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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

actions of love....from an 11 year old to the downtown Newark-Community

I will crawl into my bed and sleep so very well in my own bed.  Not only because I'm happy to be home in my own bed but the day has been full and filled with love and there is nothing better than a tired happy, happiness that warms your soul.

Love filled activities in my life on Newark-Granville Road....
-Watching Clare's basketball team- last home game.  They won, Clare scored, teammates looked great on the court. Clare loves the sport, Joe loves the sport, I do too- we're a basketball family and we love to be in the gym together- some times playing (okay not me) some times cheering, watching and chatting with the great community.
-Sally worked on her Valentines for her class and then we added a few others to share our love. What a sweet activity to share with her tonight.  I picked her up from basketball and we completed the tasks to get us to the table.
-Whites- special treat snack with the kids- my welcome me home treat....nice to catch up over custard!
-Flying home from Regan National Airport- love that view, our country, our capital, the history, memorials....emailing and engaging with parents...what a great work trip- I do love my job!
-Coming home.... love our home, hometown.... absence makes the heart grow founder.
-Out pouring of love for The Sparta/ Project Main Street.... tonight was the fundraising/awareness-raising event at The Sparta. I made a quick trip there- leaving Sally in Valentine mode, Joe, Peter and Clare at the gym.... how fun to walk into a full house.  Julie Mulroy's love inspiring her to learn how to take credit card gifts- wow- impressive.  People I admire raising awareness and support for this important community institution and in attendance to learn more.  You can learn more by visiting consider a gift- on line, checks, credit cards there.... go eat there, take others, consider volunteering there.  Downtown Newark needs our love- The Works, the businesses, the restaurants and shops- it is so amazing what is happening there. I miss my daily treks there but oh do I love it.  Sparta adds a great service and dimension and is so much more than a great place for breakfast and lunch.
-Planning for a Joe and Susan get get to go to camp...Joe and I love our time and part of the fun is the planning!!

I hope you are doing things you love, sharing your love during this Valentines know- Valentines Day isn't just for Lovers......It is for people you just love.  xoxoxo from Newark-Granville Road!  Now time to crawl into that bed!  Goodnight.

1 comment:

Julie Mulroy said...

Thank you, Susan! I also will crawl into bed and sleep well tonight, once I finish enjoying the second round of friend-raiser / fundraiser love. The Sparta was full of love tonight, and now FaceBook is awash with photos and posts and tags, including yours. Thanks so much for your part in raising community awareness.

And speaking of love, I was thinking recently about my downstairs neighbor Beth Jenkins and her Denison honorary granddaughters, including you. You brought such an imortant richness to her declining years.