I remember getting up pre-dawn to stand in line to get a spot at the preschool! Or maybe we went at midnight to put our names on "the list". That may have been my last micromanaging for Clare. She has been disciplined, organized and responsible all these years. It paid off-she graduated on Sunday with a number of honors. We are very proud. At senior night she listed the accomplishment she is most proud as playing 3 sports for 4 years. I would concur- all while staying focused in her classes, learning how to learn, be a great teammate and leader on the field. I certainly knew she was having success, I'm not sure it hit me until Sunday just how well she did. Best of all she is pleased, confident and proud of this. It doesn't appear to be boastful and I don't want this post to be. Clare is in a good place and deserves it. She is prepared to go to college and she found a great one in the College of Wooster! Woo- hoo to Clare! And good job Wooster, you woo-ed her and it is going to be a good fit.
I didn't think I'd cry but I did. I cried at the wise words of the speaker. I laughed with the other, proud of our friend and her perspective. My tears surprised me as I'm thrilled to have Clare at this point. Joe and I agree, this is our job to raise them, she is ready. She has had fun, made friends, learned, failed, worked hard and shared it all with us in her way. My tears happen when I reflect on the experiences that showcase this- looking back at pictures, reviewing her engagements. I recall the first day of Kindergarten. We put her on the bus- no tears for me, happiness- we were both ready. I then hopped on my bike and watched her get off the bus at the school- delighting in sharing the excitement of so many sweet kiddos in our lives. She was independent and happy then, just as she is now.
Life on Newark-Granville Road this weekend was magical. Granville friends sharing this time with their children and us! Fantastic people, we're lucky to have in our life, hosting us in beautiful ways. I feel so fortunate to have shared the good, challenging, boring, kid raising in the stands and auditoriums, at playdates and parties and just around town. Family came to share the occasion with us and it all worked! The brunch I didn't realize I needed to host for 20 until Sunday was a good energy placement! Clare again partnered and co-hosted as she did at the Derby/Grad party earlier in May.
Pictures tell some of the stories, but here is the rest of it for the fun of it! Her dress- she wanted white. I found one and we ordered it. I loved it, she did not. We returned it and she found her dress and she was right- it was perfect. I love that our niece attended wearing white eyelet as well. My dress I found last year- blue with black eyelet- on sale and loved it, even more, when I tried it on earlier in May. The lei I wore was from a dear friend. Her sentiments allowed me to accept the beautiful gift. I had to look up the traditions around Hawaiian leis. They are given to honor and acknowledge comings and goings so they are perfect for graduations/commencement. I love all things fresh flowers and was tickled to have such a gift. Grateful to be honored for mothering the graduate. I have loved mothering Clare. I love how it has evolved into a partnership. Not a friendship but a partnership. We have our roles and respect them. I have this with my own mother and Clare has this with other family members and dear friends. Like all relationships, they are growing and evolving. As I type she is off with friends for a girls weekend and I could not be happier for her.
GHS did a lovely job with the actual ceremony- three cheers for Denison staff for logistics, parking, and space to use! Performers and speakers- well done, well done and yes, thanks for the tears and giggles. Sarah and I had a near miss but kept it together. (She had to refocus on the NCAA lacrosse tourney.) I am so grateful to the big group cheering for Clare- Grandma, Westerville Leithausers, Christophers, Nana and Pap, Granville Leithausers and Grandma Shirley. After the ceremony was a bit chaotic and crowded but her gang found each other and Joe assisted with tradition. Pictures were secured and then it was time to partee! Mother nature respected dear friends' outdoor setting ideal to toast our beautiful graduates and enjoy good company. Food was good too- woohoo for Fired-Up pizza! I wish we could of attended all the parties, we divided as best we could , coming back together to regroup and unite as a family.
All good things must come to an end. The Granville Inn is such a wonderful setting for our family gatherings and this weekend was no different. Night fell and we found ourselves on the patio, just a few of us family members. Catching up, reflecting, being ourselves- my feet on a chair, Louisa was bouncing, being the cute 10-year-old she is. She behaved and sat most of the day. Sally her dear companion and host. Taking it in and making her own plans for her own graduation as she enters high school next year. Joe and I danced and Louisa danced with Joe. Clare found us to our delight sharing insights and making us all feel honored and loved with her time and attention. A little rain added some sparkle to a night I will always cherish in my life on Newark-Granville Road.
There goes my baby, there goes my baby girl. She has graduated into a new chapter and world. She is ready, she has worked hard. Thank you for sharing, caring and being you dear Clare. Well done, you did it and we are so proud and pleased.