The 1992 song- Friday I'm in love- by The Cure is a classic. Not a college classic, I graduated in 1990. It is a Joe classic. Music of my early 20s is a blur- Friday I'm in Love goes to Joe. When we were dating he made me this fantastic mixed tape for one of my drives. We had a long distance relationship. He was quick to tell me the music was just that- music, no hidden meanings. But I was in love or pre-love or prepping to fall in love. I was happy with my work and my life and the icing was this great man to share time with on the weekends. I'm pretty sure I opened that tape on a Friday and I smiled when I heard it. There were lots of other great songs and I still have the tape but I will tell you on a Friday when things are good- it is the first thing that comes to mind.
And yes this Friday, Friday August 18th I was in love. In love with my life, my job, my husband, my kids. Work was particularly good as we're in the happy place of welcoming the Class of 2021 to campus. This is the warm up, the lead-up, things are full swing next week. I valued the time to sit and talk with amazing parents. Parents that want to help, share their perspective, two in particular that understand my role and want to partner. Days like this are amazing. I enjoyed the engagement and partnership with incredible colleagues and bonus- I saw friends, Denison classmates this week. What a treat to share a bit of their Denison 1st year student fun. Friday night fun was dinner with kids, Peter and his friends talking about a book. Summer reading review to help the boys prepare for school start-up...okay- maybe that is an ingredient of my happy place? Just a few more days and we're back in routine and secure care for my beloved three. After dinner Joe and I snuggled up to a TV show I've wanted to watch for ages.....HBO's Big Little Lies. I listened to the book and have been craving the comparison, visual escape. It took some effort by Joe but he persevered and it was TV night for the two of us.
Friday I'm in Love on Newark-Granville Road....reality is I'm in love with my life five days a week. There are ups and downs each day, but yesterday was just one of those lovely days at the end of a really nice week, cue up to a great weekend. Summer love, just had to share.
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