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Sunday, August 27, 2023

The house is quiet, happy energy in Indiana, Granville Welcome Homes!

 Life on Newark-Granville Road has been filled with emotions during August 2023! On the  16th we loaded up the car and headed west to deliver Sally to DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana.  Peter loaded up Gretel (car) and launched his senior year at Wabash.  We connected for dinner to pass the fridge he needed Martha (the car) to transport, and I was grateful!  

Sally moved in early due to field hockey and we enjoyed the parent meeting to get the lay of the land for the season,  She has chosen a great school and we're super proud of how she has prepared for this exciting time. She reminded us during move-in dinner that she has not loved being the only one at home and she was excited for this transition.  How can we be sad with that statement, proud, missing her, and embracing this new chapter/book in our lives?

We do love sharing special celebrations and enjoyed the night before dinner with the Love-Fullers.  It was extra special as we welcomed Coleen from France, staying with the Love-Fuller family.  As the month progressed we enjoyed connecting with Denisonians returning to Granville to deliver students, including Keith '91 with William '27 from Vietnam.

Time flies, I type this on 8/27 as I catch up with the blog. What a treat to say hello to Senior Annie and her Mom Kirsten for coffee today. Thanks to all those who reach out when coming home to Granville, Life on Newark-Granville Road is all the more rewarding

And now we Facetime on Sundays, watch Social media, and look forward to being welcomed home to Wabash and DePauw where our hearts have ventured from Newark-Granville Road!

Friday, August 11, 2023

Cue the music, Pomp & Circumstance, cue the Pomp and Circumstance....

This is a blog post I've dreamt of writing.  Life on Newark-Granville Road has been pretty consumed with my studies. Today I can type: I have completed my Masters in Philanthropic Studies from the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.  I hit submit on 8/6/23 and it was done.  I received notice of the grade in the class.  The officialness will continue, and I'll continue to update this post!  But truly it is done:

In a true academic approach, I'm going to make this post an outline with reflections:


a. general feelings: bittersweet, pride, relief, joy, gratitude

b basic- why, what, how  

There was this job I wanted, it said Master's degree was preferred, I asked my boss if I should get a Master's she said- yes and pointed me to a few programs including LFSOP. But she said, ask the VP, the VP said- no you have amazing experience and don't need it, but ask our consultant.  I asked the consultant and she said, get an MBA, know the financial world to work with your donors (I had considered an MBA when I worked for Fed-Mogul and they would have paid 90%)! So there were three different answers, I knew who to listen to- me! The reality is the LFSOP program sounded interesting so I contacted the admission person and met for coffee, I took one class, then the certificate program, then the MA- I did it step by step!


b. true journey valued the journey- James Clear - DU alum, author, and friend reminded us of this at Remix 2023 and it is so true.  Each course, and each assignment was a step in a not-so-easy but rewarding journey a  journey that changed and challenged me, made my life on NG road more interesting

a.  lessons learned- affirmed, strengthened:

-my major- I have been involved in philanthropy my whole life and to study it was a gift, to study it with the liberal-arts approach- providential- perfect-- what is the correct word to describe this? Ideal for me!

-the answer always is "it depends" and you must look at both sides, or many must find an answer but don't quickly to to yes or no, right or wrong...

-the connection between the sectors, the overlap and relationships- really valued this after 10 years in the for-profit sector, 21 in the nonprofit sector and the view of government with my chamber board hat, practical assisted the lessons of the classroom and the interplay is something I had not really considered.  Well-timed with Joe's run for Village Council in Granville!

d. Internships/Last class - it truly pulled it all together- religion, giving, directions groups can take. I was able to download my papers as my IUPUI google drive goes away! 


a. What is next- the question everyone asks...

Are you getting a new job? Answer- not for some time.  This hopefully will support "retirement" when Joe and I want to work less/different- consulting maybe, or assisting consultants, or PT/ interim work, international time, exciting right?!! People ask about teaching and I quickly said no, however after presenting this summer and a conversation with my advisor, the answer is maybe! Not at the academic level but as a person of practice, maybe- the answer I guess here is- it depends!

b. Celebration:

a. Surprise- Amanda is too good!  Pink mortar boards?!!! Charity?!?!- Lori was ready with the Pink Bubbles, Brian that cake, Leigh Ann the sweets, and everyone that attended, reached out, oh my oh my oh my- so much more to say....dear toasts by the kids...and Barbie- what a message and way to celebrate- I went to the move and I read a book that wasn't required reading...(what is next?!!)

b. Ciao learning- e- Vespa training (secured lisc. and tags today!!)

c. Will I walk in a Graduation/ Commencement Ceremony- nope- the program offered that opportunity in May it was the same day as Clare's and Denison's so that was out.  When the degree arrives and the regalia we'll find a way to make it official and capture the moments in our own way.  I've heard people talk about it truly being a family degree and it is- I could not have done it without Joe and the kids have all walked it with me. My Mom i pretty proud of me too, another reflection for above- 1st graduate level degree for my family.

I posted about this today- but for the record- picture:

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Home from Camp 2023


The girls are back! Summer 2023, a success for Sally and Clare! I can't say enough good about what Camp Alleghany provides for our family.  More here later but I wanted to do a quick chronicle that they are home, and it happened.  

It is the first year we have not traveled to Greenbrier County, WV as a family or me as an individual. They came and went on their own, together- happy sigh.  They each had added responsibilities and important milestones- Clare hit 10 years (turtle charm!)  I received only one letter from each of them, but phone calls during days off- life as a counselor is different than the camper-this part of the important life lessons.

Life on Newark-Granville Road, August 7- 2023- dinner for five in the dining room, anticipation and touching base to plan the evening, dessert from Whits. Happiness is....