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Sunday, August 9, 2020

Peter- Off to College- Well done Wabash!

Here is what I wrote last year when we delivered Clare to her "w" school:
So much the same....SO grateful to so many who put us in this place. The incredible well wishes via text and on Facebook yesterday after I posted this pic.
 It warmed my heart and showcases the community that raised Peter and helped him achieve this milestone.  So pleased with Peter's choice- we believe a great fit for him.
So much not the same, thank you COVID.  The drop of day went very well.  We value the efforts to welcome the students back safely- ap monitoring, pre-arrival testing, safety kit and a low key, adjusted orientation.  Reflecting back it was so different than Clare and my experience with Denison. Not to meet or engage with faculty or administration felt off but it made sense. The fraternity leaders executed the move-in well and we left knowing Peter was in good hands.  Pictures show the story-

Yes- fraternity.  Wabash Greek life can start at move-in or really once you are accepted  Peter had spent the night in a house when visiting, engaged by zoom with a few groups and connected with men in a number of other on-line opportunities.  Joe and I think it is a good direction for Peter and really liked the young men yesterday.  Delta Tau Delta- Peter's home away from home and a new family.  The Wabash brotherhood impresses us and creates an impressive environment for growth. We just finished watching the Ringing-In Ceremony - hooray for the sports streaming technology. Thank you President Feller, your remarks were right on: "What a Long Strange Trip It's Been" thanks to COVID but a beautiful one raising Peter in Granville with family and friends.   The tradition and other remarks were well executed- the Wabash Class of 2024 is impressive and we're proud of Peter for being there.  We will miss our sweet boy but he is ready. Life on Newark-Granville Road will be different. I will end today's blog with two Dead quotes- one may be for me: "WELL, THE FIRST DAYS ARE THE HARDEST DAYS, DON’T YOU WORRY ANYMORE” and "Nothing Left to do but Smile Smiile Smile" 

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