I'm not riding, nor volunteering, but we do support. We are grateful for all those that work to achieve the goal of Pelotonia- End Cancer. And we're proud of Granville and Denison's involvement! We've all been touched, some of us more closely that others, some of us more recently. Life on Newark-Granville Road admires all those engaged and making this impressive and amazing effort such a success. Life on Newark-Granville Road participates as we are able and one way is spreading the word and join us in making a donation.
It seems hard to believe anyone in the world would not know about Pelotonia but if you don't- please visit the website and learn more. If you are in the Granville area and want to see it, feel it, be touched and inspired- be on Broadway to cheer for the riders on Saturday, August 5th**. Want to join me - email, call or text and I'll share the details of where we cheer. Riders turn on Pearl St. to head toward Gambier and a rest stop hosted in Granville! Routes are on the website- riders choose a distance and commit to that plan/ level. So many amazing efforts unite within our community to make it all work. Lots of events have been leading up to the big ride to help riders and pelatons with their financial commitment. This is all to raise money for funding, 100% of every dollar raised goes to research- incredible strides have been made in this fight, their is more to do. I hope you'll find a rider or two or three, or a peloton, respond to the request sent to you by the neighbor, colleague, friend.
We can't support them all but we appreciated being asked. We love knowing what friends are riding and volunteering and being philanthropic!! It also helps us acknowledge and remember those cancer has taken too soon and those fighting now. We're also inspired by the incredible fights those cancer have made. We know and respect all the other cancer related charities in our world-you can't help but feel good about the world and the desire to help individuals, find cures and prevention. We made our gift and will make more on August 5th at an event hosted by friends to watch and cheer.
An event new to me is happening tomorrow, Sunday- July 30th 7 pm at Denison, Swasey Chapel. It is the Blessing of the Bikes and Go Green for Pelotonia. Swasey Chapel will have a green light this week. I will join this effort and say add my prayers. My life wouldn't be the same if had not been for an amazing fight and incredible medical efforts for my sister. Sarah's diagnosis almost nine years ago still brings me to tears when I think about it. If you search "Cancer" on this blog you can read more about the why.
Congratulations to all involved in all the good work to get you to this point. Enjoy your rides, your journey, your good fights- it is working and we're gratefully green on Newark-Granville Road.
**there are other places in central ohio to see riders, share and support this cause...I just think Granville does it the best- pretty proud of our village!
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Saturday, July 29, 2017
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Beach Week, family traditions- 2017- presented with one commercial.
We're home, back on Newark-Granville Road, after our annual trek to the Outer Banks, NC. For nine years we're made this our summer vacation. A true vacation, even with young kids, as we travel with my family and everyone helps so we do relax! It started in Nags Head with my parents, then Sarah and Greg joined us with baby Louisa. Greg the surfer helped set the location. Matt and Dawn joined on year three. One key component is cocktail hour during these respites and I think back on the conversations that hatched plans.

The first year it was how to make the family fit in the first amazing rental. The next year Matt and Dawn committed so that year the 5 pm activity became house searches. Or how to fit our group of 14 under one roof in a house that is beachy and has a big table, and kitchen for cooking. The point of our time together is just that- time together on the beach, around the table, on the porch. If you ask the kids- they'll tell you putting on the Cousin Show and swimming. We've added activities that are now tradition- climbing the Hatteras Lighthouse- yay Matt and Dawn, taking the ferry to Okracoke for the trip to the book store and a seafood lunch, and visiting certain galleries/ shops. Over the past seven years we've found two abodes to make it all work and found our home away from homes. Life on Newark-Granville Road loves beach week.
Commercial Break- shout-out to to Maximum Fitness. I've recently returned to this gym and oh am I glad I did. The hours are fantastic- no reason to miss my goal of four visits a week. I get my cardio and strength training in on the various machines. My inspiration is rehab for the ankle, but it feels great to be back in the groove. I mentioned this to someone and they commented that Maximum didn't have air conditioning. I disagree- they do. It is a big space and some days it gets hot in there, but fans keep air moving. Today's temp was cool. I realize I don't mind warmer rooms- beach week story below! Staff are friendly, range of work-out types- serious body work happening, but then all ages doing what I'm doing- doing our best and being active. I'm not overly interested in classes right now but enjoyed the ones I took in the past. I love the music and machines with closed caption TV, add the prevor ap to track my goals and share past data makes it a great fit for me. Consider joining me!
Back to Beach Week! Here is the scoop and highlights for the record book or the "why" I love life at the beach with my family! That is the secret right- family. How lucky am I that my siblings and their families all enjoy being with my family. We love one another and enjoy the time to catch-up, get to know one another, make memories. Oh the memories we made this year! It isn't always perfect. Our idiosyncrasies annoy one another and some times we roll with it and some times we don't. We bring baggage beyond the suitcases packed with opinions and conflicts. We're all human and have challenges within our families. Some of us, present company in particular, don't do as well of sitting loosely at times. But we forgive and find the positive, put in some rules to help make sure everyone enjoys their vacation.
Dinner is a highlight and each family takes a meal. This year Sunshine Stoners returned with the beloved and requested Mexican night- chicken enchiladas and fried ice cream. It is divine. Leithausers brought a dinner club favorite- grilled lamb- Betsy Mattimoe's coaching had to be shared. The Christophers did double duty! The scheduled night was a classic marinaded steak and kicking us off before the the group allergic to fish arrived she blinked and had crab cakes! Sarah can cook - what a treat. We wrapped up the week with fresh caught steamed shrimp. An Italian pizza night bridged the gap. Nana coordinated breakfasts, one morning making over 60 Nana cakes- no one missed breakfast that day. Lunches are prepare your own with a plethora of delights including Mom's prepared treats like sloppy joe's and beef brisket. Beloved favorites are procured as well- liverwurst, tuna, and of course- mac n cheese.
Mother nature was good to us this beach week. I swam every day, most days twice a day. The ocean temps were perfect- refreshingly cool when you entered, but ideal for spending time and waves were fun. The kids were in multiple times- back and forth- making the path. Greg and Matt our heroes for setting our camp. Getting in and out of the water and walking on the sand was more uncomfortable than I anticipated- but so worth the effort. I finished a good book and started an incredible read, wrapping it up on the drive home. The cousin show of lip syncing with an incredible new addition- live music with Grace's ukulele!! Sarah made the annual charades game one for the record'll have to ask her for the details. We all get to know one another, I don't know what life would be without these trips and this time. Little things- the top level where Mom and Dad stay and we gather- ac temps are high so it is warm, plus heat rises. The lower levels thanks to Sarah- cool, very cool. You learn about your self as you witness what you can go with the flow on, what you like and don't like when.
We all know the time for all fourteen of us to be together won't last forever. Clare hopes to be a counselor at camp (new news- future blog material) and that would mean no beach week and of course life happens. I'm grateful for 2017 and all the made it possible. I love each of my family members so very much. Life on Newark-Granville road loves sandy toes, salty kisses, vitamin sea and being under one roof with the Stoners. A trip to the beach is good for my soul.
We all know the time for all fourteen of us to be together won't last forever. Clare hopes to be a counselor at camp (new news- future blog material) and that would mean no beach week and of course life happens. I'm grateful for 2017 and all the made it possible. I love each of my family members so very much. Life on Newark-Granville road loves sandy toes, salty kisses, vitamin sea and being under one roof with the Stoners. A trip to the beach is good for my soul.
Nana with her grands. |
Pap with Okacoke crew. |
Matt gets his soft shell! |
Clare with Aunt Dawn |
Friday, July 14, 2017
Real Life while kids are gone....
This really has been something new in my life on Newark-Granville Road. To be in this house without kids for a whole week. Last year when all three were at camp it was wonky with travel and delays. And when the girls went to camp and Peter stayed here it was different. All good, and to be honest when all three are here it is GREAT- I miss them. But I'll take this time and of course I'll share the why on the blog!
Why is it nice to have the break. Believe it or not the house is clean, really clean. Even the dog went to camp for a few days. The cleaning team was in disbelief how tidy everything was and thanked me- so easier to do our job- they said with great enthusiasm. Hmmmmm- cleaning for the cleaning people, we will return to that this year.
I've had a chance to focus on work and the timing was great. In my work with have cycles and the cycle right now is gear-up, get ready, reach out. I get to take my vacation having things organized, launched and in progress. This is happening because of amazing partnerships and fabulous colleagues and planning. It feels good. I care a lot about my work and value the time to give it attention. I also value the flexibility my role has to juggle being a working Mom of three.
Joe and Susan time and time for Susan has been great. As you read in our camping adventure we found our "us" time. Finding that balance can be hard during the year with work, kids and community commitments. This week we've been a bit more individual time - very important too! Joe had a work trip to Boston. I made exercise a priority for me and even went shopping, for a bathing suit. Being alone in my house- ahhhhhh- reset time.
We didn't get to do all the things we wanted or dreamt about- dinners in Columbus, meeting at the pub for a day end drink. We did get two mini projects done- art is hanging and the Derby decor is away...restated- the Triple Crown Horse decor is away (that ended in June by the way.) We also missed our kids- really missed them. Joe said this after a great catch-up call with him talking sports. The girls letters make me want to know more, hear their voices. YES we missed them AND we can't wait to hear all about their time being off of Newark-Granville Road while our lives continued here.
Why is it nice to have the break. Believe it or not the house is clean, really clean. Even the dog went to camp for a few days. The cleaning team was in disbelief how tidy everything was and thanked me- so easier to do our job- they said with great enthusiasm. Hmmmmm- cleaning for the cleaning people, we will return to that this year.
I've had a chance to focus on work and the timing was great. In my work with have cycles and the cycle right now is gear-up, get ready, reach out. I get to take my vacation having things organized, launched and in progress. This is happening because of amazing partnerships and fabulous colleagues and planning. It feels good. I care a lot about my work and value the time to give it attention. I also value the flexibility my role has to juggle being a working Mom of three.
Joe and Susan time and time for Susan has been great. As you read in our camping adventure we found our "us" time. Finding that balance can be hard during the year with work, kids and community commitments. This week we've been a bit more individual time - very important too! Joe had a work trip to Boston. I made exercise a priority for me and even went shopping, for a bathing suit. Being alone in my house- ahhhhhh- reset time.
We didn't get to do all the things we wanted or dreamt about- dinners in Columbus, meeting at the pub for a day end drink. We did get two mini projects done- art is hanging and the Derby decor is away...restated- the Triple Crown Horse decor is away (that ended in June by the way.) We also missed our kids- really missed them. Joe said this after a great catch-up call with him talking sports. The girls letters make me want to know more, hear their voices. YES we missed them AND we can't wait to hear all about their time being off of Newark-Granville Road while our lives continued here.
Saturday, July 8, 2017
Grown Up Camp Time in the Hocking Hills!
I didn't know how much I needed our Hocking Hills adventure until I was there. Although many friends might disagree based on how much I talked about it- I was certainly looking forward to the plans we made! And I'm pleased to report- nothing disappointed. I'm also happy to say my desire for a camp fix was met thanks to our journey south to one of Ohio's treasures.
-The Hocking Hills region is so close- we need to go more often and will return with the kids for day hikes. We left Granville later than anticipated with loaded car- amazing how much we took for two people for two days....and no tent required.
Although we used a spread sheet to collect said supplies we didn't have an exact itinerary planned. We had options noted with addresses as we tried to go old school with maps and really put the phones away- I give us a B plus for this activity. Reality is that GPS came in handy down there. We had to stop and buy a map and it was not detailed enough. Advice- stop at the Welcome to the Hocking Hills Visitor center and get detailed maps. Service is spotty and it came in handy once we had the region's magazine with map.
We made the call to hike closer to our tipi site due to check-in timing. We found the sign for Whispering Cave- Joe did, I was looking for the Restaurant sign. The burned remains and stone foundation of the restaurant are interesting. The new hike takes you into beautiful woods and descends offering easy to traverse steps. We passed a ranger who shared Whispering Cave is special and make sure to take the spur there. She was correct- peaceful, cool with modest effort- our perfect picnic stop. Then we took the new trail further south to experience the new hickory bridge- again only seeing few people along the way. Fun to cross we had time to keep going and made the call to join the multitudes and head to Old Man's Cave. This turned into the most challenging part of the hike due to wear and tear and water- the uneven ground, exposed roots and rocks gave my ankle a workout. I'm pleased for the opportunity to develop those muscles and increase my flexibility. Total was 5 miles of activity in beautiful terrain.
The timing worked and we found our way to thanks to GPS even with no Internet service, but I had the address and an Okay map that helped. We chose a Tipi- or I talked Joe into the tipi to get my platform tent fix. Last year when researching places to stay around Estes Park I stumbled on tipis and yurts and regretted not making that happen for us. Joe regrets not staying at the Stanley. (Note all worked out for us last year and we loved being in that amazing part of the country. In fact the whole Hocking Hills trip was inspired by the western hiking and fresh air. Another part of our story and orgin goes back to when we were dating and a special weekend without reservation that took us to walk-in camping at the park.
I will admit I was worried- the price was right for our tipi, but it looked like a great fall overnight spot- it had a stove inside? Were we headed to a sweat lodge if the weather was hot? Oh well, we could always return home if not satisfied.
Our tipi and camp site were simple and perfect. Joe and I loaded the cart and walked the short distance to our home away from home. It was warm and a bit muggy but once we unloaded and set up camp were able to relax. Being completely surrounded by nature, in an off the beaten path local, within a forest is a great way to unwind. The tipi was spacious and had a very comfortable air mattress. I brought my usual camp roll - egg crate foam, sheets and comforter. Three cheers for Joe added four pillows to complete our nest. The wood floor and mattress gave me my Camp Alleghany platform tent feel and I was satisfied. We also loved having fire pit with solid grate to execute the dinner plan. If needed we were prepared to scout a different dinner site. I'm so pleased stayed put. Joe builds a fabulous fire and soon dinner was cooking and cocktail hour enjoyed.
The canopy of trees made for a cool setting- literally and figuratively. The tipi's smoke flaps gave a beautiful view, to understand the beauty of our surroundings, you have to know the birds were wonderful company. As the sun set it was an orchestra of calls. Once it was dark there was a deep quiet that isn't easy to find in our world. It was easy to wake up at our usual time but we had the luxury to roll over to sleep-in. Day one of grown-up camp- success!

Once up on day two we high tailed it out anxious for running water and made way to a recommended diner for breakfast. Part of our adventure is getting a sense of the local experience and time in Laurelville didn't disappoint. Tuesday's dinner time activity South Bloomingville provided the same energy and input- sitting at the bar with locals proved quite interesting. We even were able to enjoy a dance and great music sitting outside at an extended 4th of July party. To round out the camp experience we had booked time in a canoe on the river. We opted for the longer journey so we could hike into see the Rock Bridge. We could of been better prepared to blend in with the locals by packing a cooler and enjoying sandbar time. Other's actions reminded me of the fun back in the day on the Niabra river in Nebraska! But our trip worked for us- the scenery and modest exercise- made for a great way to spend the afternoon. The dark cloud that lingered opened up as we unloaded so we could keep our towels dry. The rain was refreshing and provided a wonderful shower. Dancing in the rain has been part of many a date for Joe and me. It almost seemed planned and the timing was perfect. Bonus- we took a walk and found our dating time camp site! It was number 6- not 4 or 7 or 9......good to have the known. Another fire, another great night's sleep and time to linger in the woods wrapped up our hocking hills time. We didn't get to all the hikes we had planned, but happy to look forward to Rock House with the kids.
Life on Newark-Granville Road loves adventure, hiking, exploring and relaxing and camping in Hocking Hills. Joe and I are pleased we can get lost- leave our phones, skip a shower and just be together. It is what we give our kids when we send them to camp, we deserved it too!
Note- limited pictures due to cell phone put-a-way and to see the outside of the tipi- follow the link to Secluded Santuary!
-The Hocking Hills region is so close- we need to go more often and will return with the kids for day hikes. We left Granville later than anticipated with loaded car- amazing how much we took for two people for two days....and no tent required.
Although we used a spread sheet to collect said supplies we didn't have an exact itinerary planned. We had options noted with addresses as we tried to go old school with maps and really put the phones away- I give us a B plus for this activity. Reality is that GPS came in handy down there. We had to stop and buy a map and it was not detailed enough. Advice- stop at the Welcome to the Hocking Hills Visitor center and get detailed maps. Service is spotty and it came in handy once we had the region's magazine with map.
We made the call to hike closer to our tipi site due to check-in timing. We found the sign for Whispering Cave- Joe did, I was looking for the Restaurant sign. The burned remains and stone foundation of the restaurant are interesting. The new hike takes you into beautiful woods and descends offering easy to traverse steps. We passed a ranger who shared Whispering Cave is special and make sure to take the spur there. She was correct- peaceful, cool with modest effort- our perfect picnic stop. Then we took the new trail further south to experience the new hickory bridge- again only seeing few people along the way. Fun to cross we had time to keep going and made the call to join the multitudes and head to Old Man's Cave. This turned into the most challenging part of the hike due to wear and tear and water- the uneven ground, exposed roots and rocks gave my ankle a workout. I'm pleased for the opportunity to develop those muscles and increase my flexibility. Total was 5 miles of activity in beautiful terrain.
The timing worked and we found our way to thanks to GPS even with no Internet service, but I had the address and an Okay map that helped. We chose a Tipi- or I talked Joe into the tipi to get my platform tent fix. Last year when researching places to stay around Estes Park I stumbled on tipis and yurts and regretted not making that happen for us. Joe regrets not staying at the Stanley. (Note all worked out for us last year and we loved being in that amazing part of the country. In fact the whole Hocking Hills trip was inspired by the western hiking and fresh air. Another part of our story and orgin goes back to when we were dating and a special weekend without reservation that took us to walk-in camping at the park.
I will admit I was worried- the price was right for our tipi, but it looked like a great fall overnight spot- it had a stove inside? Were we headed to a sweat lodge if the weather was hot? Oh well, we could always return home if not satisfied.
Our tipi and camp site were simple and perfect. Joe and I loaded the cart and walked the short distance to our home away from home. It was warm and a bit muggy but once we unloaded and set up camp were able to relax. Being completely surrounded by nature, in an off the beaten path local, within a forest is a great way to unwind. The tipi was spacious and had a very comfortable air mattress. I brought my usual camp roll - egg crate foam, sheets and comforter. Three cheers for Joe added four pillows to complete our nest. The wood floor and mattress gave me my Camp Alleghany platform tent feel and I was satisfied. We also loved having fire pit with solid grate to execute the dinner plan. If needed we were prepared to scout a different dinner site. I'm so pleased stayed put. Joe builds a fabulous fire and soon dinner was cooking and cocktail hour enjoyed.
The canopy of trees made for a cool setting- literally and figuratively. The tipi's smoke flaps gave a beautiful view, to understand the beauty of our surroundings, you have to know the birds were wonderful company. As the sun set it was an orchestra of calls. Once it was dark there was a deep quiet that isn't easy to find in our world. It was easy to wake up at our usual time but we had the luxury to roll over to sleep-in. Day one of grown-up camp- success!
Once up on day two we high tailed it out anxious for running water and made way to a recommended diner for breakfast. Part of our adventure is getting a sense of the local experience and time in Laurelville didn't disappoint. Tuesday's dinner time activity South Bloomingville provided the same energy and input- sitting at the bar with locals proved quite interesting. We even were able to enjoy a dance and great music sitting outside at an extended 4th of July party. To round out the camp experience we had booked time in a canoe on the river. We opted for the longer journey so we could hike into see the Rock Bridge. We could of been better prepared to blend in with the locals by packing a cooler and enjoying sandbar time. Other's actions reminded me of the fun back in the day on the Niabra river in Nebraska! But our trip worked for us- the scenery and modest exercise- made for a great way to spend the afternoon. The dark cloud that lingered opened up as we unloaded so we could keep our towels dry. The rain was refreshing and provided a wonderful shower. Dancing in the rain has been part of many a date for Joe and me. It almost seemed planned and the timing was perfect. Bonus- we took a walk and found our dating time camp site! It was number 6- not 4 or 7 or 9......good to have the known. Another fire, another great night's sleep and time to linger in the woods wrapped up our hocking hills time. We didn't get to all the hikes we had planned, but happy to look forward to Rock House with the kids.
Life on Newark-Granville Road loves adventure, hiking, exploring and relaxing and camping in Hocking Hills. Joe and I are pleased we can get lost- leave our phones, skip a shower and just be together. It is what we give our kids when we send them to camp, we deserved it too!
Note- limited pictures due to cell phone put-a-way and to see the outside of the tipi- follow the link to Secluded Santuary!
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Let Her Eat Cake! Happy Birthday 2017!
It has been another wonderful birthday and celebrating of my birthday!
First the day-today was a very good day! It started waking up in our Tipi in Hocking Hills- details to be shared on the blog soon, I promise. We packed up and headed for breakfast taking the scenic route through Somerset. We enjoyed our diner stop, soaking in the no phone get away and slow re-entry back to civilization. After organizing and unpacking I gave myself the gift of exercise and rejoined Maximum Fitness. I was happy to return to a favorite machine, easy access and weight training. It is what I need. My afternoon date was a pool and when option a didn't work at MCC I found option B- Trout Club. I was so pleased to submerge my body in cool water (2 days remote camping will cause one to crave the water) and lounge with my book. Bonus was friend sighting and quick catch-up. Since I was so close to Utica I made the trek to Branstol and bought myself peaches. Summer treat early and yes, a Velvet ice cream cone to say hello to my duck pals. Home to read my mail....bonus- letter from Clare and card from Peter....and shower. Another delight.....although the rain shower bonus was fun after canoeing yesterday. Joe and I then made our way to dinner at the Inn, walking as we could with time on our hands, still in vacation/holiday mode. We had a fantastic dinner in the Oak Room- our first- gourmet treat- impressed and delighted. A lovely day for a birthday on Newark-Granville Road and one I will treasure.
The celebrating has included friend time, family time and some incredible meals that include dessert and candles on and off NG Road. I love to make birthday wishes and count my blessings for all the wonderful message, cards, texts, honks, waves and Facebook posts. Life on Newark-Granville is all the richer with good people who share these special milestones and I'm grateful. A few pictures below help share the story and celebration.

*****And the fun continues- lucky me- birthday with colleagues at work, dear family that are friends, and drinks to toast the new years and time together! I continue to be touched by the gifts, Facebook posts and deliveries that make their way. Life on Newark-Granville Road loves the chance to blow out the candle and make a wish...or more!

First the day-today was a very good day! It started waking up in our Tipi in Hocking Hills- details to be shared on the blog soon, I promise. We packed up and headed for breakfast taking the scenic route through Somerset. We enjoyed our diner stop, soaking in the no phone get away and slow re-entry back to civilization. After organizing and unpacking I gave myself the gift of exercise and rejoined Maximum Fitness. I was happy to return to a favorite machine, easy access and weight training. It is what I need. My afternoon date was a pool and when option a didn't work at MCC I found option B- Trout Club. I was so pleased to submerge my body in cool water (2 days remote camping will cause one to crave the water) and lounge with my book. Bonus was friend sighting and quick catch-up. Since I was so close to Utica I made the trek to Branstol and bought myself peaches. Summer treat early and yes, a Velvet ice cream cone to say hello to my duck pals. Home to read my mail....bonus- letter from Clare and card from Peter....and shower. Another delight.....although the rain shower bonus was fun after canoeing yesterday. Joe and I then made our way to dinner at the Inn, walking as we could with time on our hands, still in vacation/holiday mode. We had a fantastic dinner in the Oak Room- our first- gourmet treat- impressed and delighted. A lovely day for a birthday on Newark-Granville Road and one I will treasure.
The celebrating has included friend time, family time and some incredible meals that include dessert and candles on and off NG Road. I love to make birthday wishes and count my blessings for all the wonderful message, cards, texts, honks, waves and Facebook posts. Life on Newark-Granville is all the richer with good people who share these special milestones and I'm grateful. A few pictures below help share the story and celebration.
*****And the fun continues- lucky me- birthday with colleagues at work, dear family that are friends, and drinks to toast the new years and time together! I continue to be touched by the gifts, Facebook posts and deliveries that make their way. Life on Newark-Granville Road loves the chance to blow out the candle and make a wish...or more!
Monday, July 3, 2017
I posted on Facebook that Sally was my favorite child one day last week, because she sent me the first letter from camp. A week had gone by and it was the only camp letter. Those keeping track at home- know that there has been a second letter received from Sally and updates from friends and family that she has corresponded with them as well. Note Nana isn't too pleased to have only received the fill in the blank form notes that I thought were cute. Bonus points were given to Sally for making it into the photo gallery on the camp website with big smiles. I know Clare is doing well as I've seen her in pictures and even a video showcasing the "Ghany Give" effort. Of course that is close to my heart.
Today's favorite child is Peter.
I have not received mail from him...yet...I know it is coming though- yay Nana. He hasn't called me proactively, but I have spoken with him on the phone a number of times. He is at my parents for three weeks and that is why he is my favorite. My parents are amazing for taking on a 15 year old but they love the company and assistance. I loved the call received late on evening..."Hey Mom- guess what we had for dinner, Nana says you are going to be jealous" I guessed soft shell crabs, I was close- "Hard shell crabs, and they were so good, I picked 6!" I was a bit green but more grateful to have Peter experiencing one of my favorite things with my favorite people. He went to Antietam Battlefield for the Maryland Symphony Orchestra's 4th of July concert. Classical music, rain, heat, schlepping, picnic blanket, no chairs- he said it was fun! God love that boy! Peter defended Clare's lack of letters- "she is busy hopping mom".....he is a good little brother.
Each of our children are special and delight me, frustrate me, challenge me and make me proud. Life on Newark-Granville Road is completed because of these three darlings. I miss them at this time of year. I embrace and love the change of pace, the quiet, the clean, the Joe/Susan time. Most of all I love what this time gives them- new friends, renewed friends, appreciation and memories of special places that we now share.
Today's favorite child is Peter.
I have not received mail from him...yet...I know it is coming though- yay Nana. He hasn't called me proactively, but I have spoken with him on the phone a number of times. He is at my parents for three weeks and that is why he is my favorite. My parents are amazing for taking on a 15 year old but they love the company and assistance. I loved the call received late on evening..."Hey Mom- guess what we had for dinner, Nana says you are going to be jealous" I guessed soft shell crabs, I was close- "Hard shell crabs, and they were so good, I picked 6!" I was a bit green but more grateful to have Peter experiencing one of my favorite things with my favorite people. He went to Antietam Battlefield for the Maryland Symphony Orchestra's 4th of July concert. Classical music, rain, heat, schlepping, picnic blanket, no chairs- he said it was fun! God love that boy! Peter defended Clare's lack of letters- "she is busy hopping mom".....he is a good little brother.
Each of our children are special and delight me, frustrate me, challenge me and make me proud. Life on Newark-Granville Road is completed because of these three darlings. I miss them at this time of year. I embrace and love the change of pace, the quiet, the clean, the Joe/Susan time. Most of all I love what this time gives them- new friends, renewed friends, appreciation and memories of special places that we now share.
Sunday, July 2, 2017
New Perspective for Fourth of July
Life is a bit more quiet on Newark-Granville Road with the kids at camp. We're calling Peter's camps in MD Nanapap camp. Last year it was all different with the delayed camp delivery and our trip to much fun. So this year being here without the kids is different.
All of our activities are a bit different without the kid and going back to the before kids mentality isn't easy. I'm missing them yet embracing and enjoying the change in pace and perspective. I was taken back by the new location for the Ferris wheel at the fair in town. I love to ride that Ferris Wheel. I love the views, the slight thrill it provides and is fun to do with one of my kids. But this year no kids and a different local.
Joe and I rode bikes (yes I can ride a bike- ankle diary note) for lunch at the very start of the fair. I though I'd take a spin then but delayed opening didn't give me the opportunity. We returned home and retreated to the club for some lovely R and R, supporting planned activities there. Joe is on the board and we both appreciate all the staff and volunteers are doing to help one of our happy places in Licking County. After a lovely day and evening I recognized the chance I had to scoot to town for my spin...and so off I went at 9:30 pm.
What a treat it was to find quick easy parking and join the town happy energy to end my day. I bought my ticket, stood in line taking in the festivities and then went for a ride. The new location is exciting- I was able to see the entrance to Denison, be on par with the steeples in town and look further west on the beautiful Broadway Boulevard. The real treat is the sounds that accompany the sites. The shrills and screams produced from the swings and swirls, the ooh and ahhs of winners in the bingo tent made it all the richer of a ride. Conversations from pre-teens in the cart behind me obvious that a Mom type is listening made me pause but smile. Our sweet town in it's 4th of July glory is fun to see from the bird's eye perspective. The perspective was also my comfort to pop in to town solo and wrap up my day reflecting on the nice emails, texts, photos, street chatter and quality time at the pool and on the patio. I had a happy impromptu exchange with another camp Mom allowing me to think of my girls in WVA.
Life on Newark-Granville Road loves the start of this new month- welcome July! The new fiscal year for work- woo hoo for all the amazing donors and volunteers in fiscal 2017! The holiday celebration of our amazing country- it isn't perfect but it is ours and offers so much. The kids special opportunity and comfort in being in new places and off of Newark-Granville Road. All sorts of perspective for 2017's 4th of July. Thanks for sharing, it is time to take a view of the golf course!
All of our activities are a bit different without the kid and going back to the before kids mentality isn't easy. I'm missing them yet embracing and enjoying the change in pace and perspective. I was taken back by the new location for the Ferris wheel at the fair in town. I love to ride that Ferris Wheel. I love the views, the slight thrill it provides and is fun to do with one of my kids. But this year no kids and a different local.
Joe and I rode bikes (yes I can ride a bike- ankle diary note) for lunch at the very start of the fair. I though I'd take a spin then but delayed opening didn't give me the opportunity. We returned home and retreated to the club for some lovely R and R, supporting planned activities there. Joe is on the board and we both appreciate all the staff and volunteers are doing to help one of our happy places in Licking County. After a lovely day and evening I recognized the chance I had to scoot to town for my spin...and so off I went at 9:30 pm.
What a treat it was to find quick easy parking and join the town happy energy to end my day. I bought my ticket, stood in line taking in the festivities and then went for a ride. The new location is exciting- I was able to see the entrance to Denison, be on par with the steeples in town and look further west on the beautiful Broadway Boulevard. The real treat is the sounds that accompany the sites. The shrills and screams produced from the swings and swirls, the ooh and ahhs of winners in the bingo tent made it all the richer of a ride. Conversations from pre-teens in the cart behind me obvious that a Mom type is listening made me pause but smile. Our sweet town in it's 4th of July glory is fun to see from the bird's eye perspective. The perspective was also my comfort to pop in to town solo and wrap up my day reflecting on the nice emails, texts, photos, street chatter and quality time at the pool and on the patio. I had a happy impromptu exchange with another camp Mom allowing me to think of my girls in WVA.
Life on Newark-Granville Road loves the start of this new month- welcome July! The new fiscal year for work- woo hoo for all the amazing donors and volunteers in fiscal 2017! The holiday celebration of our amazing country- it isn't perfect but it is ours and offers so much. The kids special opportunity and comfort in being in new places and off of Newark-Granville Road. All sorts of perspective for 2017's 4th of July. Thanks for sharing, it is time to take a view of the golf course!
Can you hear the music, delighful screams and chatter? |
Some see Methodist Church I see Denison entrance and Swasey! |
My favorite view- when I herad the cheers I turned around to snap this picture. |
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