This week with focus on executing a fundraising event that is so much about friendraising as well, my brain is putting out lessons in overdrive! I was the "co-chair" for the Bourbon and Blues event for Newark-Rotary. We really had a Chair with a Vision and Get-It-Done attitude and then some incredible volunteers supporting him and then a great deal of help. Each volunteer that put focus and time to this event had a unique and special role, I'm honored to have witnessed it and contributed in my way. Hooray for each donor as well- they are key to the equation!I'm grateful for the lessons. I'll share a few here with some photos and "rest of the story" or behind the scenes scoop as that is what this blog's purpose.
Behind the scenes FYI- the incredible artwork of Carlo LoRaso pulled us all together! |
Lesson 1-Volunteer Hours are under reported. In my LFSOP (Lilly Family School of Philanthropy) graduate school studies volunteer hours has certainly been a component, in the Economics class in particular. When I see all the time that many people put into this event or how the leaders of the club engage- oh my!
I've always said volunteers make the world go around, work for a small nonprofit and you really see this. Volunteer in a Service Club run by only volunteers you really see it in action.
Lesson 2- believe in the dream- the Bourbon Pull for this event really worked, it took me a bit to understand but oh was it fun. Here is the couple that were the first "pick"! And hopefully you get a sense of the overall beauty- live music (during set up we heard the rehearsal of the Newark-Granville Symphony concert today including Peter and the Wolf- bonus!!), art in action with the work and just time together!
So much to say about this one, I was wrong about what would get picked, so many lessons! Congratulations on number one pick at B&B Newark Rotary 2023 and thanks for playing! Cheers! |
Lesson 3- remember the cause. I said to a friend last night- let's do it again so we can "tweak" it. Even with the things I'd do different if I could (if it really made sense and someone could execute it) the event was a success. The Newark Rotary Foundation needs funds to give out funds and this faciliates more philanthropy. The ripple effect of goodness in action. AND we came together, worked as a team, connected, caught up and shared a lovely evening filled with live music, good food and friendship. This meets all of the Rotary Four Way Test points and affirms our efforts.
Again a vision- Pattye has an eye and dedicates so much time to this Club, thank you. |
So fun to connect with friends and share interests- Ed, we need to taste what we talked about, thank you! |
Lesson 4- enjoy the journey- and I did. I'm glad it is done. I'm glad I said yes and did not step away even though I'm overcommitted this senior senior year for my family. I have learned and been reminded and inspired so much this week in my life on Newark-Granville Road and I wanted to share! And yes it was a family event, so grateful to Sally and friend, and Joe- volunteering together makes it all so much more special. Lesson 5- a reminder how lucky I am (St. Patrick's Day Week) to have Joe as my partner.
Bourbon tasting- next up economic lesson supply and demand- Bourbon 2023! |
Credit card, Cash and Clean Up! |
Who ordered the made the pretzels happen, who cut the donated bottles to be vases, who transported and stored, who assembled, who added and helped with extra touches, see band in the background, who picked up the table cloths, set-up....and this is the tip, just a snippet of what went into a beautiful night. Thank you to each donor and volunteer and participant!! We filled the room and that is a big deal too! |
Cheese- ask me about this one!! I snapped for a lesson for another day. |
Thanks for reading about just a few of the lessons in my life on Newark-Granville Road! Gary Baker was the Chair, FYI, no pictures of us or him? Hmmmm He was in constant motion.