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Sunday, April 24, 2016

milestones over the miles.....

A special weekend with Clare...she now has her driver's permit and she joined our church, First Presbyterian Church- Granville.  We took a drive to support friends and as I reflect on baptism down the road in Columbus miles and milestones seamed the right title!

So here she is with the permit! Hip hip hooray for the Marion, BMV (bureau motor vehicles, vs Dept of)  We had a frustrating, lesson (and lecture) first go at trying to get this done, the day after her 15 1/2 birthday. Paperwork didn't work- it wasn't that she failed the test, she just failed to prepare and then government processes failed us.  But the 3rd try was the charm.  We were driving to Toledo for a funeral and found an open location on the way. Toledo was not open- so Marion it was.  Clare passed the test, had appropriate enough paperwork and the lines were just right!  We timed it quite well.
No driving yet- need to move forward with lessons, practise in parking lots, etc...It is a big milestone- hard to believe we're a step closer to sixteen.

Clare gets her permit 4/23/16
And the very next day...another milestone- Confirmation. Clare joins the church- FPC.  I type and look at a LOGOS picture from 09-10 and think about the miles she has covered in her faith development.  Sunday school, road trips, choir and mission- she has done it all.  Those that have walked with her, prepared her- Trip, Karen, Ellen, Thom, volunteers, those LOGOS table parents, little logos care providers, teachers, friends, grown-ups, mentor Laura, who met Clare when she was 18 months old, VBS and so many more.  We've covered the miles back and forth in miles on Newark-Granville Road- bike, walk, car- she and Char often run to choir!! Her answer today- why join this church?  She always has wanted to- she has seen others, she knows FPC as her church home and it feels right.

I also had the honor to join the confirmation group as Charlotte's mentor.  I was able to learn, share and spend time with Charlotte, Clare and the others on this journey and am so grateful.  We covered our own miles, and met our own milestones together with worship, questions, conversation and fun.  I'll give a big Amen to the good work by Charlotte and this very special group of young adults now members of FPC!

Life on Newark-Granville Road - let us rejoice and be glad for the milestones and miles we've covered and may God continue to be with us.

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