I love that this year's reality was hatched from a cocktail hour of a past beach trip. This year Louisa, Clare and Sally were all ghany girls! Want to know more about Camp Alleghany- visit: http://campalleghanyforgirls.com We have a nice Granville group and I can sing the praises of what camp provides for girls of today- the time alone without electronics is worth every penny! Clare is always sad to leave, but this year- whoa. She was devastated, we love the relationships that have blossomed. She was set that this would be her last year, but now she isn't so sure. As of today she will plan to apply to be a junior counselor. Future blog material, fingers crossed from this Ghany camper.
One of my favorite traditions of pick-up is breakfast!
What fun to have Sarah and Greg with us. We've made it the plan since the first pick-up to camp and return to the hotel for showers and breakfast before departing for the beach vacation. This started just to show Clare the Greenbrier and now is a required part of the process. Clare didn't need the shower this year but was excited for our breakfast. Sally took the full package. The past three years we've loved being at the Lewisburg Inn. We returned to the porch for brunch and had Sarah, Greg and Louisa with us- heaven. I was in absolute heaven. Family united (missing Peter though), beloved and connected around the beautiful table with delicious food- what isn't to love!
Reuniting with Peter was wonderful too- we rolled into the beach house parking late and there was Peter-first to see us and greet us with a hug. I love the happy, proud stories from my parents about his activities in Maryland. I'm grateful and pleased with all three of them- 15 year old boys don't always love grandparent time. Grandparents don't always want three weeks with 15 year old boys.
Back to Greenbrier County- we also took full advantage of the last night without kids and celebrated with others in our situation. Lewisburg area has become a special reunion place as we've enjoyed seeing old friends from high school that send their daugther(s) to camp and new friends we've made through the old friends! This year was quite the gathering in the lobby of the Inn, wide range of connections- all ghany parents. Cocktails and dinner gives us great place to pass the time as we're all excited to get to camp. What a treat to enjoy a delicous meal at a fabulous restaurant with good good people.
Pick up morning brings giggles and smiles- executing strategy to get to camp on time- follow the instructions of waiting for the bus, but be poised to make the first barge! Compairing notes about how and where our girls will greet us. Clare ignores us- always has- this year no different and she even sent us away- "can you get sally now, come back for me" she said choking back the tears. Sally was our Sally happy to see us and be in the moment and ready for the beach. I love supporting and sharing these emotional transitions with my girls.
Next year will be different, I'm stating the obvious. Last year was different- oh was it with the floods! I'm grateful to those that have included us in special outings, helped with reservations, shared memorable family moments- camp allehgany family extends beyond the river and the girls. A big shout out to the camp staff that execute incredible opportunity for our girls and us! Life on Newark-Granville Road is very grateful and treasures these trips to Greenbrier County. Sally is signed up for 2018 Camp- she moves to senior camp, happy to say Louisa returns to junior camp and Clare....stay tuned!
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