The drop off will be one for the record books- like no other we've had. I went to camp there for two years when I was Sally's age and Clare is going on year three- this is Sally's first year. We received the email warning us drop off would have a new procedure due to the high water level of the river. The email came while we were at lunch and it gave us conversation to distract from our farewells. We hoped it would recede and we'd return to the normal process. The normal process is a barge with groups of campers and parents crossing to camp together. Parents help with set-up, bed making, etc…Clare the planner made new lists and was prepared to re-pack and follow instructions.
The river did not recede so before departing the Greenbrier the trunks were reopened and packing shifted. Getting the girls to camp involved a motorized boat due to the fast current! I've never seen the water so high when we unloaded the car. Camp is always about safety and the plan was the right one. Joe and I helped with the lice-check (all clear for us phew) and medial form questions and then stood in line for about an hour chatting wtih new Denison pal from Cinci and others. Sally was a champ and her excitement to be included this year carried the day. I followed her lead and remained happy. It wasn't until today that it hit me and I felt the emptiness of not experiencing camp set up. Not because I am worried- she is in great hands. Not because I have to be with her. I simply love camp and I wanted to be able to visualize and know a bit more about what her home away from home will be like for three weeks. I wanted to share the ghany fun even if only an hour. I feel the same for Clare although our senior camper/midway is pretty self sufficient. What also carried my energy yesterday was Clare's great coaching, good big sistering. Clare spent the last few weeks getting Sally ready and helping Sally be in the happy place she was to accept the change of plans for camp arrival. Thank you Clare.
Life on Newark-Granville Road is about all about being in wait for the old fashioned letter to take me back to West Virginia. Pictures below show the joy in their faces the spirit of anticipation of girl time in the great outdoors.

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Off they go to ghany! |