we found parking right in front- it was amazing!
- You have the opportunity to focus on one aspect of art and really learn about it- portraiture. We engaged our brains and thought about art in a whole new way- the "sitter" and the painter, the interaction.
- American Cool is an exhibit that is very well done and shouldn't be missed. We highly encourage you to engage with a docent! The inside information about the curators choices and selection makes it all the more memorable and meaningful.
- The building itself is very inspiring:
- architecture, art, history and innovation - so Works like- the museum is housed in the original patent building, the 3rd floor held President Lincoln's Inaugural Ball!
- Kogod Courtyard- canopy of glass (again Works love showing through) is gorgeous and is quite a lovely place to relax, people watch and soak in the majesty all around.
- The Lunder Conservation Center - allows public viewing of preservation activity!
- so much incredible art- the American President's was a favorite but there were many more…I loved seeing Katherine Hepburn's Oscars with a stunning comfortable portrait. Peter loved the Champions (we all did actually) on the 3rd Floor's mezzanine.
- It is in in Washington DC- every American should visit our Nation's capital. There is so much to be be proud of, to honor and embrace as active citizens!!
Tips for your visit:
Know that Washington, DC really isn't that far and there is sooo much to do!
- First secure a Works Club level membership. This way you have the discounts- all Works members at this level are connected to the Smithsonian Affiliate membership. You'll get your own card and you'll get discounts in the cafeterias of all the museums and gift shops. Smithsonian museum entrance is free (although if you can make a donation- this really helps.)
- Consider the metro- kids LOVE it and they learn how to navigate a fun engineering wonder- it is safe and clean.
- Will will need to plan and pace your self- you can't do it all. Lots and lots and lots of museums, monuments and must-sees like the library of congress, the capital building, the white house, the archives…the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is another favorite- see manufacturing in action- making the money!! It is free- pick up tickets in the morning.
- http://npg.si.edu/inform/visit.html plan ahead, be prepared!
- http://washington.org
I could go on and on about our trip and fun, pointers, recommendations but I'll say my life on Newark-Granville Road is much richer because of this incredible family trip. I value and appreciate The Works: Ohio Center for History, Art and Technology for connecting me to the NPG- the works mission is to inspire and prepare the future workforce…..last week's visit to the Portrait Gallery did that over and over again. Thanks for reading and sharing this trip with me- I look forward to hearing about your visit and which portrait is your favorite!
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