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Sunday, June 14, 2015

life in the office.

I wish I remembered where I bought this lamp.
I remember when I bought the lamp and declared I wanted to be able to use it at work. I wanted an office that the lamp would fit and be accepted.  My ten years in corporate America- the automotive industry- evokes thoughts  of grays, neutrals.  At the time I felt a lamp like this was not appropriate. So when I bought the lamp I bought it as part of my transition to a different work world.

The first office the lamp donned was in Colwell House at Denison.  I had the office under the narrow stairs, in the space of the grand old stair case of the transitioned farmhouse- dining hall- office building.  When I interviewed for the job- I was shown the space with trepidation- the attitude seemed to be- why would anyone want to work in a small space.  To me it was perfect- I've always like old houses so working in an old house, in a college town, on a college campus with a lamp like this - perfection! Due to moves and shifts I snagged an incredible office overlooking chapel walk with a full wall of window.  The lamp looked particularly good there. And when we moved to Burton-Morgan the lamp went with me.  The new building was a bit more sophisticated and had more of a corporate/work professional feel with the furniture, nonetheless the liberal arts value of individualism and the division's roots from a farmhouse prevailed and the lamp blended right in on the 1st floor.

When I left Denison and the work in the Alumni Event world I packed up the lamp and there it stayed. I considered putting in a room- bequesting it to a daughter-but that was not what the lamp represented to me and away it stayed.  My next professional home was The Works: Ohio Center for History, Art and Science- a museum, an education center- with energy, class and character- just like my lamp!  The office with big book shelves was well suited for the lamp and me.  Again due to a happy circumstance my office moved across the hall and into the light. A wall of window to observe the guests making their way to the museum. A wonderful special place with very fond memories of catch-ups, plans and work to support an incredible place.

And  now the lamp is on the 5th floor of Burton-Morgan at Denison. The lamp joins my figure eight recycle back to the hill.  I've completed week four of the new job and am in the right place.  Our 25th Reunion, the parent receptions for June O and my orientation provided opportunities to reflect and affirm my call.  The lamp looks great and was the base for the other items that made their way to make the office my own.  Take a look at my life on Newark-Granville Road in the office on the hill in the photos below and let me know what you think. Better yet- come see my in person- you are welcome any time!  Work phone 740 587 5547.

As I type and reflect on the Federal-Mogul offices- if I was there today the lamp would work.  In Omaha in the Service Center Manager space, in Southfield's call center- even a cubical can have touches like this. The Maysville KY Human Resources Manager office I'm there now as I type - good times, challenging times- continued growth and confidence that help put me where I am today. I wrapped up my tenure with FM working out of our home in Granview. I traveled the country and globe delivering training. Charming and sweet I believe that is where the lamp was first procured and the notion of an artistic, colorful work environment was a fit for me.  Life is filled with twists and turns- it is nice to have this light with me and a story to share.


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