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Monday, May 23, 2016

Catching up and Sharing....its May 2016

Time to catch-up again.....and instead of simply posting links I'll give you some of the whys....

Symphony of Flavor-  this is an event I try hard not to miss! It is a great cause with a stellar event- fabulous dinner, great pairings, creative outlet, entertainment, good people...and you can participate in the auction and provide more funding and win something special!  Take a look- the theme this year is Italian- yum and just look at the great graphics!! 

The Blue Coats are back.....who thought Denison slowed down in the summer!  Okay it isn't summer yet, but the semester has ended, the school year is over and the students are on summer break so queue the band.... impressive organization- get the scoop here and I'll share the details on when they present and practice on us.....  We also had the HOBY leadership camp, a huge swim meet- youth program/club swimming; our own Reunion is gearing up for the weekend after Reunion- yeah; June Orientation for the Class of 2020; student researchers- just makes me realize how good it is to have Denison in our community- economy alone makes me #Denisonproud! and pleased with the company...we miss the students when they're gone and it is such a pretty time to be on campus!!

Serious matter- what is your thought on drugs testing in the Granville schools....if you are not from Granville you don't need to chime in on the survey. You're welcome to share with me your thoughts and experiences.  I've had the conversation many times with friends that have kids in schools that offer/require this screening; I've talked with my kids and Joe...I think I may need to re-do my survey. I will say Joe and I value the assistance and partnership in raising our kids.  It has been a month of awards, concerts, banquets, tournaments, etc....none of it happens without partnerships and help. We're so grateful to the coaches, staff, drivers, teammates, teachers, principals, secretaries, friends of all ages- Moms, Dads, kids that have our kids engaged in the way they are.  We see the screenings as another way to hold our kids accountable, and if there is an issue- lets identify it now and get help.  It isn't an easy topic but it is important. However you feel - if you are a parent of a Granville student I hope you'll take the survey.

And speaking of summer....wood bat league baseball....  Time for the licking county settlers to arrive! Join us at the ball the team night is May 31st at 7 pm! I know I've told a few folks new to the area about this and they are excited!

May is always the crazy month and 2016 has been no different. Life on Newark-Granville has been full of games, concerts, banquets and exam prep (high school exam world has Clare studying late on a Saturday and home at 1:30 tomorrow and 9:30 on Wednesday and then she is done?!)  As challenging as it is to fit it in...boy do I love it.  I'm a proud mama and I appreciate all those who have listened and taken interest in these activities with us.  It has been a month of catching up and connecting at beautiful graduation celebrations and tailgates/ while on the sidelines. Thanks for reading and sharing in this full and blessed life on NG Road.

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