Our trip was a whirlwind and provides many topics for the blog, however I'm tired and it is time for bed. This entry will simply be an encouragement to visit the Greenbreir and write a letter or journal entry of your own from this space. And I will share a few of the delights encountered during our escape to WVA! If you have been to "America's resort" allow this entry and these photos to take you back.
We had another fantastic visit. The girls were delighted with the care we and the staff at the resort provided before they spend three weeks in rustic albeit beautiful surroundings. We enjoyed the quality time together before being a part for three weeks. We all enjoyed being with me when I'm at the Greenbrier- I relax and feel a million miles away and revel in the color, design, hospitality, charm, history, and taste. We ate well, swam, talked, laughed and enjoyed the view. We saw an old friend and made a new one- all with Denison connections! I exercised early this am with a walk/run taking in the preparations for the Greenbrier Classic Golf Tournament. I returned to the nature trail along Howard's Creek and did some yoga, strength and mediation. And you know what else I found- a bathing suit! It has been years since I found and bought a suit I like. We took in the new construction, had pool time, reading time and time to just be! And I wrote some letters and made some notes- nothing work related- just about my life this weekend not on Newark-Granville Road but at the Greenbrier where I was welcomed back with delight.
And now it is "sleepy time" on Newark-Granville Road.

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