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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Green in Granville- Pelotonia Week!  I'm not riding, nor volunteering, but we do support. We are grateful for all those that work to achieve the goal of Pelotonia- End Cancer.   And we're proud of Granville and Denison's involvement!  We've all been touched, some of us more closely that others, some of us more recently.  Life on Newark-Granville Road admires all those engaged and making this impressive and amazing effort such a success.  Life on Newark-Granville Road participates as we are able and one way is spreading the word and join us in making a donation.

It seems hard to believe anyone in the world would not know about Pelotonia but if you don't- please visit the website and learn more.  If you are in the Granville area and want to see it, feel it, be touched and inspired- be on Broadway to cheer for the riders on Saturday, August 5th**.  Want to join me - email, call or text and I'll share the details of where we cheer. Riders turn on Pearl St. to head toward Gambier and a rest stop hosted in Granville!  Routes are on the website- riders choose a distance and commit to that plan/ level. So many amazing efforts unite within our community to make it all work.   Lots of events have been leading up to the big ride to help riders and pelatons with their financial commitment.  This is all to raise money for funding, 100% of every dollar raised goes to research- incredible strides have been made in this fight, their is more to do.  I hope you'll find a rider or two or three, or a peloton, respond to the request sent to you by the neighbor, colleague, friend.

We can't support them all but we appreciated being asked. We love knowing what friends are riding and volunteering and being philanthropic!!  It also helps us acknowledge and remember those cancer has taken too soon and those fighting now. We're also inspired by the incredible fights those cancer have made. We know and respect all the other cancer related charities in our world-you can't help but feel good about the world and the desire to help individuals, find cures and prevention.  We made our gift and will make more on August 5th at an event hosted by friends to watch and cheer.

An event new to me is happening tomorrow, Sunday- July 30th 7 pm at Denison, Swasey Chapel. It is the Blessing of the Bikes and Go Green for Pelotonia. Swasey Chapel will have a green light this week. I will join this effort and say add my prayers.  My life wouldn't be the same if had not been for an amazing fight and incredible medical efforts for my sister. Sarah's diagnosis almost nine years ago still brings me to tears when I think about it. If you search "Cancer" on this blog you can read more about the why.

Congratulations to all involved in all the good work to get you to this point. Enjoy your rides, your journey, your good fights- it is working and we're gratefully green on Newark-Granville Road.

**there are other places in central ohio to see riders, share and support this cause...I just think Granville does it the best- pretty proud of our village!

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