The waves were indeed bigger and bolder…a storm came through overnight with a gift of fun wave jumping for the late morning beach time. In the water- declaration of "AIR tiME" "ssublime sea time", squeals and ahhhhs, motions of twirls, dives, ohhh-ahhhhs, splash, plunck,….it was beautiful, thrilling and fun! Scary from the beach for the moms- but once in exhilarating! And lots of returning to the beach house to rinse sand and stone!
The breeze on the beach- we never got hot, we read, we walked, we enjoyed the water that had an inviting temp! It was a great way to wrap up a wonderful family gathering with all of most of us now really under one roof. It was hard to leave and the last day made it all exponential - my float in the pool at the end of the day- peaceful with blue skies bluer than ever. The colors of all things around me- painted chairs on the balcony - vibrant and bright!
We were done cooking so our last night- dinner out! Not perfect hard shell MD blue crabs but good enough. The ritual and time together wonderful. The savory, spicy flavor and process of picking- priceless! This Ohio girl embraced every chance to put a piece of crab into my mouth- followed by the twang of old bay seasoning and the feel of messy crabby fingers so yummy! (Bonus- the women's bathroom had a salt or a sugar scrub to get rid of the smell of lingering crab- it worked- we all loved it!! Yay Dick's!)
Life on Newark-Granville Road loves when childhood good times marry with the current experience- today was one of those days. The week's vacation was awesome. Knowing it will be a year until we return and each opportunity to be in this moment with sand, sea and family together makes it all the more special- I say thank you and savor allowing it all to be brighter and most beautiful day of all.
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Thursday, July 30, 2015
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Summertime- we're on vacation….
Okay a highlight of my kids lives - Disney's High School Musical. Tonight after a fantastic dinner we were hanging in the living room of the beach house doing various things- five and five- I rub your neck, you rub mine, watching the Nationals, playing a board game, general chit-chat. Clare was on her phone and was soooo excited to get the result "High School Musical" from an on-line quiz. She went around and gave everyone the quiz- What Musical are You? Matt ended up with Footloose, I was BeeHive, Joe- Greese and the others- HSM. Well Pap asked the question- High School Musical-does it have good music? It was like a queue from a musical- all three kids in the room stood up and broke in to uniform song, then songs…it was darling! The parents know the music too but not each word, not the motions like Clare, Peter and Grace! So sweet and fun! The littles made their way up from the lower level - no doubt hearing the call of the lyrics and joined their talented cousins under the TV. Pap and Nana kind of know some of the music but not really- but they love seeing their grand kids passionate and happy about music. Pretty wholesome fun music too.
I remember vaguely the HSM debut and how much the kids liked it. When the 2nd came out we were all excited. In fact it debuted with an event of Sarah and Greg's wedding. We made sure they could watch from Greg's parents house- very sweet and accommodating as I think about it. Fun times that make me smile.
Vacation with the family- not always simple, easy but very worthwhile and nights like these, important part of our lives on Newark-Granville Road…at the beach!
I remember vaguely the HSM debut and how much the kids liked it. When the 2nd came out we were all excited. In fact it debuted with an event of Sarah and Greg's wedding. We made sure they could watch from Greg's parents house- very sweet and accommodating as I think about it. Fun times that make me smile.
Vacation with the family- not always simple, easy but very worthwhile and nights like these, important part of our lives on Newark-Granville Road…at the beach!
willing the crabs…..
Matthew and I both wanted a soft shell crab sandwich….and by golly our favorite Ocracoke restaurant had it as a special. We talked about our plans for the day- Ocracoke ferry, the book store on the island and then where to for lunch? We LOVE Howards but prefer to eat outside, water side. Our recent tradition is the Jolly Pirate- we know the drill, like the location - on the water- and they have parking. But would they have soft shells? We made the decision to go here regardless. Sarah found "our spot" as she has for years and we ordered our pitcher of Yunelging! (this was Dawn's priority for our lunch choice) looked at the special menu and rejoiced! I believe we willed it to happen!
Traditions works, the kids love the ferry ride, the quick shopping before we board and the time in all the places mentioned above to fulfill the promised processes. We added the Apple Ugly and donuts from Orange Blossom Baker this year. It took longer than planned, caused some stress and provided quality catch-up time. We ended up tailgating at the ferry line and loved each bite of the warm, cinnamon, fresh baked deliciousness.
We did not do it all this trip- time never allows. We did what worked for us- some of us climbed the lighthouse, some of us sailed, some of us went to the liquor store, some of us swam every day in the ocean, the pool both, some of us shopped, some of us read and finished books, some of us sang or produced or contributed in our ways to a show, some of us slept in, some of us put new shoes on Martha, some of us surfed, some of us were first at happy hour, all of us embraced family time at the beach, put sand in our shoes and everywhere else and we all look forward to coming back to Avon, NC's the lost lobsta!
Monday, July 27, 2015
Sand, Saltwater and Stoner time!
Ahhhh the beach, ahhhh all under one roof- at least for 3 meals a day (Dawn and Matt are at the condo Joe's throw from the house- the lost lobsta! It feels so good to be south of Newark-Granville Road and at the beach with my parents, siblings, nieces….we jump right into great routines highlights include:
-swimming in the ocean- yes we are, despite shark summer! We're being smart and not going way out, swimming together but we love the salt water, waves and release the ocean provides!
-sitting on the beach- catching up, walking, talking, reading, sleeping, playing- 1st day activity, 2nd day activity….
-dinners, breakfast by Nana, amazing lunch options. Nothing is perfect we had to "coach" kids on too much sand in a shower, clean-up expectations, teamwork/ supporting one another- Peter was locked out, Clare's phone taken….but so many fun times together!
-this year we added sailing. Pap loves to sail and wanted to introduce the grand kids to the activity. I have fond memories and confidence in a sleuth thanks to those times. This morning Matt with two bigs and Daddy and I with Peter took the bay in catamarans- good times! We put the kids in captain roles and helped them get a feel for rudder and sail- making memories, building skills. There really is nothing like it, it came back pretty easily if I do say so myself!

-swimming in the ocean- yes we are, despite shark summer! We're being smart and not going way out, swimming together but we love the salt water, waves and release the ocean provides!
-sitting on the beach- catching up, walking, talking, reading, sleeping, playing- 1st day activity, 2nd day activity….
-dinners, breakfast by Nana, amazing lunch options. Nothing is perfect we had to "coach" kids on too much sand in a shower, clean-up expectations, teamwork/ supporting one another- Peter was locked out, Clare's phone taken….but so many fun times together!
-this year we added sailing. Pap loves to sail and wanted to introduce the grand kids to the activity. I have fond memories and confidence in a sleuth thanks to those times. This morning Matt with two bigs and Daddy and I with Peter took the bay in catamarans- good times! We put the kids in captain roles and helped them get a feel for rudder and sail- making memories, building skills. There really is nothing like it, it came back pretty easily if I do say so myself!

Sunday, July 26, 2015
the drive…..
We made it! I sit in the king size bed of the rental property, listening to the ocean, happy to be in one zip code with my family. (So Mom's wish of all under one roof is hard with 14 of us, so most of us are under one roof, two of us are in a condo down the block….)
The day started at 4 am for me, my natural wake up- was it time, was it time my brain was declaring like a child on Christmas morning- I was so excited to get the girls from camp. We knew Clare was happy and fine- jury still out on Sally. No reason other than over care, over thinking- the letters all great, photos, even a letter from counselor saying all good….plus I missed her! Camp pick up was wonderful and fabulous. All is great, pictures will tell the story later but for now the big part of the day was a success.
We followed our usual plan- return girls to hotel, let them shower. This year we were in Lewisburg at the General Lewis Inn- very Buxton like- antiques, simple with a fantastic setting. We had breakfast on the front porch- delicious yummy breakfast to make it all perfect! The girls did what they needed and we gathered as a family before joining the Stoner complete family at the beach. But to do that…we needed to drive.
Eight hours to the Outer Banks. We selected a new route- it looked scenic and it was the hypotenuse! It was scenic, curvy. It took us to Appomattox Courthouse! Bonus- not in the plan, but we seized the opportunity and added a love to do for us- see history in person. The kids did not understand but they went with it. We all watched the movie at the National Park - attentively. We all felt the reverence in our own way! Walking the path Lee and Grant took that important day.
Back in the car- I took the front seat - not the plan- so I could charge my phone while going on line to pre-register for Camp Allehgany next year! Both girls want to return for their own reasons and we want to make it happen. Technology is simply amazing. At camp pick-up…we were a t-t early- we were talking with the former counselors about life with a pay phone in the counselor bunk house- wow! The use of letters to really know what was going on and we all agreed the campers must remain in this old school place where relationships on the Greenbrier river rise above all else and the world takes a time out for a few weeks.
So after a sought after break I returned to the back seat with Sally and Peter. This was the right formation. I had quality time with Sally- talking, touching, cuddling. Peter could get comfy with me- I put my hand over his eyes to attempted nap. I was the easy referee in a unusual crammed space for them. Martha was full to the gills with two trunks, golf clubs, vacation and camp supplies. No way- back for this trip. Clare happy as can be in the front on her phone catching back up to the world that went on without her in Ohio for three weeks.
So even Sally, happy to be reunited, ran out of stories. She also has a cold and her voice is shot. Not being able to read in the dim back seat I turned to Face book and catch-up. I've added three new friends on Facebook- reconnecting with various people from the past thirty years- all triggered by good weekend gatherings!
I really believe the last 30 minutes of any road trip journey are the worst- we all wanted to be here. I was over done- the touching, cuddling, quality time in the back seat was over. The kids were punchy, silly and down right annoying. It was two hours way past Saturday cocktail hour and we all needed to be done with the drive getting us to vacation in our lives on Newark-Granville Road.
We arrived safely. Within ten minutes drinks were poured, within twenty the car unloaded and happy reunited family was together and catching up to commence this year's vacation. Vacation or Trip- more on that perspective at this point in our lives at a future time as I share my life on Newark-Granville Road!

The day started at 4 am for me, my natural wake up- was it time, was it time my brain was declaring like a child on Christmas morning- I was so excited to get the girls from camp. We knew Clare was happy and fine- jury still out on Sally. No reason other than over care, over thinking- the letters all great, photos, even a letter from counselor saying all good….plus I missed her! Camp pick up was wonderful and fabulous. All is great, pictures will tell the story later but for now the big part of the day was a success.
We followed our usual plan- return girls to hotel, let them shower. This year we were in Lewisburg at the General Lewis Inn- very Buxton like- antiques, simple with a fantastic setting. We had breakfast on the front porch- delicious yummy breakfast to make it all perfect! The girls did what they needed and we gathered as a family before joining the Stoner complete family at the beach. But to do that…we needed to drive.
Eight hours to the Outer Banks. We selected a new route- it looked scenic and it was the hypotenuse! It was scenic, curvy. It took us to Appomattox Courthouse! Bonus- not in the plan, but we seized the opportunity and added a love to do for us- see history in person. The kids did not understand but they went with it. We all watched the movie at the National Park - attentively. We all felt the reverence in our own way! Walking the path Lee and Grant took that important day.
Back in the car- I took the front seat - not the plan- so I could charge my phone while going on line to pre-register for Camp Allehgany next year! Both girls want to return for their own reasons and we want to make it happen. Technology is simply amazing. At camp pick-up…we were a t-t early- we were talking with the former counselors about life with a pay phone in the counselor bunk house- wow! The use of letters to really know what was going on and we all agreed the campers must remain in this old school place where relationships on the Greenbrier river rise above all else and the world takes a time out for a few weeks.
So after a sought after break I returned to the back seat with Sally and Peter. This was the right formation. I had quality time with Sally- talking, touching, cuddling. Peter could get comfy with me- I put my hand over his eyes to attempted nap. I was the easy referee in a unusual crammed space for them. Martha was full to the gills with two trunks, golf clubs, vacation and camp supplies. No way- back for this trip. Clare happy as can be in the front on her phone catching back up to the world that went on without her in Ohio for three weeks.
So even Sally, happy to be reunited, ran out of stories. She also has a cold and her voice is shot. Not being able to read in the dim back seat I turned to Face book and catch-up. I've added three new friends on Facebook- reconnecting with various people from the past thirty years- all triggered by good weekend gatherings!
I really believe the last 30 minutes of any road trip journey are the worst- we all wanted to be here. I was over done- the touching, cuddling, quality time in the back seat was over. The kids were punchy, silly and down right annoying. It was two hours way past Saturday cocktail hour and we all needed to be done with the drive getting us to vacation in our lives on Newark-Granville Road.
We arrived safely. Within ten minutes drinks were poured, within twenty the car unloaded and happy reunited family was together and catching up to commence this year's vacation. Vacation or Trip- more on that perspective at this point in our lives at a future time as I share my life on Newark-Granville Road!

Monday, July 20, 2015
What is for Dinner…..Leithauser's turn in the kitchen
We keep it pretty simple- shrimp- steamed shrimp, peel and eats! Cole Slaw, fries….we add the fun with a good appetizer- artichoke dip and then a fun desert- went with Pap's favorite- tapioca! Then for the kids- chocolate pudding. I found pretty serving dishes and we called it done! We devored all 5 lbs of shrimp, the appetizers and all serving of dessert! Dinner done- now to enjoy the rest of my siblings and mother's cooking! Life on Newark-Granville Road at the beach- yummy and good times around the tables!
That was written on Monday night of vacation - here were the rest of the menus:
Saturday arrival was beef bourguignon- Mom does it ahead and then thaws for nights with travel- beach, camp fire- it all is delicious! appetizers from favorite places like Gordon's Grocery!
Sunday Sarah did her bbq chicken, that was crispy and grilled perfect! A salad with cilantro we all loved, corn on the cob!
Tuesday- Mexican- Dawn with help had awesome white Enchiladas, rice, beans, salsa and guac. She did a fried ice cream desert that we all raved and licked our plates over- recipe will be shared and repeated in Ohio! An extra bonus- a beach ball pinnate for an activity! That was new this year and very well received. I added some cocktail fun with the cucumber margaritas from Day Noche- I'm grateful the recipe was shared. I did OK with them- not exactly but pretty close! I served them in the small glasses. I also made Sangria- festive, fun and very summary!
Wednesday team effort with Mom leading leading the effort with flank steak, twice baked potatoes, salad,brownies for dessert and Sarah's buffalo chicken dip that we all look forward to having.
Sarah is quite the cook as Thursday she did the steamed clams in broth that has my mouth watering as I type. Mom made a fried fish and we added rice, fresh broccoli, sliced tomatoes and called it another great meal!
By Friday we were done- dinner out - we did steamed crabs - ahhhhhh yummy! Not as good as what you get in MD but since I spend my days on Newark-Granville Road I'll take what I can get.
We eat well at the beach and enjoy preparing a good dinner in the relaxed nature of vacation.
That was written on Monday night of vacation - here were the rest of the menus:
Saturday arrival was beef bourguignon- Mom does it ahead and then thaws for nights with travel- beach, camp fire- it all is delicious! appetizers from favorite places like Gordon's Grocery!
Sunday Sarah did her bbq chicken, that was crispy and grilled perfect! A salad with cilantro we all loved, corn on the cob!
Tuesday- Mexican- Dawn with help had awesome white Enchiladas, rice, beans, salsa and guac. She did a fried ice cream desert that we all raved and licked our plates over- recipe will be shared and repeated in Ohio! An extra bonus- a beach ball pinnate for an activity! That was new this year and very well received. I added some cocktail fun with the cucumber margaritas from Day Noche- I'm grateful the recipe was shared. I did OK with them- not exactly but pretty close! I served them in the small glasses. I also made Sangria- festive, fun and very summary!
Wednesday team effort with Mom leading leading the effort with flank steak, twice baked potatoes, salad,brownies for dessert and Sarah's buffalo chicken dip that we all look forward to having.
Sarah is quite the cook as Thursday she did the steamed clams in broth that has my mouth watering as I type. Mom made a fried fish and we added rice, fresh broccoli, sliced tomatoes and called it another great meal!
By Friday we were done- dinner out - we did steamed crabs - ahhhhhh yummy! Not as good as what you get in MD but since I spend my days on Newark-Granville Road I'll take what I can get.
We eat well at the beach and enjoy preparing a good dinner in the relaxed nature of vacation.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
where is Susan?
I'm here, I have not traveled for work yet but I have been working!! And keeping the dance in motion….facebook usually is a good way to keep up with my life on Newark-Granville Road, not the case this week! For those that care and following along, I have:
-participated in amazing conference here in Granville. Denison hosted fellow Major Gift Officers from primarily the northeast and mid-Atlantic states - what a treat to hear their reaction to our charming town and fair college on the hill. I was inspired and filled with great lessons- wonderful week! Proud of the department I work within that hosted these 95 folks!!
-loved the mail delivery - many letters from SALLY and a few from Clare. I think there may be a competition there- two envelopes from Sally yesterday- one short and sweet. She has taken to sending us her targets from rifelry- proud mamma. Letters from Camp will be a blog entry all of its own soon!
-been working with the contractor! Steve Flowers' crew from CS Construction is doing a great job with our basement project. No one ones to work on things like basements- I will get my screened in porch some day. However now that we're seeing what will be in the future it is exciting- big project, never done, always twists and turns….again future blog entry to coach anyone through what we've experienced. I'm actually looking forward to executing the plan for decor we have mapped out for that space…stay tuned!
-volunteered bit with church and The Works- looking forward to the Denison table at Festa Bianco and that whole night that will be here soon. And that leads to getting excited for Seafood Fest- dear friends have dressed me- MCC pals- make your reservations August 22nd!! And I've swung a golf club a few times with the Friday night league. Fun to watch Peter embracing this life long sport and soak up quality parent time- mostly Joe!!
That is a good summary for now of what keeps me busy- I always enjoy connecting and catching up with friends that make my life special on Newark-Granville Road.
-participated in amazing conference here in Granville. Denison hosted fellow Major Gift Officers from primarily the northeast and mid-Atlantic states - what a treat to hear their reaction to our charming town and fair college on the hill. I was inspired and filled with great lessons- wonderful week! Proud of the department I work within that hosted these 95 folks!!
-loved the mail delivery - many letters from SALLY and a few from Clare. I think there may be a competition there- two envelopes from Sally yesterday- one short and sweet. She has taken to sending us her targets from rifelry- proud mamma. Letters from Camp will be a blog entry all of its own soon!
-been working with the contractor! Steve Flowers' crew from CS Construction is doing a great job with our basement project. No one ones to work on things like basements- I will get my screened in porch some day. However now that we're seeing what will be in the future it is exciting- big project, never done, always twists and turns….again future blog entry to coach anyone through what we've experienced. I'm actually looking forward to executing the plan for decor we have mapped out for that space…stay tuned!
-volunteered bit with church and The Works- looking forward to the Denison table at Festa Bianco and that whole night that will be here soon. And that leads to getting excited for Seafood Fest- dear friends have dressed me- MCC pals- make your reservations August 22nd!! And I've swung a golf club a few times with the Friday night league. Fun to watch Peter embracing this life long sport and soak up quality parent time- mostly Joe!!
That is a good summary for now of what keeps me busy- I always enjoy connecting and catching up with friends that make my life special on Newark-Granville Road.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Festa Bianco - August 1st Party @ The Works!! Make your reservation….
Buy your tickets now! August 1st is going to be a beautiful wonderful night and you will be disappointed if you only read about it on my blog…..why…..
-The Works volunteers and staff apply the essence of the museum- innovation, education, fun, elegance, great taste, partnership, community engagement into every event so no event should ever be missed.
-But this is the 1st one- the start of something very special and cool! Festa Bianco- party, light, bright, crisp and clean….with Italian theme to it. Know about Fete Blanc- this is the Licking County/ Works way to do it!
-Want to know more ask me- I'm on the committee being led by bright, dedicated young people- Sarah Schaab, Ashley Curl- woo hoo- you go girls! What an delight to get to know you. Sally Heckman, Matt Miller, Heather Downes, Andrew Guanciale, Kim Downs, Pat Jeffries- fellow committee members- you rock.
-So many ways to engage, support, give and enjoy at this event- you won't want to miss it. There are already over 150 signed up- in the summer, during a busy time- yes- way to go!! The Sponsors are amazing, Palumbo's food will be incredible….downtown Newark, this incredible education center- all need our support, every dollar, every volunteer hour matters!
-Other things going on- we get it- try to do both if you can…..The night will go on- dinner is sit down, family style- it will be fun- a seat can be saved for you…we will dance, we will laugh, we will catch up and we will make a difference.
Thanks for reading- my life on Newark-Granville Road is all the better because of opportunities like Festa Bianco!
Buy your tickets now! August 1st is going to be a beautiful wonderful night and you will be disappointed if you only read about it on my blog…..why…..
-The Works volunteers and staff apply the essence of the museum- innovation, education, fun, elegance, great taste, partnership, community engagement into every event so no event should ever be missed.
-But this is the 1st one- the start of something very special and cool! Festa Bianco- party, light, bright, crisp and clean….with Italian theme to it. Know about Fete Blanc- this is the Licking County/ Works way to do it!
-Want to know more ask me- I'm on the committee being led by bright, dedicated young people- Sarah Schaab, Ashley Curl- woo hoo- you go girls! What an delight to get to know you. Sally Heckman, Matt Miller, Heather Downes, Andrew Guanciale, Kim Downs, Pat Jeffries- fellow committee members- you rock.
-So many ways to engage, support, give and enjoy at this event- you won't want to miss it. There are already over 150 signed up- in the summer, during a busy time- yes- way to go!! The Sponsors are amazing, Palumbo's food will be incredible….downtown Newark, this incredible education center- all need our support, every dollar, every volunteer hour matters!
-Other things going on- we get it- try to do both if you can…..The night will go on- dinner is sit down, family style- it will be fun- a seat can be saved for you…we will dance, we will laugh, we will catch up and we will make a difference.
Thanks for reading- my life on Newark-Granville Road is all the better because of opportunities like Festa Bianco!
Monday, July 6, 2015
happy birthday to me…..
Yes my birthday falls at a fantastic time of year! Over the years we've celebrated in a variety of ways often including sparklers and fireworks depending on the day of the week and the vacation schedule. When I search birthdays in past blog post "baseball" makes a repeat appearence. The holiday makes it festive and for years now includes quality family time at Apple Valley. Once again this year I've been blessed with wonderful sentiments and care to make me feel very special. It has been a very happy birthday in my life on Newark-Granville Road.
It has been a very special fourth. We certainly miss our girls but know they are having fun at camp! The weekend started with a letter from both girls- in one envelope. When we arrived home today- Monday- holiday for me woo hoo- there was another letter from Clare- she needed a few things. She was wise and opened with "Sally and I are both doing great". Last year with the broken ankle- mine- we went to Apple Valley for R+R and fantastic hospitality. So this year I really wanted to enjoy Granville's 4th and take advantage of local hospitality. And that we did- our life is filled with beautiful opportunities to connect with the good folks in this community and our festive celebration! We also enjoyed spending my whole birthday at the lake! We missed Will and Scott but the different dynamic worked just fine.
Some highlights and traditions during the 4th of July 2015 on Newark-Granville Road…..
-fireworks! We enjoy the festive atmosphere of Granville Fireworks, however we like to high tail it back to watch from afar. We rode our bikes to the party but returned just as dusk settled in to park our bikes and take a car to the top of Bryn Du. This year is was quite festive with young families following suit to avoid the loud bangs and booms and have easy access to bed time.
-fireworks outside of the community- we love to enjoy the fireworks on the water with good friends but this year we drove north after a full day of 4th of July in Granville taking in many shows at a distance from the road - pretty in their own way.
-Granville's 4th family games! new this year- something I've heard about but never seen up close and personal. Embracing the spirit we joined the fun- I have the skinned elbow from the three-legged race with Peter to prove it. I'm fine and in awe of the athletic ability of the sack racers, egg tossers, three legged movers/skippers and even the egg-spoon run! All ages were pretty impressive. Our community once again shines with this charm taking in the collective oohs and ahhs, cheers and claps.
-FireCracker Five- proud of Joe and Peter for crossing the finish line- so many great folks to cheer on at the Burg/New Burg intersection. Yay Granville Rotary for this five mile footrace year after year.
-Peter's support of the fair experience- he stood in all the lines to keep our process moving- god love this kid! We had a nice Ferris wheel ride- such a great place to people watch, see the layout of our village and chat with your 13 year old.
-great treats- the parties and the food- festive and delicious. Joe made our oriental slaw for the first party. He also delivered a wonderful birthday breakfast. I made the blueberry buckle and Ann had the best grilled salmon for my birthday dinner! Up and down our road and even across the lake we enjoyed the great cuisine of hosts and party goers- thank you.
-Birthday Swim for the Apple Valley Swim team! Our ranks grew with two new members- woo hoo! I kayaked over- I am the coach and this was a great vantage. Joe usually paddles but wanted to swim this go around. On the way back new member Beth took the boat and I enjoyed a swim. While swimming and observing Ann on the paddle board I committed to trying at the end of the journey. She picked up the vibe and made the call to swim to shore - I took on the board- my first time- good times!
-The mile long parade- a tradition we've taken in at various ways and are grateful for company and hosts over the years. It seemed particularly great this year- maybe we just know more people involved and value their efforts to delight and celebrate the important day!
I could keep on typing but will wrap it up. The birthday itself is rolled in to the holiday fun. I've opened beautiful gifts, and meaningful cards, been delighted by calls and song and facebook posts. Life on Newark-Granville Road has a very happy birthday girl because of all the good people reaching out to make it so- thank you.
It has been a very special fourth. We certainly miss our girls but know they are having fun at camp! The weekend started with a letter from both girls- in one envelope. When we arrived home today- Monday- holiday for me woo hoo- there was another letter from Clare- she needed a few things. She was wise and opened with "Sally and I are both doing great". Last year with the broken ankle- mine- we went to Apple Valley for R+R and fantastic hospitality. So this year I really wanted to enjoy Granville's 4th and take advantage of local hospitality. And that we did- our life is filled with beautiful opportunities to connect with the good folks in this community and our festive celebration! We also enjoyed spending my whole birthday at the lake! We missed Will and Scott but the different dynamic worked just fine.
Some highlights and traditions during the 4th of July 2015 on Newark-Granville Road…..
-fireworks! We enjoy the festive atmosphere of Granville Fireworks, however we like to high tail it back to watch from afar. We rode our bikes to the party but returned just as dusk settled in to park our bikes and take a car to the top of Bryn Du. This year is was quite festive with young families following suit to avoid the loud bangs and booms and have easy access to bed time.
-fireworks outside of the community- we love to enjoy the fireworks on the water with good friends but this year we drove north after a full day of 4th of July in Granville taking in many shows at a distance from the road - pretty in their own way.
-Granville's 4th family games! new this year- something I've heard about but never seen up close and personal. Embracing the spirit we joined the fun- I have the skinned elbow from the three-legged race with Peter to prove it. I'm fine and in awe of the athletic ability of the sack racers, egg tossers, three legged movers/skippers and even the egg-spoon run! All ages were pretty impressive. Our community once again shines with this charm taking in the collective oohs and ahhs, cheers and claps.
-FireCracker Five- proud of Joe and Peter for crossing the finish line- so many great folks to cheer on at the Burg/New Burg intersection. Yay Granville Rotary for this five mile footrace year after year.
-Peter's support of the fair experience- he stood in all the lines to keep our process moving- god love this kid! We had a nice Ferris wheel ride- such a great place to people watch, see the layout of our village and chat with your 13 year old.
-great treats- the parties and the food- festive and delicious. Joe made our oriental slaw for the first party. He also delivered a wonderful birthday breakfast. I made the blueberry buckle and Ann had the best grilled salmon for my birthday dinner! Up and down our road and even across the lake we enjoyed the great cuisine of hosts and party goers- thank you.
-Birthday Swim for the Apple Valley Swim team! Our ranks grew with two new members- woo hoo! I kayaked over- I am the coach and this was a great vantage. Joe usually paddles but wanted to swim this go around. On the way back new member Beth took the boat and I enjoyed a swim. While swimming and observing Ann on the paddle board I committed to trying at the end of the journey. She picked up the vibe and made the call to swim to shore - I took on the board- my first time- good times!
-The mile long parade- a tradition we've taken in at various ways and are grateful for company and hosts over the years. It seemed particularly great this year- maybe we just know more people involved and value their efforts to delight and celebrate the important day!
I could keep on typing but will wrap it up. The birthday itself is rolled in to the holiday fun. I've opened beautiful gifts, and meaningful cards, been delighted by calls and song and facebook posts. Life on Newark-Granville Road has a very happy birthday girl because of all the good people reaching out to make it so- thank you.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
perfect night for a vodka tonic and a game of tennis
Yes- simple things- back on the tennis court, competitive match of Canadian Doubles on this Canada day, happiness to see Peter have a real game (that kicked in during 2nd set not when he was my partner) and dinner outside starting with a vodka tonic. I love the long days and evenings with daylight. When departed the club tonight and it was still light- 9:25 pm! We watched a beautiful organ almost full moon rise. We miss the girls but embrace a compact family during this time and enjoy engaging with our middle child. Life on Newark-Granville Road in the summer, welcome July and active happy nights- cheers!
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