So much to put into one blog...and one post it is as there is more to come! Goodbye June, hello July. I'm now in official I LOVE SUMMER mode!!! June isn't really summer- it is the taste of what is to come and it is the backdrop of still-a-lot-to-do with work and kids and you've read all about that...and my reward was- a big ole fun trip!! Woo hoo- I ran away, I ran so far away ay ay.....
Saturday- June 18- it came and I went! Sally and I loaded up the car and headed to Wild and Wonderful West Virginia! We made it just as the Millers were arriving and had a successful hand-off, Maggie joined the girls weekend kick-off, making it merrier! Then we had lunch with Clare- yay...always love touch points with her as a counselor and treating her to lunch. We shopped and then took her back to camp getting her camp news. The littles joined me for a curiosity visit- it aligned with this year's meditation and wellness focus- we took a visit to the: A little halo therapy was quite nice after a long drive and full month of June! Then we embraced our Air BnB fishing cabin on the Greenbrier River/River Trail making our way quickly back to Lewisburg. We met up with another Granville camp family and this was a true delight! The picture tells the story:
The girls are at their own table prepping for camp, hearing all about min-camp and doing their thing. Brad treated me to delicious scotch and we all enjoyed our time away from Gville. When do we get to sit and sip and chat? Sunday school, with kids in prep mode- Jeni and Brad are dear. Lewisburg is a special place- great food, shops, history, and countryside. Each visit gives me new perspective and experiences and I love this component of camp for the girls. (Update- no letters from Sally yet- sigh. No news is good news.) Clare is able to text occasionally- all is well with her) Back to the glorious week....
Camp drop off went very well the next day. Again see the photos:
Clare is in that welcome signing group! The other pic I took of her in the singing group!! CA is old school- tents, all girls, old fashioned fun, outdoors 99% of the time with screened in buildings. The delight is the relationships, reconnections and new as well as the adventures accompanied with anticipation!!

As I look at these it is obvious Sally didn't want to be photographed. Oh well! Our time was up- she was so ready to have me gone. I was ready to go, I said goodbye- see you soon...3 weeks! Next chapter- Grown Up Girl Time! I headed south and stayed with my neighbor and friend Amanda Love in her home town of Columbia, SC. I'd never been before and so enjoyed the convertible tour by Jan and Lew as well as the southern hospitality! What a beautiful city and campus- University South Carolina! The next day Amanda and I enjoyed yoga, lunch, and good ole catch-up time with her friends and family. It was a treat to share special precious moments. We made it to our final destination- Charleston, SC just in time for the cooking demo at Zero George: This was such a treat! Oh my goodness- bless our hearts- wow- yum- ahhhhh! Seriously I have some cooking to do! If you are there- GO!! Then the rest of the group arrived and I had one of the best scotch cocktails I've ever had on Zero George's porch. It was one of those special, incredible nights. Phone calls from home interrupted the fun, we persevered. You'll have to ask me about it in person- bonus for reading the blog! Joe and I believe in girl time- it is why C and S go to camp. We believe in it for me too! May it be at the pool, on the golf course, in SC, NC, GA, MD, in my life on NG Road, I'm lucky to find it, plan it, embrace it and last week was a treat! And cue the pictures:

The smiles and location tell the story. Here is the beautiful back story!! Philanthropy- we attended a fundraiser for the wonderful Robbins Hunter Museum in Granville. A get-away to Charleston was offered and Amanda bought it. She quickly (at the event) recruited the attendees and our group was formed! Amanda knowing Charleston and all things wonderful like restaurants, art, music, shopping led the way. It all went so very well. Our swim time was the wrap up to spa time. We arrived at the Sanctuary Spa on Kiawah at 9 am and left at 8:30 pm. I had been there for Federal-Mogul work and spring break on the USS Yorktown (loved that) years before. So fun to go back this way including visiting Middleton Plantation/Garden- a stop we made but didn't get far with the kids in the heat!! The few days together- I left on Thursday for work back in WVA- was filled with laughter, appreciation of good things like time with the girls!
My drive time was great for me too. I listened to books on tape, NPR, sang out loud and enjoyed the beautiful country side and MOUNTAINS!! The trip wrapped up with a Denison event in Morgantown providing important quality time with my favorite Denisonians- parents!!
I arrived home Friday in time to catch-up from vacation time, organize and wrap up DU's fiscal year end. I must say thank you to all who helped make 2019F record breaking for Parent and Family Philanthropy. Joe and I took to the golf course with dear friends for Friday Night Golf League- ask me about this- join us or if you are members GO!!
So life on Newark-Granville Road- Summer Style! Road Trip Time! Happy to run away and return home to my happy life on Newark-Granville Road! Thanks for reading and allowing me to savor it all again- what a trip to go south to wrap up June!
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