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Monday, June 29, 2015

God willing and the creek don't rise….Camp Allehgany 2015

The girls are at camp and the count down for the letter- make that letters- has started.  If you read yesterday's blog you know we had amazing weekend with our Greenbrier stay as part of Camp Drop-Off.  Camp Alleghany is a few miles from America's Resort and has been adopted as part of the camp experience.  This year is was on the front end- when we go back to pick up the girls we're taking advantage of wonderful Lewisburg, WVA and the historic town.

The drop off will be one for the record books- like no other we've had. I went to camp there for two years when I was Sally's age and Clare is going on year three- this is Sally's first year.  We received the email warning us drop off would have a new procedure due to the high water level of the river.  The email came while we were at lunch and it gave us conversation to distract from our farewells. We hoped it would recede and we'd return to the normal process. The normal process is a barge with groups of campers and parents crossing to camp together. Parents help with set-up, bed making, etc…Clare the planner made new lists and was prepared to re-pack and follow instructions.

The river did not recede so before departing the Greenbrier the trunks were reopened and packing shifted. Getting the girls to camp involved a motorized boat due to the fast current! I've never seen the water so high when we unloaded the car.  Camp is always about safety and the plan was the right one. Joe and I helped with the lice-check (all clear for us phew) and medial form questions and then stood in line for about an hour chatting wtih new Denison pal from Cinci and others. Sally was a champ and her excitement to be included this year carried the day.  I followed her lead and remained happy. It wasn't until today that it hit me and I felt the emptiness of not experiencing camp set up.  Not because I am worried- she is in great hands.  Not because I have to be with her. I simply love camp and I wanted to be able to visualize and know a bit more about what her home away from home will be like for three weeks.  I wanted to share the ghany fun even if only an hour. I feel the same for Clare although our senior camper/midway is pretty self sufficient.  What also carried my energy yesterday was Clare's great coaching, good big sistering. Clare spent the last few weeks getting Sally ready and helping Sally be in the happy place she was to accept the change of plans for camp arrival.  Thank you Clare.

Life on Newark-Granville Road is about all about being in wait for the old fashioned letter to take me back to West Virginia.  Pictures below show the joy in their faces the spirit of anticipation of girl time in the great outdoors.

Off they go to ghany!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Writing a blog entry….from the Greenbrier

We are back and I'm typing this while seated at my desk in my house on Newark-Granville Road, however my morning included my position shown below and to the left. And I did indeed start the post content with pen and paper.  I sat in the Greenbrier's writing room to pen a letter to my girls. I forgot to mail the letter I had prepared earlier to mail from a West Virgina town so I wrote one this morning and stowed it in their duffels to find when they unpacked. While writing with real pen and paper in the historic and beautiful space I came up with this post idea and snapped the photo.

Our trip was a whirlwind and provides many topics for the blog, however I'm tired and it is time for bed.  This entry will simply be an encouragement to visit the Greenbreir and write a letter or journal entry of your own from this space.  And I will share a few of the delights encountered during our escape to WVA!  If you have been to "America's resort" allow this entry and these photos to take you back.

We had another fantastic visit. The girls were delighted with the care we and the staff at the resort provided before they spend three weeks in rustic albeit beautiful surroundings.  We enjoyed the quality time together before being a part for three weeks.  We all enjoyed being with me when I'm at the Greenbrier- I relax and feel a million miles away and revel in the color, design, hospitality, charm, history, and taste.  We ate well, swam, talked, laughed and enjoyed the view. We saw an old friend and made a new one- all with Denison connections! I exercised early this am with a walk/run taking in the preparations for the Greenbrier Classic Golf Tournament.  I returned to the nature trail along Howard's Creek and did some yoga, strength and mediation. And you know what else I found- a bathing suit!  It has been years since I found and bought a suit I like.  We took in the new construction, had pool time, reading time and time to just be!  And I wrote some letters and made some notes- nothing work related- just about my life this weekend not on Newark-Granville Road but at the Greenbrier where I was welcomed back with delight.

And now it is "sleepy time" on Newark-Granville Road.

Friday, June 26, 2015

#best of denison…why…supporting the fair college on the hill!

This has been a fun week of posting on facebook in my life on Newark-Granville Road.  The #BestofDenison campaign on social media- FB is my preferred posting place, however I've done my share on Twitter and made an attempt to engage on Instagram too.  I'm not only playing along because I now work at Denison or am an engaged alumna- I want to increase visibility and help support the cause.  #BestofDenison is to showcase all the good, and the pride we have about so many components of Denison and the education provided and it links to annual fund donations.  These amazing things happen in Granville, at Denison because of generosity and support of alumni, parents, friends/staff of the college- we can all give. The fiscal year ends June 30th and gifts are needed:

Class of 1990 Alums- lets reach our goal- we had 76 folks on campus, lets get to $75,000- we're so close!  We received an incredible education, created relationships that surpassed 25 years because others that went before us gave to the college.

Local Friends- Denison is a non-profit thriving in our community- lets help keep it strong with a tax-deductible gift!  Engage with the collage- attend art and sporting events. Eat in the dining hall, walk the campus and bio reserve- know donations make all of that possible.

All others- Denison is a college that changes lives- great book describing why this is so. I'm fortunate to see the students engaged, happy, challenged. I've spent the week talking to current parents hearing incredible counts of their children's experiences at Denison- good things are happening, the best of things are happening.

Every dollar and donation counts and helps.  Life on Newark-Granville Road is all about helping the best of Denison continue and your support is appreciated!

Monday, June 22, 2015

returning the favor…..

When we go to Maryland we love our pool time and a home cooked meal.  My parents came to visit and the timing was great. I was able to be with my Dad on Father's Day and it worked to see Peter play baseball under the lights on the big field.  I love cooking a meal for my parents.  After all these years even the kids know what they like.  So when at the IGA we pick up things that we don't usually keep around- just to make Pap happy.  Well some of it makes me happy too- happy hour supplies- cheese and crackers.

The weather cooperated for us and I'm so pleased. Yesterday we had a nice pool day at Moundbuilders. My father likes to sit in the shade and read- our pool is ideal for that and it is they way I like to do pool time too.  My mom likes to feel the warmth of the sun and chat and that is exactly what we did.  The water temp was gorgeous so we all spent time swimming, floating and enjoying being together.  Nana thought it was pretty fun to see me beat Peter in a 25 free- woo hoo!  Tonight's baseball game weather was ideal- cool, but not cold, warm but not hot! And they won- hooray for the Granville team.

Today they came to see me in the new office and have quality lunch time with just me. I'm the oldest and love my alone time with my parents.  I took them to lunch at Slayter and then I took them shopping in the book store for Dad's father's day gift.  Role reversal from all those visits all those Denison shopping days.  Life on Newark-Granville Road likes to return a favor, in particular for my parents.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

missing shoes

as in the act of longing for- that kind of "missing".  I have a love hate relationship with shoes.  I often get dressed from the shoes up- what do my feet feel like wearing today- flats, heels, wedges, boots.  Oh do I love boots! I joke that I go from boots to open toed and struggle with the in-between! I love toes that show and toe polish is such a fun treat!  Now that I have real finger nails- yes it is official my horrible nail biting habit has been kept at bay for 6 months- I also get to have fun with color and that touch of finish there.  Before the toes were my only chance to select color and I embraced it.  I also love the pampering the pedi provides.  I digress- shoes!

So I am missing two pairs of shoes in particular. I know they were tossed in the last big clean or a dog ate one, better said- chewed on one! This is why when a wonderful puppy I know chewed on a garment I was wearing this week I didn't get upset-I giggled, hard.  The one pair were black sandals- a number of black straps, perfect 1 1/2-2 inch chunky heel- professional for summer and comfortable. I bought them at Talbot's years ago- I had them when I worked at DU the first time.  I miss them.  The other pair were nude platform wedges.  I bought them thinking no way I'd ever wear them.  I didn't like platforms, they were too thick, too much of a fad- but they looked great, were comfortable, gave me height and went soooo well with my maxi dresses.  I have not looked to replace them and now I'm thinking that is a mistake.

I walked all of DSW, Nordstroms, Nordy Rack and TJ Maxx last week- could not find the shoes I was looking for- strapy black sandals with the right heel or open toed nude flats- maybe a peep toe flat or with a small heel.  I love the nude shoe look but the heels I have are not my favorite to climb the 5 plus flights of steps to the new office.  The good news- last summer's broken ankle forced me into two pairs of very sensible- one not stylish at all- shoes that I find myself choosing to wear on certain mornings. Mornings like today in my life on Newark-Granville Road after standing at a swim meet last night are just what the feet ordered.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

life in the office.

I wish I remembered where I bought this lamp.
I remember when I bought the lamp and declared I wanted to be able to use it at work. I wanted an office that the lamp would fit and be accepted.  My ten years in corporate America- the automotive industry- evokes thoughts  of grays, neutrals.  At the time I felt a lamp like this was not appropriate. So when I bought the lamp I bought it as part of my transition to a different work world.

The first office the lamp donned was in Colwell House at Denison.  I had the office under the narrow stairs, in the space of the grand old stair case of the transitioned farmhouse- dining hall- office building.  When I interviewed for the job- I was shown the space with trepidation- the attitude seemed to be- why would anyone want to work in a small space.  To me it was perfect- I've always like old houses so working in an old house, in a college town, on a college campus with a lamp like this - perfection! Due to moves and shifts I snagged an incredible office overlooking chapel walk with a full wall of window.  The lamp looked particularly good there. And when we moved to Burton-Morgan the lamp went with me.  The new building was a bit more sophisticated and had more of a corporate/work professional feel with the furniture, nonetheless the liberal arts value of individualism and the division's roots from a farmhouse prevailed and the lamp blended right in on the 1st floor.

When I left Denison and the work in the Alumni Event world I packed up the lamp and there it stayed. I considered putting in a room- bequesting it to a daughter-but that was not what the lamp represented to me and away it stayed.  My next professional home was The Works: Ohio Center for History, Art and Science- a museum, an education center- with energy, class and character- just like my lamp!  The office with big book shelves was well suited for the lamp and me.  Again due to a happy circumstance my office moved across the hall and into the light. A wall of window to observe the guests making their way to the museum. A wonderful special place with very fond memories of catch-ups, plans and work to support an incredible place.

And  now the lamp is on the 5th floor of Burton-Morgan at Denison. The lamp joins my figure eight recycle back to the hill.  I've completed week four of the new job and am in the right place.  Our 25th Reunion, the parent receptions for June O and my orientation provided opportunities to reflect and affirm my call.  The lamp looks great and was the base for the other items that made their way to make the office my own.  Take a look at my life on Newark-Granville Road in the office on the hill in the photos below and let me know what you think. Better yet- come see my in person- you are welcome any time!  Work phone 740 587 5547.

As I type and reflect on the Federal-Mogul offices- if I was there today the lamp would work.  In Omaha in the Service Center Manager space, in Southfield's call center- even a cubical can have touches like this. The Maysville KY Human Resources Manager office I'm there now as I type - good times, challenging times- continued growth and confidence that help put me where I am today. I wrapped up my tenure with FM working out of our home in Granview. I traveled the country and globe delivering training. Charming and sweet I believe that is where the lamp was first procured and the notion of an artistic, colorful work environment was a fit for me.  Life is filled with twists and turns- it is nice to have this light with me and a story to share.


Saturday, June 13, 2015

say it out loud and make it happen…..

Last week after dropping Peter off for baseball I sat and read in the car before the game.  When I met Joe I did the "ah- we could of, we should of gone out for breakfast at Sparta".  So last night when I came home after wrapping up two weeks of awesome parent receptions with June Orientation he said- "want to go to breakfast in the morning?"  Yay Joe for saying it out loud, remembering and the invite.  We had a great breakfast with Sally today and saw good folks and supported a wonderful venture.

Sally and I checked in with Janice who was there and Janice read Sally's shirt to her in question form-"what amazing thing are you going to do today"?  Sally said- "watch my brother play baseball".  Sweet but not what was to be!  I was suppose to play tennis today but not enough signed up and it was cancelled. I was disappointed but embraced it. Then at check out Joe noticed the young eagles free flight day flier and said to me "if we had known"….  I seized the day and said- "Sally want to get a free airplane ride"? Sally said "yes"!  We said good bye to Janice and she said- "go do something amazing"!  And Sally did!

I love this program and applaud the volunteers that make this happen. Clare and Peter have done it in the past a few times and loved it.  Sally was never old enough and we have been busy the past few years to make it happen. You need to be 8.  Want to learn more- face or  Sally was able to join for free- this organization does a great job promoting STEM learning, not to mention building confidence and making ah-ha moments happen for youth from all over! It was a lovely day seeing the families take to the skies today. Dreams came true, fears were conquered and passions were passed around as pilots of all ages donated their time.

Life on Newark-Granville Road enjoyed quality time with my youngest today- it started at breakfast and included a ride in the sky!  She was brave, confident and beautiful. She held my hand a good bit too. Sally saw the Longaberger Basket Building, Buckeye Lake- she said it has not been drained yet and the Don Edward Baseball Park where Peter was playing- they tipped their wings to say hello! Share, talk and say it out loud and good things happen!!

Friday, June 12, 2015

went to town…..

The phrase "go to town" popped into my head to describe my day yesterday.  I was "in town" quite a bit. 

I was downtown Newark for a meeting about Festa Bianco (August 1st  I'm so happy to be in the role of volunteer at The Works.  I am really looking forward to a very special evening and event there in August- I hope you will join us- invites are in the mail very soon!! Woo Hoo!  What was special about being in Newark was seeing good friends, good people- my colleagues from The Works.

I went to Granville many times yesterday. I stopped on my way back to Denison for lunch and a run through the James Store with the 50 percent off sale. Sigh…..I cant' wait for them to re-open I'm so sad about their move from the beautiful downtown location.  But I won't wish away summer.  It was great to run into friends in there- various trips.  I was able to delight Clare by including her on the deals!

I went to Easton for a happy touch-up pedi and manicure- I'm looking good!  I went with Denison red toes and my first french manicure on my grown, no longer biting nails- woo hoo!  

I ended back in Granville meeting a Denison friend and classmate in town to show their daughter Denison!! 

In all of these places I picked up gifts, a red dress I've been desiring for the new job and some little bits and pieces!  I enjoyed taking a seat outside at the Buxton and saying hello and ahhh. Going to Town has many meanings- traditional and urban- google it and you'll see.  Life on Newark-Road went to town in many ways yesterday and it was wonderful!

Monday, June 8, 2015

a Triple Crown Winner for 2015!

After American Pharoah won The Belmont Stakes and the Triple Crown- Joe captured the moment- "now in your life time" he told the kids.  With our care of horse races due to our annual Derby party and attention to the Preakness and Belmont, plus trips to Keeneland- it is pretty special to have a three time winner!  I am looking forward to our Derby glasses for next year- an asterisk
will accompany American Pharoah's name indicating the triple crown winner.  What a race, what a horse, what a lovely night for a triple crown!

So how do we celebrate on Newark-Granville Road?  We watched Secretariat tonight.  Rainy night with "to do work" for me- personalizing invitations to Festa Binaco- see the events to attend on the left or visit  Joe had not seen this Disney story of the amazing.  Sally did not remember going to the theater with me when it was released.  It was a movie I'd watch over and over again- a great story, beautiful scenery- yes Keeneland is a film site!  We all enjoyed the movie and the attention on the feat that American Pharaoh accomplished this weekend- three cheers for the triple crown winner of 2015!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

getting into summer mode…..

So May happened and it was amazing and June is here! Just a peak into the reality of my life.  At some point I need to find and clean up all the things- papers- I've hidden. It started with Derby party clean up and continued all the way to reunion last weekend.  The dumpster in the drive way is the bonus to the construction project in our basement so now is the time to clean!

Peter missed a camp start day yesterday- oops. I had it down for next week. I'm glad his pal told him- "they called your name yesterday".  We're figuring out the basement project as we go- the floor was in worse shape than anticipated- Dad you were right. Griffey is barking at the arrival of the construction guys as I type!

Life on Newark-Granville Road in the summer-every day is different, we ride the wave, we sit loosely and say a prayer of thanksgiving when the sitters walk in the door.  We hug them and cry hallelujah when they take the kids on fun outings and keep the TV off with games.  Joe has the math and reading assignments ready to go. I get reports of seeing my kids on their bikes in town and a pat on the back for parenting this way.  The wet towels show up in interesting places and do they ever get dry on their own? I'm enjoying the last of the peonies- boy I love them- all the petals, full but delicate and the scent....ahh!

Welcome June and a change of pace with fresh air!  Tonight we get a bonus- Peter's baseball game at Don Edwards Park has us there for the opening of the Licking County Settlers- the summer wood bat league- college kids from all over doing what they love, supported by the awesome folks of this community.  Join us-