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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Leithauser 2020 Christmas/Holiday "Letter"


For now, this is our "2020 Card" and below is the post, hoping those that receive the card or link will follow and catch up with us and receive our holiday message- HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU! All the best in 2021- please stay in touch!

Dear Friends,

It certainly has been life on Newark-Granville Road in 2020- we've been here more than usual while living our lives outside of NG Road as well. We have been working here, going to school here, riding out the pandemic here. We're here as a family.  The focus has been to reduce (not eliminate) risk, mitigate, understand the science and the data, and travel and connect safely. So we have been on NG Road more than normal in 2020, we were also able to spend some time away.

Not an easy task to create a Christmas/Holiday card.  So many are about Joy and Ho-Ho-Ho. We have lived the continuum here on Newark-Granville Road. We are still mourning the loss of Daddy/Pap- Mike Stoner. AND we're missing the in-person connections with family, friends, classmates, and colleagues.  It makes the limited safe beer, bourbon, or scotch with neighbors, friends, and family even more special. So yes there is plenty of Joy in our lives. Although not always easy, we've found peace in the downtime. We are comforted in the knowledge that Pap had a beautiful life and left quite the legacy created with his Jeanne. His beautiful architecture and philanthropy inspire and provides Love. Our lives here are filled with HOPE- hope this finds you well, hope to see you and connect and hope to support the world in the ways we choose.

Updates at a Glance:

Clare- sophomore year at the College of Wooster- joined the Field Hockey Team as Lacrosse went really well. She has selected Political Science as a major with Econ as a possible minor. She was able to have a week working at beloved Camp Alleghany! She followed her brother and is employed at Jimmy Johns.

Peter- Wabash College is a great fit and his first year has led to good grades and brotherhood- he pledged Delta Tau Delta and really enjoys his time with his Brothers and rugby. GHS graduation was not quite what we thought it would be but it happened!  We found ways to celebrate Peter and other special grads. Declaring he would find a job- Sally helped him take initiative and he found work at Jimmy Johns in Newark over the summer and on breaks.

Sally- a sophomore at Granville high- field hockey, basketball, and lacrosse. She started school in-person school until recently and now she studies from the attic?!  She will be going back to in-person school next semester and looking forward to it. We thank the Granville school district for providing this safe option. She turns 16 in January and is ready to take her driver's test and be on her own. Nana did a great job with lessons this summer.

Joe- working from home has created new productivity, his practice has doubled in size and expanded to Europe.  We are all learning about data governance and analytics as we can hear his phone calls from all over the house at all times. 7 am- Spain calling. Moundbuilders Country Club has been a healthy retreat. The club had a great year and Joe enjoyed the opportunity to serve on the board.

SusanDenison's parents are the best, zoom provides lessons and connections galore. We're proud of our alma mater's success with pandemic strategies, finishing strong in 2020 and remaining open the full Fall semester. Susan continues to volunteer with FPC and the Granville Chamber of Commerce. When hearing about other's pandemic projects she pauses about hers and then remembers- graduate work with IUPUI's Lily School of Philanthropy takes her time. She loves all she is learning- the history of philanthropy class in particular.

Lucy the pup- is the darling of the street- hosting friends in the yard to play, snoring and cuddling, happy to have us all here. It certainly has been life on Newark-Granville Road in 2020- we've been here.  

Derby 2021!  We're hopeful we'll be able to host something beyond zoom...every creative approach to unite us with family and friends is important and valued. We'd like to reciprocate! May 1, 2021- Save the Date!

Want to know more- search the blog, give us a call!! Take care and stay well and in-touch please!


Susan and Joe, 12/30/20

The picture was taken in Kiawah- Nov 2020- ahhhh covid gave us quality time on the golf course- MCC and Denison allowing Susan to achieve a dream: resort golf! 

Monday, December 21, 2020

2020 December- almost Christmas Check-In

 At some point I'll post the official 2020 LEITHAUSER CHRISTMAS/ HOLIDAY CARD POST.  I do this every year, well I thought I did. I enjoy the search capacity of this blog site.  I did a quick December search and was treated to walk down memory lane. I am reminded that often I'm not blogging or sharing or sending holiday wishes until much later in the month.  Leithausers embrace the 12 days so well and LOVE to send Happy New Year Greetings. This year will be no different.

Despite the "slow downed pace" of 2020 due to the pandemic...we're not ready and it is okay. Want to know why we are not ready- allow me to share, for the history books and because we keep it real.

1st- we did order holiday cards- early for us- the weekend of Thanksgiving. They are allegedly in Atlanta. USPS clog...can I go volunteer for the USPS?  They do say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...Joe said- even if we don't get them out on time, they say Happy New Year- it is okay.  And I had the we celebrate all 12 days here on NG Road.  Universe heard that!  The reality is every card that does arrive is gold.  I so appreciate the messages and real mail that arrives.  Some one encouraged me to give up these cards, it adds stress.  The reality is it does not add stress for me. I enjoy sending mail to others and will personalize each one- although it may be just be a signature that you can't read! It also helps to point folks to this blog to get the real scoop on what is happening with us.

2nd- the December of kitchen woe.  The fridge - the new fridge- the only size fridge for that spot- the one we spent too much money on- the one we received in the summer. That fridge would not stay cold. After months of negotiation- the replacement arrived! Then the dishwasher broke- it was time for a new one. We ordered, were confirmed for arrival/instal the evening before. First thing in them am- nope no washer for you.  One week of hand washing in the time of covid (added bleach spray process) was enough. This about did me in...but we kept going and Joe secured an upgrade.  That dishwasher has been installed and we're thrilled.  And soon after that...the faucet - done.  I had noticed a change in water pressure, mentioned it but....not until it just stopped sharing water- on the day I was cooking to fulfill two meal trains slots.  New faucet is ordered!! (Oh please please Baby Jesus, may that faucet not be en route with anything to do with the USPS.) In the mean time we fill pitchers of water from the bathroom (the tiny bathroom) sink.  We'll see how true it is that we are not to rinse our dishes for this new dishwasher! Feel free to coach. We'll also let you know how effective Joe's training on loading a dishwasher is this go-around! Kids are taking bets on what is next...we all know it is the oven.  Anyway it makes everything take longer.  Update- we move to car shoes for the red car!

3rd- I'm in school and working and volunteering and enjoying the season.  A friend recently said- "oh thanks to being home- I'm more ready than ever".  I had to pause and think- why can't I say that? I'm not going out either....but I was studying, working on a paper, reading and going to MD.  In the middle of a hard hard day- my final grade arrived. Phew- the time and work paid off and I feel great about that work. And regular readers or those that stop me know I love what I am learning- Rosenwald Schools, Harmony, Indiana....Work- no way around it- COVID has made this hard. I miss in person meetings, visits...zoom has been fun, cool, good, productive, but exhausting. THANK YOU to all the support of Denison, and philanthropy in general! Our own philanthropic support at this time of the year is at the top of my to-do list. I made that list yesterday and it felt so good.  (Although all these repairs and replacements are eating into the philanthropy fund- sigh.) I will say we're having great in the moment moments. I'm loving the tree in the house and spending time there- see earlier post and pic. We drove around to see house lights last night- had to check off that tradition.  THANK YOU Granville Chamber of Commerce: Granville House Lights for the Holidays!  Love this new contest you added to the Walking Tour Fun!    I can't recommend Top Golf enough- outdoor time together- we celebrated Aunt Ann's birthday last week that way- so good to be together with our dear family in a safe way.

So I'm behind on the card, the December post and yes gifts. Not sure about you all but this is the year it is harder. I'm a go out and shop girl. I get ideas, soak up the decor. These feels materialistic typing it but it is true.  I love to shop local, museum stores, during my travels...that has not happened this year. I'm really not an on-line shopper. My kids are getting very practical things from us this year. I'll share the reaction when we open....during the 12 days of Christmas. We've all agreed to stretch it out this year...even Leithauser Christmas will happen later. We sure do miss Jim and Nadine and hope we'll be together soon. And Caiden and fun to reflect on Christmas in recent years with a young child. Another 2020 reminder- God or Universe- memories, time together, even a good old fashioned phone call mean so much.  I would say mail a card....but oh my- if a card is mailed but never receives its addressee is it still a card? I've sent a number of thank you notes, how are you doing, thank you for your work cards...have they made it?  Maybe my goal for 2021 will be to call each person that sent me mail to let them know it arrived.

I'll end here...just sharing a bit, documenting this pandemic year.  Trying to focus on the positive, count my blessings that are overflowing and not pull my energy from anger...great sermon yesterday Karen....memories are keeping us warm and we're making new ones and history together in December 2020 in our lives on Newark-Granville Road.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Our Own Wonder Woman- Nana/Mom/Jeanne Makes 80 Look Great!

What a treat to celebrate Mom.  The eightieth birthday was not what she planned or even hoped for, but she rolled with it, and it worked even in COVID time. Thank you dear friends for her support and happy life in Hagerstown.  Her actual birthday was on tennis dinner night so that is what she did.  Sarah and I were able to bring our families and celebrate with an intimate dinner the next day. The pictures tell the story- right!?!  Mom is happy, healthy and makes 80 look great! The social media posts were lovely too- thank you.

The blog's purpose is to document life on Newark-Granville Road and share the behind the scenes happenings.  The top picture is a screen shot from a video Sarah snagged while she opened her gift- Betty Cook earrings.  I feel like Betty Cook attends special Stoner events often. I wore my maid-of-honor necklace from Sarah at the birthday party to keep in theme. The kids were darling and oohed and ahhed adding to the fun.  We missed the sunshine Stoners but will celebrate soon. They sent the gorgeous roses to represent.  We carried them from room to room, meal to meal so they were always with us.

I love this picture as it shows the movement and energy of the night and includes Peter. This is the picture that made me pause and miss Daddy.  It has been tradition to grab family pics in front of this mantle at FHCC.  The last one we did with the full family was Thanksgiving 2019. I know as I was looking at pics to think about the year, document it for a gift and just reflect.  We miss him, Mom misses him. We're all so proud of how she is doing. We appreciate everyone inquiring about how Mom is doing with her grief. Let the record state- she is our wonder woman.  She remains active with bridge, tennis, and has added golf, yoga and mahjong! She is learning and rolling with on-line engagement with these activities. She goes to the store often, too much in COVID but she has her small pods/paths and is aware of the risks. She continues to cook well and knows how to reach out when lonely. Thank goodness for sweet Birdie dog, Sarah and Greg for being close and the amazing neighbors, friends and family in the area.  I reflect now on the true stress and impact of caring for a sick husband. We all knew Daddy was in a long, slow decline and accepted it. No one better than him.  Mom and Dad had an amazing love and marriage which leads to worry what would happen when one was gone.  It is the AND...Mom was an amazing partner AND she is an awesome woman. She knows how to be alone, independent and happy. She lets us know when she isn't and gets her feelings out.  Sarah and I were talking today- our mother does not wallow.  She walks the talk of lessons for us- pitty-parties can only last so long.  
We are blessed to have our mother and for our children to have their Nana. My parents' love created quite a legacy and we're enjoying and benefitting from it. My father lives on not just in us but in my Mom. This is how we are doing in our life on Newark-Granville Road. We're celebrating life, memories and important milestones as together as we can. Mom makes 80 look great and by the way- she treated us to dinner- thanks Mom!


Sunday, December 6, 2020

2020 Christmas- Finding the Light and the Tree.

 Hmmm- I'm considering moving my office work space to this location for the rest of December:


This wasn't the tree we planned for 2020 but I like the end result. "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" applies here.  The new porch warranted beautiful big plants, said plants needed to move indoors with appropriate light and this impacts the question- where do we put the tree.  The big, tall, fat tree we get.  There was even conversation about should we get a tree this year? Regular readers will not be surprised that it was Peter who offered the stalwart approach on this tradition- going out and cutting down a tree.   So off we went yesterday to find our tree.  We even were able to decorate it in the same day, according to the kids- we Never do that...a 2020 move I guess!

This year we found our way to Walsh Tree Farm- we wanted a drive and were curious, it had been years since we patronized this local business.  The family dynamics of selecting a tree would be interesting to study! In our benevolent dictatorship model I  (Mom) have the final say.  Sally struggled with my direction to go smaller due to the plant situation from the onset. She was not afraid to say this in the field and in the living room once it was home. She's coming around and embracing the 2020 model of the Granville Leithauser tree now that it is decorated. Back to the story of location.  

The picture above, the back window, is actually where we placed our tree when we had different furniture in the room. I love our home on Newark-Granville road, we've made it ours with our yellow, our porch and our maturing family. The location the past few years has really worked, however the dog's kennel and some big plants occupy that  space currently.  We thought about moving things to place the tree but the reality could not be ignored- the white couch had to go.  Lucy our pup is the most upset about the move of the couch to the curb- literally.  So there is was the perfect spot for our tree in 2020, says me and 80% agree!

Life on Newark-Granville Road in 2020- life for all of us- pandemic course corrections- galore. Yesterday's walking tour evoked a number of emotions and yet there was the most peaceful, spirtual experience I've had in Granville since March. FPC's contribution to Granville's Candlelight Walking Tour was stunning and so meaningful.  I'm called to share the (FPC Candlelight Tour Video) which is beautiful. Last night was so lovely. It was the beautiful glow from the stained glass windows, the advent tree's sparkle, the contrast of dark and light, the action of offering and supporting the effort to present the tour in a COVID safe way.  Thank you to all that participated (Sally!!) and worked very hard to make this happen.  Next Sunday, 12/13/20 6 pm- it will be offered again.  The Candlelight Walking Tour 2020 is midigating risk by reducing offerings and stretching it out over two days, more information here:  and yes- the hot chocolate at Alfie's is worth it!

Last night was not what we wanted it to be AND was just what we needed in our Life on Newark-Granville Road.  Thinking of you, wishing you peace, love, hope and joy and the opportunity to see and be light for this world.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Making time for Bluegrass and Bringing Campus Home

The gift in my day on Newark-Granville Road:

Denison Blue Grass - American Roots Radio Show-3

And here is where to hear the other shows:  I blogged about the first one back in the Spring! Somehow the 2nd show didn't make the is worth a listen!

So proud of Denison, these students, faculty, staff that were so productive and are helping others. Adam and all- thank you- this was just what I needed this morning!  I may not be working on campus but campus can come to me in my life on NGRoad!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Holiday Weekend- Two for One!

 The time has arrived in our life on Newark-Granville Road to say farewell to Thanksgiving and welcome Advent.  That means we are packing up the glass pumpkins and moving the decorative pumpkins to compost and God willing produce another volunteer crop!  It has been a beautiful weekend here with time to be family and at home. It is a two for one holiday weekend in our life on NG Road.  Yes kids we can start listening to Christmas music.

We're looking forward to being with our church family in person- outside-today to light the Advent Candle Trees! Well done Tree Committee and all involved to make it happen- I'm feeling the Spirit and grateful.  Join us at 4 pm on Sundays at FPC, on the northwest corner of Broadway and Main Street in Granville.  More info on our church happenings here: or please ask me!

Looking forward to being with our Granville family to light the Granville tree at 5:30- same location- just in the middle of the street- median green space.  And this will launch the creative and safe approach to the annual Candlelight Walking Tour:  December is the month filled with light, hope, joy, love, and peace and I'm going to do my best to support and share these things that I have in my life thanks to so many.

As I think about shopping for the holidays- I've only done a bit- I'm a December shopper- I want to support local and I have to promote a great site for local friends and Denison friends! Granville Merch can be a great gift for those that love this special town, check out the Granvilla Pizza hat!!  587 Granville Merch!  And remember all of Granville is open and you can shop here safely- the merchants have done a fantastic job to celebrate the season- to name a few: Green Velvet, Cedar & Thread, Kussmaul Gallery, Readers Garden...I'm looking forward to exploring Newark and other spots in Licking County- I heard about a new spot for me in Pataskala while getting my hair cut last week and shopping the walking tour market over the next two weekends.

We will light our own advent candles and decorate the house as we prepare to celebrate this special time of year in our life on Newark-Granville Road.  Wishing you joy, love, hope, and peace as we wrap up November and welcome December.

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Day After Thanksgiving 2020

 Good morning!  I wrote in my social media post yesterday "From our table to yours- enjoy the before, during and after" and posted a picture of our dining room table with glass pumpkins, cranberries, a fresh pumpkin and the Cinnamon Donut bundt cake I made as the 2nd dessert and promised to explain why it was "upside" down.  So here goes- capturing the real life on Newark-Granville Road and sharing. I'll mess up tense and grammar on this one for sure- oh well! Another blog topic the world's use of grammar- I before you seems to be accepted now as me first so this should be okay! 

Before: the prep- I love the eve eve days.  As much as I miss the traditions of Stoner Thanksgiving I embrace the opportunity to explore new when we celebrate Leithauser holidays.  I am so grateful for the family I married into and my relationship with my sister in law is very special.  I've said before and I'll say it again- being married to brothers provides a special perspective and bond.  This also turned into our first family dinner of five since Peter arrived home and what was on our menu but of course: salmon cakes, mac n cheese, broccoli,  stewed tomatoes.  I went to bed Wednesday having worked a full day, sending mail that I hope arrives- come on USPS- I need you excited and ready for the holiday weekend

During- a great day even scaled down, maybe because scaled down still filled us full as Thanksgiving can only do.  My phone died and that is just fine as it truly allowed me to be in the moment and soak in the delicious meal, family time and pause from all work.  My day started early and  I enjoyed my kitchen time creating my contributions included the cinnamon cake.  The cake was profiled during a training program and seemed like a good one for my family.  A key ingredient apple cider- one of Sally's favorites and I love cinnamon sugar donuts so- why not.  Somehow even alone in my kitchen I ended up distracted and forgot to flour the pan. I buttered it.  I buttered it so well- even using the pastry brush approach detailed in the recipe.  Maybe it was the Today show- I rarely watch and see it as a nice treat. Maybe it was the full list to do before 9:30 so I could join the unofficial turkey trot or maybe flouring still isn't a norm for me. Oh well. I discovered my mistake when I went to remove the cake and sure enough 1/4 of the cake remained in the pan. I paused and looked at it- thinking immediately "do I have time to remake this cake?" do I have the ingredients? then I realized I could try to use the "top" or "bottom" depending on how you view it and it worked!  A cake presentable and with enough sustenace to finish and slice.!  I thought the cake was fine- not a favorite but god enough on the taste scale.  Clare really liked it- a win!

So much more to share but not necessary- enough to say my cup runneth over with gratitude for the day that did include the family run/walk, the best bloody mary, outdoor catch-up, music, family, turkey, ham and lots of carbs, a beautiful and tasty veggie-fruit tray in honor of Jim Leithauser executed very well by Joe.  Sally is now 1 hour shy of completing night driving for her license requirement and navigates a drive through well.  Thanksgiving 2020- not what we planned but what we needed.

After:  Ahhh here I am alone in my kitchen watching the recorded Macy's Day parade.  When I heard there were going to be marching bands I though- how?  And there here they are- West Point's marching band playing "This is My Country"- beautiful.  Joe and I watched a movie on Tgiving Eve- the new Midway move- we saw an earlier version when we stayed on the USS Yorktown.  We are certainly aware our after in so many is only because of the ultimate sacrifice of so many and the every day sacrifices of so many.  

Now I'm watching the Hamilton performance and heeding the message: "look around, look around, history is happening".  I appreciated this piece so much I rewound am watched it again- stellar- showcasing so much creativity, staying power, adaptability, talent and lessons of yesterday for today.

If you like the arts and who doesn't?  If you want to see ethic diversity on the screen? You should watch this parade- I'm loving this- watching now: the Zeta Phi Beta Centennial Steppers- wow!  Impressed with the representatives from many different parades from the area- Coney Island's Mermaid Parade- darling!  Time to wrap this up, enjoy more of the parade and find that commercial/short be beloved Denisonian- Steve Carrel with a great message that here on Newark-Granville Road we have before, during and after!  Enjoy:

Okay- I kid you not- after finding and watching this film on my phone just as I'm wrapping up this post- at 1:22:09 in my recorded parade- this film!  Love it- well done Xfinity/Comcast!!  Off to embrace our togetherness in Life on Newark-Granville Road- by phone, zoom and in person!

Post picture referenced above:

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Update for Thanksgiving Week 2020- Look Local!

My Sunday post felt a bit negative. I was feeling negative, however, I aim to maintain a positive but realistic tone.  On Monday things felt better and I want to share the direction I took to move to that place. 

I looked local.

This feels a bit like- "look for the helpers" when you see an accident or tragedy on the news. My local started by buying fresh produce for Thanksgiving.  I did some of this on Saturday at the Farmers Market.  Bryn Bird did a great job promoting products for the holiday on Facebook so I bought more: Birds Haven Farm OnLine Ordering!  You can too!  Thanks for the challenge to bake with real pumpkin.  I'm saving this for a weekend activity- excited to pick up later today!

Joe and I are making our list for Christmas Giving and thanks to the kids we've started a bit! Again- focus on the local.  The world needs help, and we support international care through our church and Rotary. As we think about gifts for family and friends, we also think about our philanthropic pledges and direction.  Year-end will be here soon and now is the time. It feels good to give. Included in this giving is renewing memberships- The Works: Dawes will appreciate our support and yours! (Once a fundraiser always a fundraiser).

You will also be happy to know Joe was able to work with Ferguson Customer Service- the replacement fridge is coming next Tuesday! Woo hoo- we're making do with the fridge that keeps things okay, a cooler with ice on the porch, and strategic meal planning.  Oyster stew supplies will be procured the day of if it works in the COVID rotation.  I've come to terms with the differences we need to accept this year.

And speaking of...Turkey Trot- We registered to support our local food pantry, you can too- if you did already- thank you!  A virtual event for 2020- no surprise. Granville Leithausers will do our own walk/run event- looping from our home- so if you are out on NG road and see us- give a honk or bell ring or hello! I'm excited to cook, bake, and embrace family holiday time in my life on Newark-Granville road. I hope you are keeping it real, sharing as needed (reach out!), and finding ways to stay positive during these challenging times.  Stay well, get care when needed, and a special thank you to all the health care, first responders, front line workers keeping us safe and dealing with the increased stress during the pandemic.  The Look Up Center will be delivering more meals than ever-  Life on Newark-Granville Road- Grateful for all of that goodwill!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Blessings- looking beyond and keeping it real- sharing is caring.

COVID -19 or Salmonella- the dishwasher decided this was the weekend to break. We can't blame it- it has been running nonstop since March.   Good news- a black Friday special got us a deal, a new one will be installed a week from Wednesday. Blessing- in our life on NG road we'll learn how to appropriately wash and sanitize dishes.  The fridge continues to have temperature flux.  Joe has been way more patient with Ferguson and I've hit my limit.  The blessing I guess is not hosting Thanksgiving.  Sigh....I wish I was hosting Tgiving - it has been a long time since I roasted a turkey on turkey day.

We're watching 60 Minutes and it isn't helping the "mood" I'm in this Sunday.  The story about the missing students in schools due to COVID?  Way too many - way too many and certainly COVID isn't the only reason.  My kids are not missing school. And then the story about those having extended issues post COVID diagnosis- concerning- but just as concerning was the announcement that one of the doctors (who looked young and healthy) interviewed died of a heart attack after filming the story.  This will be a show I watch again and I hope you will as well- let's discuss:

COVID is serious, we're taking it seriously on NG Road and beyond. I also want to take seriously the missing kids at schools around the county, the other health issues that kill in large numbers: heart disease, cancer, mental health implications.   Mama said there would be days like this.  Days like this make earlier days in the weekend all the more meaningful- being outdoors and catching up with my dear sister-in-law- a date that had been pushed back due to COVID for months. How good it felt to be in church volunteering, serving- less than 10 - very distanced, with masks- but still there and finding ways to beyond Zoom!  Supporting the basketball team's early practice....easy to find the blessings in my life on Newark-Granville Road.  It is important to look at what is missing for others and how to share our blessings beyond our lives on Newark-Granville Road.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Moments- Here, There and Where-Time Away with Joe

Happiness is.....time away, vacation, a break, a road trip. It was long overdue.  This week it was time with Joe, playing resort golf, not working, being in warm temps, and even though it rained a fair amount and the ball did not roll it was wonderful!

I'm easing back into the work that waits- not Joe- he is out there raking leaves!  My school exam needs to be finalized, the PEO nut orders are ready for delivery and there is so much more...but here I am at the kitchen table watching Game Day from Augusta- wow! Now that is synergy, I wish I was a fly on the wall when that idea was hatched- well done!  Being on a golf trip, watching/listening to The Masters, listening to one of Clare's favorite podcasts- two episodes on golf- it all ties into a great package and made for a great week! (Hall of Shame is the podcast by the way.)

What an interesting world we're navigating, what a tightrope we're balancing, and have been. Who with, where, and how we engage- always with a mask- staying safe, keeping others safe, but maintaining mental health and supporting business and employment.  Joe and I recognized the deal we took advantage of was to keep the cogs of the travel world moving.

Life on Newark-Granville Road is in the moment today- here, there, and where? I am grateful for this chance to be at this table. I am grateful for yesterday's moments that provided relaxation, escape, joy, and comfort. Moments in the future to dream, plan, and anticipate.  What future courses will we play and explore? Holiday planning - the joy of giving and making traditions- updating, starting new, and prioritizing with care.  Savoring the past, being in the present, and mindful of the future is the future and not promised.

I also must acknowledge and say thanks to all that voted- the election certainly is providing fodder for our conversations on NG Road.  Our country really is the great experiment in democracy and figure eights of growth seem to be pulsing. I had not realized the timing of my grad school class- History of Philanthropy was so appropriate.  My final project looking at historic perspectives on Alexis du Tocqueville is enlightening.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

All Saint Sunday- all the more meaningful this year.

 I have a beautiful basket that was filled with delicious, thoughtful items and delivered to me in Maryland when my father was dying.  I kept the basket and filled it with the cards and words that comforted me at that time.  This evening I poured a scotch, lit a favorite candle and visited the sentiments.  I listened to our FPC church service for All Saints Day as well and loved the visual of all our saints in the balcony Karen and found the hymns beautiful Marcy and Phillip. Prayers of gratitude to all our saints and yours. 

I made my grandmother's chili this weekend and labeled it- GaGa Chili.  I reached out to some folks missing their saints but don't have everyone's emails easily at hand.  So I put it out to the universe and one way is via the blog.  In my life on Newark-Granville Road I'm so grateful for the love and support I feel here and now and all the love in the past and that has made me who I am.  Amen.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Granville Proud- Please Take Time to Watch the Film: Represent

Thank you Bryn Bird- for running, serving and being vulnerable- Brene Brown would be proud! Putting yourself out there for the election alone- then allowing this video/cinematographer to capture and share it- wow! You make us #GranvillleProud and put a light on so many other great folks:
  • your family
  • farmers
  • Melanie Schott
  • Michelle Newman
  • your campaign team and event hosts
  • Three Tigers/ Mai Chau
  • Two other amazingly brave, smart, talented women in great locations- so cool to visit their cities via this film. I lived in the Detroit area twice!
  • and so many more
Blog readers- take the time to watch this film, here is the scoop from the PBS Site:
Leading up to the 2018 midterm elections in the heart of the Midwest, three women take on entrenched local political networks in their fight to reshape politics on their own terms, in Hillary Bachelder’s nuanced, “fly-on-the-wall” documentary.  “Heading into the homestretch of this year’s election, Represent feels like a balm,” writes Monica Castillo on “A reminder that, win or lose, there’s something to be gained by reigniting people’s interest in civil engagement.”  
Watch Represent here:

I was teary watching and value the commitment to our communities these folks have- past, current and future.  I have so much more I could say about elections, running and serving. Back to Brene Brown and her book- Dare to Lead:

Dare to Lead | Brené Brown

Daring leadership is a collection of four skill sets that are 100% teachable, observable, and measurable. The foundational skill set of courage-building is “rumbling with vulnerability.” Once we have built these rumbling skills, we can move on to the other three skill sets: Living into Our Values, Braving Trust, and Learning to Rise.

In my life on Newark-Granville Road I try to see all sides. I try not to use the H word- hate.  I don't hate those with opposing views because I don't want to be hated for mine.  I can really dislike. I learned this from my mother.  (Bryn I love how this show documents and preserves your relationship- beautiful with your mother. She is smiling) I try to respect other points of view and vantage points. I will vote and respect those leading that are committed, positive, poised, learning, growing, listening.  Michelle you got my vote for this very reason, Bryn you too. And I voted for Melanie- two signs in our yard that year. Fascinating to see the point about one vote as strategy in the film. I remember our conversation about this Bryn.  This film is jammed packed and so beautiful...the whisper to your daughter about doing it for her.  Hand on heart and sigh...thank you.

Above all else- vote- thank you to those that did and those that will. and those helping voting happening- I talked to a student going to help with counting- awesome! Take care of you and support those that are vulnerable!  We all are and that is why Kindness must carry the day in our life on NG Road.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Oh what a beautiful morning...and evening.....



Please click and read.  Then I ask you, what is lifting your mood? This connects to my earlier post in the week about finding the joy!  So much else to post about but this is where I want to put my time and unite in this cyer space.  Today was beautiful and nothing made me happier than Sally sharing her thoughts.  It inspired me to anser the author's question.

What is lifting my mood? When the universe sends serendipitous messages...some call them god winks, some just chance.....and I notice.  In this 24 hour cycle, it is the "in-between season" or what I've blogged about myself..the transition time- the hardest/but important times.  This beautiful NYT piece: Finding comfort in the in-between season by Melissa Kirsch was sent to coworkers as the perfect p.s. to a meeting earlier in the week.  I read it and enjoyed the responses and links.  My fifteen-year-old daughter did not read it. 

My fifteen-year-old daughter is the last child at home, giving us our own in-between time as we look forward (yes!) to being empty nesters.  She is learning to drive and each morning drives to school with one of her parents in the passenger seat. Some times this is the only time one of her parents leave the house in a day.  Today was a gorgeous fall day. The sunlight, the leaves, something only the in-between time can provide as we have lush green sparkling with frost and brown tree bark's rich texture creating an otherworldly landscape. Our daughter and her parents have come to an understanding that we really will not talk with her in the mornings. She reacts to irritants with passive-aggressive sounds (door slams, grunts, sighs, increased radio volume) and her mature parents (better with coffee) respect accept this.  Today we navigated the drive well and then she said it...she said with appreciation in her voice: : what a beautiful day, it is different, I'm getting a Thanksgiving vibe and at the same time we all need to be outside today." Yes- the in-between time from the mouth of my babe.  This lifts my mood: sharing beautiful words, nature, and where we are right now in our lives on Newark-Granville Road.

And the evening ended well too- golf and then a beer with Joe and Peter. 100 Plus women...more topics to blog about or call and ask me!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Seeing the Good

 “It’s easy to spot a red car when you’re always thinking of a red car.

It’s easy to spot opportunity when you’re always thinking of

opportunity. It’s easy to spot reasons to be mad when you’re always

thinking of being mad. You become what you constantly think about.

Watch yourself.” – Denzel Washington

Newark Rotary President Barb Quackenbush shared this quote last week and it has stayed with me. Then this morning I read my colleague Mandi's Facebook post inspired by her worship yesterday- seek the joy.  Mandi reflected on the good the in the past few months of COVID times and it made me smile and think.  

It can be so easy to see the not good, the scary, the problems.  The change to "red" status in Licking County certainly put me in that place. I'm grateful to Mandi and Barb's for the reminder.  I certainly do love our community, our home, my work, my family,  and my friends.  The time within and with is a COVID blessing. Yes, a blessing.  Bane and Blessings, the double-edge swords, the continuums that are everywhere!

My day started with yoga (online)- a class I'm in probably because I'm not traveling.  A class I'm grateful for an need.  I've had quality time with Joe, Sally, and Lucy- time that will always be treasured. At the same time, I am grateful Peter and Clare are where they are- so happy, in their place.  Our time together in the spring was a blessing as is our time away provides so many opportunities to be happy, to be growing and learning.  COVID certainly has me growing and learning and not just in the IUPUI graduate classes.  Working on zoom and how to work remotely are new skills.  The reset and relook opportunities cannot be ignored.   In my life on Newark-Granville Road I can't say I have achieved greatness during COVID but I can say there have been many great moments, filled with joy and I am grateful.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Time to order PEO Nuts!

 And now for a commercial....Nuts for sale, delicious, salty, tasty, even sugary nuts for don't want to miss the chance to order your PEO Nuts! Your order helps fund important PEO scholarships for women!  Our local chapter sells nuts each year and the proceeds fund philanthropy and education.  

My life on Newark-Granville Road really is about these two things and family, friendship and faith- all aligning with my sisters. Want to know more about PEO:  check out the international organization and let me know if I can answer questions.  And please let me know if you would like an order form for the PEO nut sale- hopefully you can read below to see our offerings!  I do need to place the order this Saturday 10/17/20!!

Thanks to all that have ordered in the past, placed their order this year, and buying from other PEOs! I enjoy ordering these items to have on hand for my family, to give as gifts and take-along when I need something fast to offer at a gathering.  They are always a hit and appreciated!

Oh- did I mention these are Krema Nut Co nuts- yummmm and snack mixes!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Talk, Text, Schedule, Sigh- Communicating on NG Road

 How do you know where you are supposed to be when?  How do you decide which event to attend?

Who takes who where when? I added a calendar event- every morning- Who Takes Sally to School? and invited Joe.  Who goes to which game.  It was almost easier when we had three kids and had to rotate and spread the support.  COVID limits some of it, although how many invitations can I have for  Tuesdays at noon on Zoom?  Two again today!  And yes, silly me sometimes tries to attend two with each lap top and two zoom accounts "up".  I know I know I'm not actively listening to either, but I'm there.  I'm showing up. I want the coordinators to know I am trying and I want to get a bit of both.

I'm not asking for answers here.  FYI- the paper Mom agenda still is our preferred scheduling tool and Sunday planning helps keep me happy.

The answer in our life on Newark-Granville Road always comes back to one word...Communication. Communication is not just one thing. It isn't talk, phone, text, sigh, bang a door, cheer- it is all of the above. Its complicated, it is involved, it is frustrating, it is beautiful. Communicating is being in relationship and sharing and helping.

Thanks for reading and communicating with me! The blog is one of they ways I sort things out, extrovert, share. My communication style has always been to "put it out" and let it evolve.  COVID has curtailed that interaction and changed the way all of us are communicating in more places than home.  Work, school, church, with friends and family- we're all experiencing it, we're all in it together. Lets talk about it.

So much more I could share or explore with you here today. Duty calls. More blog topics for future days...just what am I watching on Tuesdays at Noon? What books am I ordering and where am I going! Social Media...ahhh a hot one...Joe and I need to watch the Social Dilemma. Social media as a communication tool fits into all of this...see so much more I could share and communicate about- but now I choose to stop and say- have a great day.

And why not share a fall picture of the sister took this one, the pumpkin in front of the sally baby bump- 2004!!

Monday, October 5, 2020

I know it is October because....

We celebrated Clare!  Yes, our oldest had a birthday...a big one- 20!  She is so happy.  I did see her...for 5-10 minutes? I hugged her and delivered a Hershey's chocolate cake and a few other deliveries. Thank you to everyone that made her feel special. Her amazing roommates that made her Mac n Cheese and Broccoli!

It was time- we brought in the flowers from the window boxes and now the green house if full.  I kind of wished I kept the grass and put pumpkins there...oh well.

Pumpkins- yes the volunteer crop is a good one for 2020. The back 40 has been producing small orange, white and some little bumpy ones.

I am craving college campus activities.  Last year I went to Clare's Wooster game later in the fall and she did not understand why I wanted to come. I had missed Black and Gold weekend to support Peter's College Search.  I'm craving this type of visit all the more with COVID and 2020.  Honoring directives and staying away.  Wabash is open so we may make a very careful trip. Peter is doing great, Sunday calls mean so much.

Bookclub is back! Just had our Oct discussion about the September book- The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George.  We had such a nice discussion- the book was well liked by most of the group. We were pleased to have this light read that took us to Paris and river cruise to Provence! One member shared that it was a book for the sense- recipes, descriptions of sights, scents, tastes and feelings. I read it last year...did not have time to reread but I think I will.

School is in session and midterms are approaching...for me and Peter and Clare...we're all doing okay. I'm loving my History of Philanthropy Class. Learning, thinking, finding ways to express what I am learning!

Family Leadership Council- our meeting was a success! Big thank you to coworkers for assisting, coaching, practicing, supporting.  HUGE thank you to the parents that were able to log in and engage with us.  It was not the meeting we like to offer, but we made it work.  HUGE thank you to parents catching up with me over zoom and calls and even a few safely outdoors over coffee?!!

The colors- I do love the change of leaves.  I need to explore more what is happening with leaf placement on NG Road- signs, fence....where else....

Chili- da-da-da-da-don don don dnt.  Chili!  You have to be a Bluejackets fan to get that.  I made my first batch the same night we had Taco Tuesday on NG Road. The next batch will be better- I bought chili powder.  I made a way to make it work.

Wishing other great October friends/family HBTY-you know who you are- love you!

The uggs and sweaters are out, I'm holding on to open toe shoe and loving my new open toe booties....why did I wait! I also love my LLBean shearling (faux) flip flops. I do not consider them slippers...they are warm flip flops.

It is now truly Fall and I can embrace it.  I hope you are finding joy in October and the beauty, comfort and warmth it brings.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Lucy Says Vote


Life on Newark-Granville Road- we put a yard sign in our yard.

We put this sign up to:

-make sure people that go by know our darling pup's name- Lucy.  She really is nicer and does not bark as much when you use her name. Hmmm, life lesson.

We love hearing stories about how folks do engage with her. COVID home time allows us to witness the engagement. THANK YOU to the mailman that sits down with her, rubs her belly and gives her treats. SORRY amazon driver that can't get out of the van-appreciate your calls.

-encourage an activity we feel strongly about- voting!  In our area- here is where you can find the ballot to be a prepared voter, voter registration- OCT 5 deadline and so much more.  You can even track your absentee ballot application!  Note from here- check out this site: and do it now, please!  Proud to say Peter sent for his ballot in August- shortly after moving in at Wabash.  

We'll take this moment to share that we don't put many yard signs in our yard. If we know the person running well we may place a sign.  If we're working on an issue we'll put a sign.  It is unfortunate how not-positive this all can be and is another reason we place a picture of sweet lucy on a yard sign! We hope people will respect differing opinions and value freedom of speech in our beautiful country.  It is not perfect and there are problems. Our freedoms allow us to continue to be inspired, to say thank you to all that care and work and run and lead.  Voting is a key component of these freedoms.

There is so much more I could say about politics on Sept 26, 2020, but I won't.  I will talk about it carefully when there is a good time to do so.  I am glad when people do talk and share and we listen and value the differences.  It isn't easy to do that.  

Life on NG Road loves Lucy and those that love her too.  And we truly do hope you will vote this year.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Church Day- FPC 9/20/20 This is the Day

This is the Day the Lord has made......Let us rejoice and Rally in It.  Yes we'll be glad and rally and meet.

11:30  Rally day at GHS- come learn all about happenings with focus on faith formation at Granville First Presbyterian Church.  All are welcome.  (This is the new date- rain date!)

6:30 PM Senior High Parent Meeting- FPC Parking Lot!  Like we attend sports and arts meetings it will be good to gather to learn and unite to support our high school students faith formation.  (This is a new time due to Rally day move.)

 I'm home from the 9 am outdoor worship- ahhhhhh- we were given kudos for being out in the "colder temps"we are not "fair weather christians".  It was beautiful and wonderful to be there and bundling up is just what you need to do. I think of all the sporting events - field hockey, football, soccer- for little kids and college...even the pros (Joe tells the story of prepared fans bringing wood for their feet in real winter temps- insulation from the cement's chill.  Thank you to all that make the Bryn Du service happen!

(BONUS- took a few minutes to take in some of the beautiful sculpture on the back lawn at Bryn Du!  And art was everywhere I looked...the barn, the parking lot...

Now watching on-line so I can listen to the beautiful harmony of Carol and Hugh- thankful to Facebook for the reminder so I could tune in.....want to hear this music AND a great sermon with important lesson about God's Grace...find the replay here:

The work we are doing at FPC is not easy. It is frustrating but things worth having take work and work is not easy. The not easy part is where the growth is and we are growing and evolving in COVID times, in the social network world, in the world of being pulled in so many directions.  I am called to this role and excited to be with others even when it is not easy.  In my life on Newark-Granville Road I'm grateful for Sundays- church days, catch up with Peter and Clare days, planning meals days, thinking, reading, loving and being loved days.  I hope you are feeling God's Grace today and if you are called, curious, interested, have time- join us at FPC!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Fall's Arrival, Thoughts on Faith- FPC RALLY DAY is SUNDAY!

 Fall is here....the pumpkins prove it!  Truth: we've had pumpkins in our volunteer patch (this year in the back along the fence, created from last year's discarded pumpkins) since early August- too early for me.

Fall means back to school and that too was August for us- Peter continues to love Wabash and we appreciate the match; Clare is happy as can be in her house at Wabash and anxious to start in-person classes and practice for field hockey and lacrosse; Sally is doing her thing at GHS and acclimating to the change in social time- thank heavens for field hockey here.  And Denison back to school continues to provide a great deal of rewarding work for me.  The labor day weekend is another signal that summer is ending and fall is to be embraced.  Transitions are fascinating times- hard, beautiful, freeing, opportunities, and of course inevitable!  I love love summer and am always sad to see it fade away. I do love fall and what it provides. More about these signals and season transitions in a future blog- I wanted to get the pumpkin posted and start the transition in post.

Faith....on Sunday I was installed as an elder at First Presbyterian Church in Granville.  I accepted the call to co-lead Christian Education Faith Formation a few months ago by joining the committee to help navigate what our senior high students needed/need. This led to co-chairing the committee and joining our session.  I can only do this because of the incredible staff member Ellen, our small but mighty committee and lay leaders, the families engaged, youth, pastor support and God's love.  I welcome and need the engagement of others to execute this call, gain its rewards, and meet our youth and adult faith formation needs. On Saturday we Rally for FPC. Rally Day Stay the Course (2).png

If you are an FPC member- PLEASE COME- if you want to learn about ways to engage at FPC as a nonmember, person in our community- PLEASE COME 11:30 am Granville High- in your car, bring lawn chairs, let me know if you have questions.  Granville FPC Website!  ALSO Senior High parent meeting- next Sunday, Sept 20...Worship with Centenary on the lawn at Bryn Du- Sundays at good to have this option.

Life on Newark-Granville Road is ready for fall..holding on to some summer and grateful for all of God's bounty and love delivered through family, friends and the beauty of our world.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Life real life on Newark-Granville Road Labor Day Weekend 2020

Wedding, marriage, celebration of life and a milestone birthday: a full weekend of joy, laughter, tears sustained by faith.  Faith on my mind these days.  In 2020 we need our faith and commitment to traditions. Faith we can carry on, faith we'll be okay, faith we'll care for one another, faith we'll find a way even when we can't find away or it goes wrong it doesn't and we are grieving, God is with us.

God was with Karen and Roland on Sunday.  Congratulations to Karen and Roland- a beautiful wedding celebrated with a ceremony centered around scripture, family and love. The bride and groom glowed while taking their vows before God, immediate family, the Holy Spirit and the youtube audience.  The FPC parade was called to action to provide in person cheers, honks and well wishes.  And it gave me the chance to wear a hat or it was Derby September!  Traditions with a COVID twist.

We were going to try to do a modified party to watch the derby and it was not to be.  Instead we shifted to the Oaks and watched the race to toast a beautiful couple who postponed a wedding but said I do. And while the world was cheering for the 146th Run for the Roses and Authentic to cross the finish line we were were watching Beth's sunset with a toast.  The Eckels/Barton family with dear friends did a beautiful job  to say farewell to beloved Beth and celebrate her life and legacy.  The stories and messages showed us God's love and promise and life everlasting. All with masks, outdoor beauty and social distance.  It isn't going to be easy for Beth's family- join me in keeping them in prayer for faith, comfort and peace.  Of course Beth's passing has me thinking of my father's death and my own family. Faith has been important for us and we're doing okay.

Friends that become family are a gift from God,  We are meant to share the good and the bad together on this earth. We and others did that this weekend in so many ways. Oh the planning, brainstorming, dreaming that happened for a dear friends 50th birthday- London, Chicago, NY but in the COVID year we ended up in Lancaster, Ohio and it was beautiful. A wonderful adventure to the Rock Mill Brewery for live music, good food, drink and friends in a fantastic outdoor setting. God's hand in all of it.  

It was a long weekend- a weekend with work in the morning on Labor day, school work (graduate school has me in a history of philanthropy class) and wrapped up with pool time...ahhh pool time. Friends that are family, traditions and pictures to wrap up a summer season.  A season that had ups and downs, challenges for sure but we did it together. Sad to see it coming to a close but grateful for the comfort of traditions, special places and people in our world.  Life on Newark-Granville road was as real as it gets this weekend.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Missing Beth

Updated 9/3/20- now if you follow the link you'll read the beautiful obituary- well done. Having written one recently I know what goes into this important chronicle. I appreciate so very much the direction to honor Beth's life with a scholarship, here is that information:

The family is establishing a scholarship focused on Cosmetology in Beth’s memory. Please send memorial contributions to the Licking County Foundation, P.O. Box 4212, Newark OH 43058-4212 or make a contribution online to the Licking County Foundation’s unrestricted fund in memory of Beth by visiting

Posted Beth Barton Eckels-  Honoring Beth's Life I am thinking, praying and caring for her children, mother, husband, siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, step mother, dearest friends and clients.  I am thinking of those like me that enjoyed each opportunity to sit in her chair and allow her to care and do magic, talk, listen and catch-up.  I am mourning these days.

We went through over sixteen year of sharing life as mothers to children and big dogs with so many friends and things in common.  (I love thinking back to when we didn't know one another Ben and Clare were together at Little Village.)  Every time I was at Designs by Beth I would learn about how she was caring for someone- taking chicken and noodles, arranging something special for someone going through something not so nice or just aligning actions in her way.  She kept it real- we compared notes on the ups and downs of family life, ultimately she would shrug her shoulders and take it back to the good and the now.  I loved Beth and know she loved me.  I know how much she loved her family and closest friends.  She felt the love of this town, the Florida sun, those pups and God.   She was love.  Karen Chakoians's sermon today expressed that so beautifully.

I've been saying she leaves a beautiful legacy on the Facebook posts and want to share that here.  Her children and grandbaby are beautiful and carry her light.  Her good and care inspires others. I am so sad she is gone. I believe in heaven and her spirit shining on earth through all that were touched by her.  We will honor and remember her.  I am making sure we all have seen these details. Information to honor Beth's Beautiful Life  Beth was discreet- so many of us may not have known we were clients if we didn't happen to pass on the path or in the chair on Hankinson.  We should make sure to reach out and connect with one another and celebrate Beth.  In my life on Newark-Granville Road I am missing her, continuing to love her and thinking and holding all of those in prayer in this place.

Continued update on 9/3/20:
I dress for the day- dressing for the calling hours...and then the first athletic event in the new stadium- Field Hockey!! Beth loved Gamedays so it will be appropriate to go cheer for Sally and these girls.  What I so wish is I'd be in her chair to talk and reflect all about it in a few days. I'm thinking about how to support this family in their time of grief.  Having recently been on the receiving end of care at the loss of a family member I've learned some things.  First- flowers are nice.  I use to poo-poo flowers- they die, you get so many..I love each delivery and bloom in April.  I also loved each card and food delivery.  We couldn't eat everything. We couldn't even use the full generous door dash gift card- but it went to good use stayed with us.  Each thoughtful gesture, word, look, text mattered.  If you are thinking- should you go to one of the events- tonight or Saturday- the answer is- yes- if you feel safe. COVID will keep some at home and that should be the case. If we have any symptoms we should not go.  Send a card- it matters, call, email, drop something at a home...and please consider supporting the scholarship!  I just love this option and we will make a gift here:

The family is establishing a scholarship focused on Cosmetology in Beth’s memory. Please send memorial contributions to the Licking County Foundation, P.O. Box 4212, Newark OH 43058-4212 or make a contribution online to the Licking County Foundation’s unrestricted fund in memory of Beth by visiting

Prayers and peace to all of us missing the love of Beth.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

We can say- All are Back to School- Fall 2020

Clare and Sally are sharing this post. Here is the scoop.  On Sunday two cars headed north to Wooster, Ohio- it was Clare's turn to move-in to her new service house. She is living with I believe 5 other women. many teammates- FH/Lax. One that was to live there is now remote learning or taking a gap-year?  Clare could not be happier to be reunited with friends, living on her own, not here at 1142 NG Road and launching her sophomore year at Wooster.  She has a great slate of classes and actually started remotely last week.  She would not let me document that in a picture.  She did let me snag this one outside of the house.  It was fun to make sure Bessie went with Clare properly accessorized- wearing Wooster, Denison and Wabash stickers.  Thank you Wooster for the process, the risk, the lessons and the care.  Clare was swabbed and is being supported in quarantine in her house until she gets the test results back- hopefully sooner than later. In the mean time they are making memories and in my life on Newark-Granville Road I'm a proud and grateful mama.

Sally started her sophomore year at Granville High School. She says tomorrow is the real day when all friends/classmates back together. Although not really the case as a number opted for remote.  She will drive the car, with Joe or me most mornings- then we'll bring the car home.  We really need to schedule her in-cars. Hopefully as close to her January birthday she will be solo and parking.  This may be the biggest adjustment in our life on Newark-Granville road. Seriously she is doing a great job getting rides- although harder in COVID times- we all want to stay safe. We value the partnership and help, flexibility of our colleagues and employers.  Nana- when can you visit again?  We're looking forward to the quality time with our pumpkin.  We know you will have a great year and are proud of your approach to back to school!  You are ready ready!  Keep being kind, sweet Sally.
Life on Newark-Granville road- quiet.  I've moved to the basement.  I started classes too- History of Philanthropy as part of my masters/certificate work at IUPUI- Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.  Joe is working non-stop- Spain in the am, California in the pm- data analytics- great expanded team.  Lucy will appreciate the hellos from walkers all the more with our house activity change of pace.
May we all be well and safe, stay apart but outdoors together (we need one another), wear a mask, support one another, respect the various views and approaches to our lives and world right now and always.  Life on Newark-Granville Road is good- the pictures tell the stories.  Enjoy.