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Friday, April 1, 2016

Happy Birthday Peter

It probably is time to upgrade the blog, move to a new one or research this platform's capabilities beyond a page that just goes on and have to scroll. I do have a search component but that isn't taking me the place I want to go.  I want to see if I've documented, shared Peter's birthday story? I am sure I have - it is a story I adore so of course I have. I've told it whenever possible and appropriate and so yes I'll do it again.  Just like life and my family (Pop-pop and now my Dad and even Joe) we'll retell the stories- the ones we love about the people we love possibly the most.

April 1, 2002- the day after Easter. My Dad's 60h birthday. I was scheduled to be induced however all the walking (to Bryn Du Egg hunt, to the church egg hunt in town, up the hill to neighbors gathering) my labor started on Easter. The Dr said not to worry, keep an eye and he'd see me in the morning if things stayed on course.  It was just some spotting.  We both agreed to enjoy our Easters and we certainly did.  We kept that Easter dinner low key- sandwiches and it was lovely.  I don't remember much- more the weekend activities and fun with friends in town.  My family was here for this delivery- yay! Clare arrived too fast- they didn't make it.

So on that Monday- we left Clare with my parents and we went to Riverside.  Things moved quickly and he arrived just about the same time as Clare just after lunch.  In time to get to recovery and take in the Red's baseball game- Opening Day!  We use to go to Cinci for Opening Day....Clare went as a baby but Peter's arrival moved us to TV celebrators.  So appropriate for us to have a baby on the true Opening Day.  The sports fun was the finals for the NCAA Div I Men's Basketball Tourney and Maryland won- my home state. (I share MD-lived most of my growing up years there, PA- high school there, and VA- born there)  We celebrated with beer and pizza- our tradition for 1st day after delivery, hospital stay- Romanos and Yuengling!  2nd night is appetizers and scotch with guests.

So back to Peter.  I knew he was a boy upon delivery- the hair and ears- my Dad's ears.  We thought about naming him Michael after my Dad but it was still a very popular name.  The name Peter was beloved by me and my mother and I grew up wanting to name a son Peter.  Joe's family has a Peter in every generation (I didn't know that at the time) so it worked with the last name! We thought about the name George and he would of been a good one. Looking at him via the nursery window I paused but Joe  and I agreed- we never knew a Pete that wasn't a good guy.  Our Peter Michael has a name that fits him well.  What fun it was to have Michael Watson Stoner hold Peter Michael Stoner on his 60th birthday....

So April 1, 2016- happy birthday to my Dad and my son- two very special men in my life.  Happy birthday I'm blessed to have you both and love to tell the story.  Thanks to all the love and support Joe and I have with our children and the stories launched from that care and that should also be retold and celebrated.  Happy Birthday to two darling twins in Pennsylvania and their special parents (birthdays are more mammas in particular but Dad's too), Jeni Miller and Michelle Reese- two beautiful women inside and is a very good day, a beautiful day to celebrate life, my life on Newark-Granville Road is happy.

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