Everyone said the ankle break would be complicated- and it was. I didn't believe it as the left ankle break was simple and healed. That was the small bone, this was the big one- Fibula vs Tibia! Life lessons at 50, repeated on this blog and in conversations many times: go to the specialist, get the 2nd opinion, what I knew but didn't head: listen to your gut! Update- I'm released from doctor's care. I'm going to close the Workers Comp case after I sync up all billing. I'm doing my exercises at home and wearing sneakers. I'll work my way back into other shoes, tennis and higher impact exercise. Here is my look these days- swing dress and sneaks! Adidas and New Balance- Joe helped me find the perfect pair, TJ Maxx the back-up
It is hard for me not to wear professional shoes but I'll be honest- these are comfy. My ankle does swell when I stand too much. My doctor says we're watching for recovery so I will start attempt flats soon. I do too much- my body is healing and I'm tired at night. I want to put my feet up- I go to bed early to do that. The slow down or halt was good for me- trying hard to keep balance and pace in a healthy place. Why return to the frantic? Full is relative of course, so is frantic, my approach is being mindful of pace and needs and adding in some meditation and yoga. I've been back at yoga for some time!!
Many have asked about the ankle and I appreciate the care and interest. Life on Newark-Granville road is good with two feet and the ability to climb stairs- just doing it in sneakers.
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Thursday, February 28, 2019
Monday, February 25, 2019
Counting my Blessings, Monday morning
I wanted to post this on Sunday but I just never had the opportunity to sit and share. It was one of "those" weeks in our lives on Newark-Granville Road. In some ways simple as so many of us were gone at some point in the past seven days. Susan to Naples, FL for work- yes, there are DU parents in 80 degree weather in February to be seen. I added a drive home from Maryland to bring the new to us car- Hansel Winston, I'm back driving a station wagon!! Joe went to Vegas on a guys trip- love this tradition and time with friends. Crazy how you have to leave to do so but it works! Peter went to the swim state meet as an alternative and Sally went to Hocking Hills weekend youth retreat with church. On top of it all was my big work weekend- I have two a year in the Family Philanthropy world and I'm pleased to say it went really really well.
The week started with a church meeting that had robust conversation that led to the simplest of answers- count your blessings. I know we all read this everywhere. And my brain wants to simplify it more- be grateful. So today's blog post is me reflecting on some of my blessings:
-Sunshine- in Florida and Ohio
-Snow- oh how pretty the contrast- MY mountain drive Friday was different with silhouetted trees. If it is going to be cold, may we please have snow!
-Safe- those winds were nuts- so far so good, neighbor had big tree uprooted- it fell the right way and the right time.
-Teamwork with YES! no way, no how could the weekend FLC meeting happened without incredible work by the incredible team that executed, presented. And the team behind the scenes leading up to a weekend like that.
-Philanthropy- parents/donors that care- these FLC members are supporting the college with resources beyond money- thoughts, time, care and perspective.
-Friendship- a special treat in the weekend was an impromptu drink to catch-up and share with a colleague that leads incredibly well.
-Memorials- I attended the service of a 99 year old friend at FPC. Emily was a friend to everyone on so many levels. She will always be my inspiration from our FLC- Granville time, so much more at the service. Karen you always do a wonderful job with these- such a blessing. Memorial services are so important- funerals are for the living- the family to grieve but also for the deceased's memory to be strengthened, launched. Emily was a blessing in this world. I believe she'll continue to be a blessing- heaven is on earth with the memories we keep alive.
-Friendship- Clare couldn't find her make up for Winter Formal- we were texting during that memorial service (I know bad form) but I wanted to be in two places at once and my phone allowed me to do so. No biggie- girl group took care of her. Hair and make up at a friends house, group pictures- a lovely change of pace for me, touch point in my busy work weekend.
-Boys and Mud- Peter and the dog park, Lucy and mud, a tub- enough said.
-Church youth group- this retreat to the hocking hills. Sally had it on the calendar for weeks- the timing was perfect. I met a nice Mom at pick up- so grateful our church included her son. They go to a smaller church and they appreciated how many kids we had on this trip. Our church is a blessing.
-Table talk- Logos table time was intentional and how we really connected with Emily and many of our church family. Constant in our life- not every night as you can tell from above schedule-but enough to be a tradition- family dinner. Yesterday morning I sat with two dear volunteers-donors-friends and reflected, caught up, shared. The time went fast and wasn't long enough but it was indeed a blessing to host and be at the table.
-Wins and Loss- we learn through the losses. Life isn't perfect. The celebrations carry us, energizes us. Lots of these in our lives in various places on and off the athletic field.
-Communication with People is such a blessing! Being able to plan and share. All the better when you can be honest and real. I was able to have breakfast with my parents, hug my niece and connect with my sister and brother in law this week in person!! Talking to my brother in the same state- delightful! Maryland time, not planned. Started with a thoughtful phone call: "hey, you said you got first dibs if we ever sold Greg's wagon?" Thank you Sarah for the call. I wanted to return to a wagon when I turned 50 and thanks be to God, the Universe, Kismet (what ever you believe) I believe it is a bit of all these things wrapped up together and tied with Communication.
It was a blessed week in more ways than this. I'm ready to move forward this week on Newark-Granville Road looking and appreciating my blessings.
The week started with a church meeting that had robust conversation that led to the simplest of answers- count your blessings. I know we all read this everywhere. And my brain wants to simplify it more- be grateful. So today's blog post is me reflecting on some of my blessings:
-Sunshine- in Florida and Ohio
-Snow- oh how pretty the contrast- MY mountain drive Friday was different with silhouetted trees. If it is going to be cold, may we please have snow!
-Safe- those winds were nuts- so far so good, neighbor had big tree uprooted- it fell the right way and the right time.
-Teamwork with YES! no way, no how could the weekend FLC meeting happened without incredible work by the incredible team that executed, presented. And the team behind the scenes leading up to a weekend like that.
-Philanthropy- parents/donors that care- these FLC members are supporting the college with resources beyond money- thoughts, time, care and perspective.
-Friendship- a special treat in the weekend was an impromptu drink to catch-up and share with a colleague that leads incredibly well.
-Memorials- I attended the service of a 99 year old friend at FPC. Emily was a friend to everyone on so many levels. She will always be my inspiration from our FLC- Granville time, so much more at the service. Karen you always do a wonderful job with these- such a blessing. Memorial services are so important- funerals are for the living- the family to grieve but also for the deceased's memory to be strengthened, launched. Emily was a blessing in this world. I believe she'll continue to be a blessing- heaven is on earth with the memories we keep alive.
-Friendship- Clare couldn't find her make up for Winter Formal- we were texting during that memorial service (I know bad form) but I wanted to be in two places at once and my phone allowed me to do so. No biggie- girl group took care of her. Hair and make up at a friends house, group pictures- a lovely change of pace for me, touch point in my busy work weekend.
-Boys and Mud- Peter and the dog park, Lucy and mud, a tub- enough said.
-Church youth group- this retreat to the hocking hills. Sally had it on the calendar for weeks- the timing was perfect. I met a nice Mom at pick up- so grateful our church included her son. They go to a smaller church and they appreciated how many kids we had on this trip. Our church is a blessing.
-Table talk- Logos table time was intentional and how we really connected with Emily and many of our church family. Constant in our life- not every night as you can tell from above schedule-but enough to be a tradition- family dinner. Yesterday morning I sat with two dear volunteers-donors-friends and reflected, caught up, shared. The time went fast and wasn't long enough but it was indeed a blessing to host and be at the table.
-Wins and Loss- we learn through the losses. Life isn't perfect. The celebrations carry us, energizes us. Lots of these in our lives in various places on and off the athletic field.
-Communication with People is such a blessing! Being able to plan and share. All the better when you can be honest and real. I was able to have breakfast with my parents, hug my niece and connect with my sister and brother in law this week in person!! Talking to my brother in the same state- delightful! Maryland time, not planned. Started with a thoughtful phone call: "hey, you said you got first dibs if we ever sold Greg's wagon?" Thank you Sarah for the call. I wanted to return to a wagon when I turned 50 and thanks be to God, the Universe, Kismet (what ever you believe) I believe it is a bit of all these things wrapped up together and tied with Communication.
It was a blessed week in more ways than this. I'm ready to move forward this week on Newark-Granville Road looking and appreciating my blessings.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Celebrating with Truth
Overheard in our life on Newark-Granville Road: "Oh- that means truth". Clare's response to the answer I provided to her question: "where are you having dinner to celebrate your anniversary?" My answer was: Veritas. https://veritasrestaurant.com
Here is the truth- dinner was fantastic, even for a Valentines set dinner. Truth- I love a tasting menu when I don't have to make the decision of what to order. Delight me, surprise me, make it easy on you for a busy night. Truth- we don't usually go out to dinner on Valentines weekend- kind of like NYE. Saturday was the one night we could make it work. Our 20th anniversary is on 2/20- fun with math! I'll be in Florida for work. We often combine it to celebrate Joe's birthday 2/22- he'll be on a guy's trip and I'll be working. We seized the night. Truth- I made the reservation frustrated by Joe's lack of planning for the big 20- truth- not warranted, I may have overreacted a bit- good trips coming up this summer. Truth- he still sends me my bouquet- white roses and I was happy to have them delivered on Friday to the office. Truth- I'm the planner. I had always wanted to try Veritas and I it all worked out- the 9 pm reservation was perfect for a busy Denison day- NCAC swim championships, lacrosse, bluegrass, great parents in town and honoring a family. Truth- ending the day at an intimate table for two with scrumptious small plates paired with wine, an anniversary champagne toast was a lovely way to celebrate 20 years together. A gift to Joe and a gift to me and a gift for us. Life on Newark-Granville Road has ups and downs, over reactions and juggling but we know our love is true.
Here is the truth- dinner was fantastic, even for a Valentines set dinner. Truth- I love a tasting menu when I don't have to make the decision of what to order. Delight me, surprise me, make it easy on you for a busy night. Truth- we don't usually go out to dinner on Valentines weekend- kind of like NYE. Saturday was the one night we could make it work. Our 20th anniversary is on 2/20- fun with math! I'll be in Florida for work. We often combine it to celebrate Joe's birthday 2/22- he'll be on a guy's trip and I'll be working. We seized the night. Truth- I made the reservation frustrated by Joe's lack of planning for the big 20- truth- not warranted, I may have overreacted a bit- good trips coming up this summer. Truth- he still sends me my bouquet- white roses and I was happy to have them delivered on Friday to the office. Truth- I'm the planner. I had always wanted to try Veritas and I it all worked out- the 9 pm reservation was perfect for a busy Denison day- NCAC swim championships, lacrosse, bluegrass, great parents in town and honoring a family. Truth- ending the day at an intimate table for two with scrumptious small plates paired with wine, an anniversary champagne toast was a lovely way to celebrate 20 years together. A gift to Joe and a gift to me and a gift for us. Life on Newark-Granville Road has ups and downs, over reactions and juggling but we know our love is true.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Love for the Blog's Roots and Pancake Time!
Showing some love for the roots of the blog- communication, spreading event news, encouraging folks to share in community gatherings/events! Mass emails was how I would share info, now I post here. The coffee shop- River Road Granville- had these events posted and inspired today's Life on NG post:
- Granville Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast- this Saturday, February 16th. We love how this event brings out neighbors and friends. We are grateful for the Kiwanis and ALL they do, support, execute- we want to help in any way we can. If eating pancakes and GRANVILLE syrup helps- so be it! St. Edward's Church 7 am to 2 pm.
-Denison University's Center for Narrative Journalism- TELL BETTER STORIES. Workshop series free and open to the public on Feb 23, March 23 and April 27 10 am- 12 pm NEWORK SPACE. Register at lossingb@denison.edu check out the picture and here is a link for the first event- https://denison.edu/events/event/129647 Great topics include: lives with video, truth/memoirs and Listening Well (for Writers).
Valentines Day- tomorrow- isn't just for lovers...it is for people and events I just love in my life on Newark-Granville Road.
Denison BLUEGRASS- a repeat topic for regular readers: This weekend- some fantastic picking going on up on the hill: https://denison.edu/series/bluegrass You won't be sorry if you find yourself in Swasey at 7 pm on Friday or Saturday!!
Denison Lacrosse- here we go, yes in February, and it might snow, it has before:
Men's Season Opener - Saturday 2/16 1 pm vs Washington and Lee.
Women's Season Opener- Saturday 2/23 Noon, then a Sunday 2/24 game!! Men play at 3 on 2/23!
Vail Series: https://denison.edu/series/vail I'm going to be very very sad to miss the event on Tuesday, February 26th, go if you can please!
Happy Valentines Day to all reading and sharing- love life as Benjamin Franklin said: Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life ismade of. And take some of that time for you today.

- Granville Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast- this Saturday, February 16th. We love how this event brings out neighbors and friends. We are grateful for the Kiwanis and ALL they do, support, execute- we want to help in any way we can. If eating pancakes and GRANVILLE syrup helps- so be it! St. Edward's Church 7 am to 2 pm.
-Denison University's Center for Narrative Journalism- TELL BETTER STORIES. Workshop series free and open to the public on Feb 23, March 23 and April 27 10 am- 12 pm NEWORK SPACE. Register at lossingb@denison.edu check out the picture and here is a link for the first event- https://denison.edu/events/event/129647 Great topics include: lives with video, truth/memoirs and Listening Well (for Writers).
Valentines Day- tomorrow- isn't just for lovers...it is for people and events I just love in my life on Newark-Granville Road.
Denison BLUEGRASS- a repeat topic for regular readers: This weekend- some fantastic picking going on up on the hill: https://denison.edu/series/bluegrass You won't be sorry if you find yourself in Swasey at 7 pm on Friday or Saturday!!
Denison Lacrosse- here we go, yes in February, and it might snow, it has before:
Men's Season Opener - Saturday 2/16 1 pm vs Washington and Lee.
Women's Season Opener- Saturday 2/23 Noon, then a Sunday 2/24 game!! Men play at 3 on 2/23!
Vail Series: https://denison.edu/series/vail I'm going to be very very sad to miss the event on Tuesday, February 26th, go if you can please!
Happy Valentines Day to all reading and sharing- love life as Benjamin Franklin said: Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life ismade of. And take some of that time for you today.

Sunday, February 10, 2019
Saturday Swoosh and Swim
Saturday/yesterday was really a nice event to celebrate a great high school basketball career and share the monument with a lovely group of people we've spent a lot of time with in our lives on Newark-Granville Road. Basketball Moms of juniors- Emily Wilson and Janine Morterello- coordinated Senior Night for the four seniors on the Granville Girls Basketball Team (a tradition.) Posters, flowers, balloons, announcement,program, a walk across the court, pictures, starting positions were so well executed. Bonus- Leithauser family sharing the game with us, a big win, Licking County League title secured (so they cut the net) and the fun continuing at Donatos well into the evening! It has been quite a pleasure to sit in the bleachers, sharing the fun all these years. Senior night dusted off great pics showcasing early years and great success. Joe's passion and care shared with his kids. Clare's hard work and commitment have paid off. She does not play much but she is part of the team and has gained many important lessons. She is grateful for how well they transfer to lacrosse. We're grateful for how they transfer to life and the relationships and friendships sharing the journey. Congratulations and thanks to all involved with the program- great season for you, and great career for you Clare.

2018-19 Seniors! Girls GHS
Never just one thing happening in our lives- Peter had Sectionals for swimming. Not getting to see him swim that much this season I was able to see the 1st event. He was the anchor in the 200 Medley Relay with the freestyle. Peter only swims free these days. He had a wonderful sprint catching the lead relay to grab the first place finish in the heat. He went on to have other PB- personal bests in the 100 and 50! We kept track on-line and via text. It has been a great season for Peter and we're proud of his progress.
What about Sally you say? Basketball is over, lax starts in March- she is the fabulous supporting sibling in the stands. Transition time means hair cuts, dog walks and hopefully some friend and family time. Basketball not over for Clare- this is a great team and we're rooting for them in our lives on Newark-Granville Road!
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Grandma and Clare- Senior Night Ball 2/19 |

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Sectionals for Peter- anchor takes the lead and wins! |

2018-19 Seniors! Girls GHS
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Completed/Check- what is next.....
January- check! It was a good month and flew by, filled with PT/PT- part time work so I could focus on physical therapy. I'm making great progress. What is next? I will continue PT, visit my doctor and plans to keep improving- goal is to play tennis, run, hop, pivot and move from tennis shoes/sneakers. Stay tuned!
Book Club- January's book is powerful- The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson- we discuss it tomorrow at 7:30 pm at Cherry Valley Lodge in the lobby- join us! What is next? What is the What by Dave Eggars. I'm still finishing this epic story, so grateful for the read, although need to tie it to the discussion we're having in Sunday School- Family and Faith class- all about Grace and today's conversation about forgiveness. Equality, race relations should never be a topic that is checked off, we must keep learning, reading, talking, evolving, growing.
Cocktails by the Fire at The Works: Ohio Center for History, Art and Technology- check! Such a great night last night. Love love love the creative energy that so many put into this wonderful event supporting a gem in Central Ohio. What is next? Two things: Add Cocktails by the Fire to your plans for 2020- 1st Saturday in February! I'll update my event post on the right! And know there is always something good at The Works: check out the website:https://attheworks.org I highly recommend visiting during STEMfest- Feb 16-17! You won't be sorry you missed the opportunity to see our future (middle school and high school) problem solvers- our future is bright! I personally love seeing industry and education connected so closely. And hooray for Denison and Dr. Joe!
Kids are good- sports seasons coming to an end- basketball for the girls and swimming for Peter. Fun to hear about the relay that placed 3rd in LCL- Licking County League meet for Peter and where the girls teams are seeded. And hooray for Peter- he has his drivers license! We're proud of his focus and accomplishment. He takes it seriously and has worked hard for this achievement. What is next? Peter helping with picking up Sally and running errands! Girls are counting down to Lacrosse and Peter- tennis. But first senior night and banquets.
Thanks for sharing my Sunday insights about my life on Newark-Granville Road.
Book Club- January's book is powerful- The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson- we discuss it tomorrow at 7:30 pm at Cherry Valley Lodge in the lobby- join us! What is next? What is the What by Dave Eggars. I'm still finishing this epic story, so grateful for the read, although need to tie it to the discussion we're having in Sunday School- Family and Faith class- all about Grace and today's conversation about forgiveness. Equality, race relations should never be a topic that is checked off, we must keep learning, reading, talking, evolving, growing.
Cocktails by the Fire at The Works: Ohio Center for History, Art and Technology- check! Such a great night last night. Love love love the creative energy that so many put into this wonderful event supporting a gem in Central Ohio. What is next? Two things: Add Cocktails by the Fire to your plans for 2020- 1st Saturday in February! I'll update my event post on the right! And know there is always something good at The Works: check out the website:https://attheworks.org I highly recommend visiting during STEMfest- Feb 16-17! You won't be sorry you missed the opportunity to see our future (middle school and high school) problem solvers- our future is bright! I personally love seeing industry and education connected so closely. And hooray for Denison and Dr. Joe!
Kids are good- sports seasons coming to an end- basketball for the girls and swimming for Peter. Fun to hear about the relay that placed 3rd in LCL- Licking County League meet for Peter and where the girls teams are seeded. And hooray for Peter- he has his drivers license! We're proud of his focus and accomplishment. He takes it seriously and has worked hard for this achievement. What is next? Peter helping with picking up Sally and running errands! Girls are counting down to Lacrosse and Peter- tennis. But first senior night and banquets.
Thanks for sharing my Sunday insights about my life on Newark-Granville Road.
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