If you read this blog, you know Moundbuilders Country Club is my happy place. I never thought over 20 years ago I would love a place as much as I love dear ole MCC. Life on Newark-Granville Road valued the place to teach the kids to swim, have a place to go when I was home with three kids, play tennis, eventually this is where I learned to play golf. It was the go to date night and where we met fantastic friends. We were welcomed and connected to catch-up, share, listen, cry and celebrate. It is where we've lived, a home away from home. We've served to- you get what you put in- Joe is on the board, we've interviewed, oriented, coordinated and planned and refed the swim meets!
The Club is now moving to the Trout Club. We're in transition and we're helping! We know this beautiful picturesque place will become our new home away from home and we look forward to what this chapter brings. Change and transition isn't easy, it isn't without tears and emotions. Today we participated in some planning and were rewarded with a rainbow!
Please consider being a member if you are not, or want to return!! Ask me about it- I can get you the details. If you are a member now I hope you'll continue to be part of our MCC family- what will our new name be- to be determined- again transiton and change!
Dates to know:
Wednesday 10/30- Transition Celebration at the MCC location 6 pm! Live music and a last gathering!
Sunday, 11/10- 6 pm- Member Open House- tours, food, drink, entertainment!
Life on Newark-Granville Road is so grateful for all the family time at MCC!