Who goes where when how is always fun in the summer. Summer my favorite season! Those that have been following for years know we love camp not only because of the wonderful lessons and relationships (authentic with no phones) it provides. Because who goes where when how is reduced to two whens: drop off and pick up and get picked up and fun overnights (the how)! The where is cool too- beautiful, wild West Virginia! I admit the juggle has become easier with older kids and drivers, and the what is filled with favorites- like swim team! Here is what the 2019 update is in our lives on Newark-Granville Road in June:
Clare is at camp! She returns as a 2nd year counselor and we're very proud. She drove the full trip, winding WVA highway not as bad as she expected. It was a quick pull up, unload her trunk and belongings, gave me a hug and I was sent off, making the return trip in the afternoon. I did stop for quick shop, leg stretch in Lewisburg and at Tamarack. I love me a Greenbrier latte- the blue and white stripe cup is a treat. Yes, I feel like we started our college goodbye last summer with her 8 weeks away from us. Intermittent encounters made it all good, as well as texts and calls- from the counselor. When Sally goes it is only letter communication for 3 weeks. The easy goodbye today was that she will come home to attend her Orientation at the College of Wooster with Joe next week! Oh yes, more blog material for sure!
Peter went to camp- Young Life Camp in Michigan this year. He had a great time and we appreciated the break from one another. Everyone deserves time away from their parents, we've been watching Peter's grades and study time. He's back and guesses what he gets again?! Questions about summer reading, ACT prep and chores! He is going to love his swim team/MCC time he gets in the am as the break.
Sally volunteers this week at VBS- past readers know how much I adore this Granville happening! Ecumenical community effort- thank you to the churches, staff and all levels of volunteers for bringing our kids together for faith formation and friendship. Thank you St. Eds for hosting this year- making it very easy for Sally (who) where, how- bike or walk! She jumped right back into sports with conditioning for field hockey/basketball and playing with the high school team- early Sunday morning departures with Joe have provided father-daughter bonding.
I'm in welcome to the Class of 2023 June O mode at Denison and I love it! The sunset on Friday night was spectacular from the Reese Common. New parents, new Denisonians are thrilled to have their students enrolled at DU. Joe joined me and we caught up with classmates and great folks in a similar place as we look forward to Clare's launch. We were able to enjoy lake time with Scott and Ann yesterday to celebrate sweet Caroline's birthday- sneaking in some traditions like a pinata. It is hard to let go of things like swimming the lake and spending the night for campfires. It is part of the big picture juggle in our lives on Newark-Granville Road. Thanks for reading and sharing. Summer is special and so much to savor! Stay tuned for updates on Cash Explosion - Joe's name was announced and this week his Dad will represent the family. I'll share when I can!
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