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Sunday, November 28, 2021

Stoner Family Take On Granville

 Making memories in Granville, it is what we do! Granville is a special place. When we dropped Matt and family at the Inn (early check-in, yay) they said now where do we get this, where do we get that- it was all in Granville. It helps that three of the three Stoner kids are Denison alums and one lives here. Truth is the repeat gatherings have built traditions and strengthened relationships. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday as we count blessings, gather on "the"day, break bread and engage together. This year Clare helped set the tone and suggested most of our activities- she started advocating for our holiday here at Christmas. "You have not been to Gville in years and we can go to Top Golf". It worked!

Clare a key partner, but many more. First Nana, our matriarch, she loves the Inn and is a wonderful host of rooms and a dinner there. She sponsors the turkey, arrives with food including the most amazing and sacred Stoner treat- the sand tart cookie. This year they were pumpkin shaped!! Next, my siblings, they book their travel arrangements, rally the families and make it work with their own special contributions! Clare's dear college buddy Hannah joined us and fit right in, friends peppered the weekend for catch-ups and cocktails.  Special shout out to Louisa for staying in our home with dear Remy. Lucy loved the company and our dogs are part of who we are.  I gave Joe the kudos he deserves on social media but it deserves repeating. None of it would have happened with out him. The planning and procurement, the insta-pot meal, and so much more. He makes it happen and embraces all Stonerness well. Each of the ïn-laws"are amazing, again so many blessings.

The pictures tell the stories, a special Thanksgiving in Granville.

Please know it isn't perfect, there is stress, and frustration, chaos and confusion. Age differences appear and energy lags. I crawled into bed by 10 pm each night..okay maybe not the Cidery night! Each and every member of the Stoner family is unique and special. We unite to remember and connect, catch-up and celebrate and to give Thanks for how lucky we were to win the lottery of this family! Life on Newark-Granville Road, blessed by love.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Thanksgiving, moments of contentment, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021 will have two posts. This first one is about the day. I'm writing it the morning after, from my bed. I woke up and reviewed pictures and posts on social media and am inspired to capture the more. It was a wonderful day. It was a favorite day.  Pictures will come late but now, here is what I didn't snap:

-Clare having green bean casserole (GBC) on a dessert plate as her dessert.  Backstory, I wasn't going to serve the GBC. To me it doesn't go with the meal. I was going to have a "simpler"meal served on Newark-Granvile Road- one green: peas.  When this was discovered Tuesday evening, the reaction from Clare (the oldest home from college) inspired to make a last minute add to the menu.  Seeing her have that additional helping to end her meal made it all worthwhile. Another cute dessert story- Greg (Sarah's husband/Uncle Greg) and Peter were seated next to one another. They both wanted small pieces of pies, both pumpkin and pecan, they ended up sharing instead of dividing pieces in half, it was sweet.

-Grocery store runs. How many did we really do?  Joe did the important ones, while I was picking up the Sunshine Stoners from Florida he picked up the turkey, and oysters! (FYI, communication and planning, if they were out of oysters I would have stopped at Whole Foods on the way home.) On Tuesday while I finished/submitted my Econ of Philanthropy research paper he went to Kroger for the big one. He couldn't find the sauerkraut so he went to Al's Meat Market.  That is dedication right there!  here there were three extra stops: 1. on the way home from airport for the ginger he could not find for my cranberry chutney, I also picked up supplies for above mentioned GBC, I had forgotten to mention those needs to Joe when I left the house that am. 2. 7 am on Thanksgiving- parsley- I never noted that on a list. I was so grateful to those employees at the 21st Kroger for being open.  I was in my PJs and made the dash, also picking up some perfect colored roses to add more color to the table, and sausage to go with the amazing biscuits (thank you RHM).  I forgot the white bread for the turkey sandwiches and the ginger ale.  I think the kids enjoyed the excuse for store run mid day.  Clare also made a run for us that included the onions for on top of GBC, Sarah and I were brainstorming substitutions if we could not find.  My favorite was sour cream and onion potato chips.

I grabbed one selfie while walking during the Turkey Trot, it doesn't do justice to the satisfaction and pride participating. So many memories, truly a place of contentment in motion on NG Road. The reward for participation time with dear friends in their amazing home, with incredible refreshments. The parade and dog show its own entertainment and company.

Prepping the meal, setting table, playing games- Mexican Train- is the 2021 Stoner game, thanks to Michael 2.0 and Westerville Leithausers.

It really was a wonderful Thanksgiving on Newark-Granville Road. A day of gratitude and family time, love of the village and our home. There was a bit of stress when getting the meal all on the table, as hot as it could be, but that that was fleeting. I crawled into bed happily tired and pleased. Ready for the rest of the Stoner holiday fun.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Figure Eighting with my new Work Space

Yes, in my life on Newark-Granville Road figure-eighting is a verb! What does this mean? First, the location of my new office is Burton Music.  I've been telling anyone that wants to know I was a music minor at Denison. I spent a lot of time in Burton Music!  Frequent readers know I believe life's movement is in the figure-eight shape.  We come and go from places and people and here is an example. I returned to Burton Music about thirteen years ago when Peter started Suzuki - always enjoying the opportunity to return to such a special space.   Hard to believe I have not posted a picture on the blog of Peter with his violin, no time like the present:  

Robin Brown- Peter's first teacher - office 3rd floor Burton Music.

Now I've returned to Burton Music, office 107. The Institutional Development Division is in Monomoy, Monomoy Annex, and Burton Music.  I'm thrilled to be here and hope you will stop by to say hello:

I still have to unpack, figure out additional furniture. I'm excited to introduce my books and Denison things as well as art for the walls!  I will try to recycle and use less paper. I'm only going to keep one file cabinet drawer for paper files.  The desks don't have space for pens, although I secured drawers today! 

I thought I'd share some campus pics, these are from my walk up the hill and

Lucky me to be working in a happy place. A place that makes a difference and supports the lifelong learning I'm engaged in on Newark-Granville Road!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sunday Shares on November 7

Sharing on a Sunday feels right for the blog.

Sunday is the day in our life on Newark-Granville Road that we reflect, plan, catch-up. 

Sundays can be stressful, the plans for the upcoming week loom, how will it all get done in my head. I've heard "it is Sunday" when someone says "what is wrong with Mom?"

Sundays can be the bestest, happiest days the ahhhh days.

Sundays are for worship and today's worship was buzzing with energy, activity and the Spirit! Sally served communion, we rang the bell and giggled when it about took Sally on a ride

Sundays are for family talks on Facetime, believe it or not it is often Peter that starts..."what time are we talking, I'm free at X". 

Sundays are for studying.  Today was no different, I spent a chunk of the day with my research and brain trying to create a draft for my Economics of Philanthropy graduate class. Anyone want to weigh in on competition between the nonprofit and for profit higher education sector? Please?

Sundays lately have involved travel to see our college kids, it was good to be home today.

Sundays are for shopping, Joe goes to the grocery.

Sundays are important. Thanks for sharing a bit of my Sunday.

Check back for a picture...I'll post on Social media...