5/27-As I drove up the main drag of Denison today I knew I had to sit down and write this blog! If anyone is reading this and considering the question- should I return to campus for my (insert number) reunion- the answer is YES! It is next week, the time is now to make your plans...road trip, pay the price for lack of planning ahead but get here- you won't regret it. Didn't think you wanted to attend? I beg to differ. Think you are too busy? too much going on with the kids? We called a friend out as we left ours and he agreed- kid card didn't work...he arrived on SAturday! There is only ever one (insert number 10th, 15th, 25th, triple 30th) reunion....if you miss it- you miss it. Ask yourself if what you are doing will happen again. No your daughter's commencement won't happen again so stay home- but if you can get here on Saturday- great, yes get here.
I know first had that you will be missed if you don't attend. I write having never missed a reunion. I know I'm not typical I love Denison pretty deeply and bleed big red. But what you need to know is... I know who wasn't at our reunions and I missed them. Our 25th Reunion was AWESOME, FABULOUS, it exceeded expectations.....this only is the case because good people came and engaged....good people of the Class of 1990 but also the other reunions. I was inspired and delighted by young and old.
I know first hand what is happening on campus and the staff will do whatever you need- golf carts for the injured or needing help- that was me 2 years ago...The Janitors- Lakin Duker '90 and a great group of alums are playing Saturday night. Homestead beer is on tap, there is childcare and kid activities....and I'm here to help make it happen. Get a hold of me and let me help you attend your reunion!
Not in your reunion year but want to come to campus....YES- you can too- don't want to miss the Janitors playing, you're in Cleveland and want to be a groupie- come on down....It will be so much fun! We're all Denisonians and we love to welcome you home...home to Denison...the home you love so well.
Below is the link to the schedule, registration, etc....check it out and make your plans. Life on Newark-Granville Road is all about Reunion next weekend- you've got time and I look forward to seeing you there! https://denisoneverywhere.com Already planning to be here- YEAH, YAY, THANK YOU, WOO HOO...keep me posted- I can't wait to see you! I'll be at the Pi Phi House on Saturday at 2- come see the updates! Convocation Sat at 11- I'll be there with programs! Janitors LIVE under the big tent Saturday night- I'll be there...and I think they're playing Friday night at Moe's..I hope! I'll be there...I even get to golf the Denison (old Granville) Course on Sunday!
So the blog is also about the whys.....I'm not just blogging about this because it is my job. I attended reunion when living here and not working at Denison- but supporting and volunteering. The convocation awards- alumni citations are incredible. The class gift announcements are outstanding. The chance to see friends I haven't seen in ages and make new friends- it is a gift. It is a family thing too- Denisonians are family and I'm lucky to be in this place and have this amazing life on Newark-Granville Road, down the street from Denison.
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