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Monday, May 30, 2016

swing, splash, sparkle, that, chat, laugh, pray and praise outside....

captures Memorial Day Weekend on Newark-Granville Road!

It was a fun, full weekend that included swimming the lake, golfing twice, opening the pool, chatting and reconnecting with friends and family, great meals, reading and floating and soaking in Vitamin D.  Mix it in with Granville and Newark's high school graduation and the grad party fun, topped off with some sparklers since we'll miss 4th of July and a thwack with high pitched squeel and ooo of a pinata and it all rolls into quite a weekend.  I'm a happy tired gal on Newark-Granville Road tonight.

The highlight of the weekend was church. This is a surprise for me as certainly the pool's opening with the reconnection with so many good people and the return for me to my happy place where I float and see the blue sky and towering trees and all my cares drift away.... or the chance to be on the golf course,  smiling as I think of achieving a par and birdie on the course today!!  Apple Valley family time is also amazing and the 7 am swim is something I adore for many many reasons....the go-pro was an awesome addition- well-done Clare and kids!  AND we had so much fun attending the opening of the Canal Market District- sorry to miss the dedication due to kid sports but loved jumping into the fun offerings and great live music- Humming House!!  So many good folks and what a gift for our community.  Yes amazing weekend, the church service was that good to be a highlight.

Speaking of the highlight, here is the scoop- I had no plan to go to church this weekend.  We embraced no sports and just selfishly wanted family time in favorite places..and sleep-ins! However when I heard Sarah Kosling was visiting home from her Peace Corp time and collecting seeds during Children's moments at FPC I could not stay away.  Sally joined me and was one of the few kids at the front of the church this weekend. Usually we have a steps overflowing but not this holiday weekend so all the better to be there! What a wonderful lesson.  Karen asked Sarah about her role and we learned about her work as an agricultural coach and why the seeds play an important part in her work.  The whole service had moments of beautiful praise and prayer, even poetry.  This is the link to the sermon- it is worth the read and pause to ponder.  I just did and took away more...Memorial Day Weekend is about remembering and honoring and thanking and church helps me do that- I'm glad I was there.

Church prepared me to really appreciate and value all the other awesome activities- swimming and walking and sharing it with family and friends in my life on Newark-Granville Road.  I think I do a pretty good job of not worrying too often about getting things completely in order, or dealing with anxiety- it is there but it doesn't get in the way of swinging, splashing, dancing, sparkling, celebrating, chatting, laughing and praying in this beautiful life on Newark-Granville Road!  Follow more summer fun with #ngrsummer


Friday, May 27, 2016

Come to Reunion!

**** Update on 6/1:  Here we are getting touch- red flags on top of tent- love it!  And the banner says....Welcome Home...I took this in the behind the scenese space that is ready to welcome, house, feed, entertain, kid/baby sit, teach, care and delight you!! Well done Alumni Relations Team- well done!  Can't wait...the 50th Reunion is here- welcome welcome and friends of all ages arrive Friday!!

5/27-As I drove up the main drag of Denison today I knew I had to sit down and write this blog!  If anyone is reading this and considering the question- should I return to campus for my (insert number) reunion- the answer is YES!  It is next week, the time is now to make your plans...road trip, pay the price for lack of planning ahead but get here- you won't regret it.   Didn't think you wanted to attend? I beg to differ.  Think you are too busy? too much going on with the kids? We called a friend out as we left ours and he agreed- kid card didn't work...he arrived on SAturday! There is only ever one (insert number 10th, 15th, 25th, triple 30th) reunion....if you miss it- you miss it. Ask yourself if what you are doing will happen again. No your daughter's commencement won't happen again so stay home- but if you can get here on Saturday- great, yes get here.

I know first had that you will be missed if you don't attend. I write having never missed a reunion. I know I'm not typical I love Denison pretty deeply and bleed big red.  But what you need to know is... I know who wasn't at our reunions and I missed them. Our 25th Reunion was AWESOME, FABULOUS, it exceeded expectations.....this only is the case because good people came and engaged....good people of the Class of 1990 but also the other reunions. I was inspired and delighted by young and old.

I know  first hand what is happening on campus and the staff will do whatever you need- golf carts for the injured or needing help- that was me 2 years ago...The Janitors- Lakin Duker '90 and a great group of alums are playing Saturday night. Homestead beer is on tap, there is childcare and kid activities....and I'm here to help make it happen.  Get a hold of me and let me help you attend your reunion!

Not in your reunion year but want to come to campus....YES- you can too- don't want to miss the Janitors playing, you're in Cleveland and want to be a groupie- come on down....It will be so much fun!  We're all Denisonians and we love to welcome you home...home to Denison...the home you love so well.

Below is the link to the schedule, registration, etc....check it out and make your plans. Life on Newark-Granville Road is all about Reunion next weekend- you've got time and I look forward to seeing you there!  Already planning to be here- YEAH, YAY, THANK YOU, WOO HOO...keep me posted- I can't wait to see you! I'll be at the Pi Phi House on Saturday at 2- come see the updates!  Convocation Sat at 11- I'll be there with programs!  Janitors LIVE under the big tent Saturday night- I'll be there...and I think they're playing Friday night at Moe's..I hope!  I'll be there...I even get to golf the Denison (old Granville) Course on Sunday!

So the blog is also about the whys.....I'm not just blogging about this because it is my job. I attended reunion when living here and not working at Denison- but supporting and volunteering.  The convocation awards- alumni citations are incredible. The class gift announcements are outstanding.  The chance to see friends I haven't seen in ages and make new friends- it is a gift. It is a family thing too- Denisonians are family and I'm lucky to be in this place and have this amazing life on Newark-Granville Road, down the street from Denison.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

thank you for the help, we love Granville.

As I formed this post in my head it was simply to say thank you for the quick response to our needs to find a sitter/driver/helper three days a week in June.   Clare noted it was less than 24 hours from figuring out the void to having a new person in place.  What Clare didn't know is we had at least ten ideas, names, referrals, options shared with us within 12 hours!  Wow- thank you!  We have found someone to partner and help support our summer- who goes, where when how with whom!

What we also executed or started to create is the schedule - looking at all the who needs to be where, when so we can figure out the how/who and provide instructions.  What we're realizing is we still need to take friends up on offers to carpool, coordinate is a work in progress and so I say thank you in advance for the help.

Granville- this is what we do for one another- we figure it out, we lend ideas and inputs...we even have it on- line with a variety of groups to join on Facebook.  What a beautiful thing it is. What makes life on Newark-Granville Road so special- you.

I wish I rolled with these changes, hiccups.  When I figured out my goof in not confirming sitter/ driver I knew our town would come to our rescue. I had seen the postings and knew there were folks back from school, high school students looking for work.  This will be Clare in a few years.  But it still caused stress.  It happened to us a few years ago and it so upset me....I understand why it happens, but the emotional side of change, the timing and energy spent takes it's toll.  Joe's lack of concern amplified my frustration.  My desire to be attentive, celebratory Mom during these school wind down (limited hours) days played into the stress.  But again friends lift me up, colleagues and work is flexible and supportive as I handle put my Mom role ahead of everything else and work on the puzzle, shift the usual juggle act.

It only works on Newark-Granville Road with your support- thank you.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Catching up and Sharing....its May 2016

Time to catch-up again.....and instead of simply posting links I'll give you some of the whys....

Symphony of Flavor-  this is an event I try hard not to miss! It is a great cause with a stellar event- fabulous dinner, great pairings, creative outlet, entertainment, good people...and you can participate in the auction and provide more funding and win something special!  Take a look- the theme this year is Italian- yum and just look at the great graphics!! 

The Blue Coats are back.....who thought Denison slowed down in the summer!  Okay it isn't summer yet, but the semester has ended, the school year is over and the students are on summer break so queue the band.... impressive organization- get the scoop here and I'll share the details on when they present and practice on us.....  We also had the HOBY leadership camp, a huge swim meet- youth program/club swimming; our own Reunion is gearing up for the weekend after Reunion- yeah; June Orientation for the Class of 2020; student researchers- just makes me realize how good it is to have Denison in our community- economy alone makes me #Denisonproud! and pleased with the company...we miss the students when they're gone and it is such a pretty time to be on campus!!

Serious matter- what is your thought on drugs testing in the Granville schools....if you are not from Granville you don't need to chime in on the survey. You're welcome to share with me your thoughts and experiences.  I've had the conversation many times with friends that have kids in schools that offer/require this screening; I've talked with my kids and Joe...I think I may need to re-do my survey. I will say Joe and I value the assistance and partnership in raising our kids.  It has been a month of awards, concerts, banquets, tournaments, etc....none of it happens without partnerships and help. We're so grateful to the coaches, staff, drivers, teammates, teachers, principals, secretaries, friends of all ages- Moms, Dads, kids that have our kids engaged in the way they are.  We see the screenings as another way to hold our kids accountable, and if there is an issue- lets identify it now and get help.  It isn't an easy topic but it is important. However you feel - if you are a parent of a Granville student I hope you'll take the survey.

And speaking of summer....wood bat league baseball....  Time for the licking county settlers to arrive! Join us at the ball the team night is May 31st at 7 pm! I know I've told a few folks new to the area about this and they are excited!

May is always the crazy month and 2016 has been no different. Life on Newark-Granville has been full of games, concerts, banquets and exam prep (high school exam world has Clare studying late on a Saturday and home at 1:30 tomorrow and 9:30 on Wednesday and then she is done?!)  As challenging as it is to fit it in...boy do I love it.  I'm a proud mama and I appreciate all those who have listened and taken interest in these activities with us.  It has been a month of catching up and connecting at beautiful graduation celebrations and tailgates/ while on the sidelines. Thanks for reading and sharing in this full and blessed life on NG Road.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Commencement at Denison was pretty powerful for me.  My work truly is cyclical- it ties right into the figure eight image I use to describe life very well.  We don't just have on cycle, we have many that overlap, overlie....the school year, the calendar year, the fiscal year are a few.  As I wrap up a school year with the Class of 2016 parents..sigh..I just get sad- they've been pretty amazing for many reasons.  I'm a closure person and the reality is there isn't closure.  It will be interesting to see what happens...will some just fade away, some stay connected for a bit. One Mom explained that no one was saying good bye- they couldn't...and I get that.   For students moving into alums they'll have a way to connect- reunions, weddings, gatherings...gosh those 1990 gatherings were amazing- wedding showers, visits to keep in touch, road trips!  But parents engaging with Denison...we'll see.....

But that simple means it is time to Commence- begin- new parents to meet, new relationships and roles to play....the awesome parents I've met have volunteered to keep helping as appropriate. They'll do their part to share the Denison story...they support and encourage their children's engagement!!  We commence into a new place and it is good.

The ceremony and day yesterday set the tone for this so very well.  The Denison family was under one roof and it was pretty cool. I was sad not to have the beautiful weather and outdoor ceremony. HOWEVER there is a lot to be said to be under that one big roof in Mitchell.    I am Denison proud of the engagement we have with Sister Helen. Her speech or the delivery and three stories she shared taught and touched me. I look forward to learning more about this impressive woman who shared mistakes, and lessons and a journey an important one about forgiveness, love and compassion.    Sister Helen received an honorary degree and delivered the address to the senior class.  Adam Weinberg and a pretty impressive student shared great words as well.

Truly what moved me on Saturday was the opportunity I had. I was able to sit among the guests of the president- those that support the college with deep engagement, those that children served the college and embody the Denison experience. I was able to meet and say hello to family members sharing this important day. I had a role.  It felt really good to be back, to wrap up this cycle of the school year and bring closure and information to prepare for next go around with a new group!

Life on Newark-Granville Road is all about commencing....starting, moving, ushering, stepping. Thanks for reading. Thanks for the care for the injured Denison students, thanks for support of the Big Red athletes, thanks for being with me in my figure eights on campus, in town and in this life that moves forward oh so quickly.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Further down the street a video was produced....

Please watch this video.  I hope you'll be as impressed as I was with these high students from Newark, Ohio.  I  know have a bias after working in downtown Newark for five years and seeing first hand the amazing things happening at the high school there. This video showcases that so very well!  There is so much to be proud of in Licking County. I admit to poking fun of it while a Denison student. When we moved here I thought we'd do so much more in Columbus.  And certainly I love Columbus and am proud of its growth and opportunities.....but here, 8 miles away is Newark.  Our county seat has problems like most similar sized cities in America but there is so much good.  Good work Newark High School students, teachers that care, volunteers that create programs to showcase such films- well done and thank you.

My life on Newark-Granville Road is proud of these students- I know one!!  Proud of the work they did to produce this film....I sure hope they'll look at Denison!!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mothers Day and Derby Party 2016.....

they go together well!, flowers, everywhere and great prices on roses! Thank you Trader Joe's this year's supplier and Joe found them!  How nice to have Joe find a favorite vase and fill it with beautiful red roses! I then returned to get a few more to pepper the house with them for the party... I admit to using colors beyond red..white for my Works yellow vase,  yellow and pinky red were perfect for the Denison theme.  I sent Joe's Mom home with some, passed out a few more to some mommas I love and look forward to taking some to the office.

And it is now the end of the day and I've taken to the couch.  I napped and haven't left the couch.  It was nice to wake up slowly taking in the pretty room- prettier thanks to the flowers and Derby decor. I do love the Derby season...will keep this all up until after the Belmont. I deserved the nap. Not usually a napper this one was earned with focused prep for two days and a great party I enjoyed. Plus we woke up early to clean, went to church, had a great picnic watching Denison women lacrosse win the NCAC Tourney!!   Tea time quickly turned to cocktail hour and now I type as the family does their duty with grilling, continued post party tasks. I talked to my Mama and caught up with family a bit via texts.

A bonus this year was my mother in law with us for Derby. She was a huge help. All three kids had activities Friday night- good timing to see her grand kids on the field.  She also fed them and gave the attention they don't get as we prep for the party.  She hung late night with friends and was quite beloved. She helped with clean up and joined us for church. I love and value the time to be together in this way.

Another great Derby party in the books. We host this party for many reasons- gets the house ready- check...we enjoy the yard so much post derby.  We love hosting our friends that make our community what it is. We love connecting people- fun swim connections yesterday with Cleveland and Granville folks.  I hope to hear more.  We just love a good party and this one's theme is fun and festive and people embrace it.  Three cheers for the Maryland bow tie and socks..some great hats- even our incredible bar tender had a vintage hat!! Boy she makes this party a treat- last year was our first year with Emily and it made quite a difference, plus her juleps- incredible!  I kept putting mine down and would have to go on a quest to find it.  The nod to Denison to help with decor and entertainment worked! Thanks and shout out to Chowda and Hilltoppers- everyone loved you and we value you sharing your talent.  The Denison students were great- they really embrace the party and their tasks, a friend we've grown up here was on kid duty and excelled.  And yes I loved the serenade- was totally caught of guard but what a treat.

The link on Newark-Granville Road on Mothers Day with Derby Party weekend was our kids in action- their hospitality, shared fun and their embracing and creating traditions. They all had friends here late night (11 for us- party past dark.)  Sally's favorite part of the party- singing on stage (thanks Tom) and flashlight tag- love this! Clare's was the balloons- she says she's never done helium chat0 and the cookies!  Decorate your own is her thing- already knows we'll do C cookies when we combine her graduation party and Derby! And Peter's favorite thing was hanging with friends, playing ball in the yard with friends and winning $10.

That will wrap up Derby for 2016....those unable to join us- we hope you will next year- the first Saturday in May. Those that did attend- thank you for sharing a special part of our life on Newark-Granville Road in 2016 and a thanks to the help from my Moms- the ham was great and your time with us very meaningful Nadine. And thanks Joe, Clare, Peter and Sally for my mothers day attention.

Friday, May 6, 2016

2016's Derby Party- Day before Update.....

This year you'll want to arrive on time.....if you can't (like our own Sally due to a lacrosse game) it is OK but....those that love live music come at 4 for Chowda!  Denison student/alums will be here for an hour- we're grateful! Love the live music side to this party!!

As I mentioned- we're rain or shine- bar and band under tent....dress appropriately I'll have on my rain boots to ward it off!

There was something else I wanted to share....oh well- need to go prep!  Love having ya'll over to share this fun and exciting two minutes of sports and all sorts of traditions! oh that's it! The country ham from Maryland is cooked and ready to be sliced and made into bit sized sandwiches...they go again come early and make sure to visit the dining room and yes Sally- chocolate covered strawberries will be there too, and yes cookies and cup cakes from Ice.Bake.Roll will be here....and Peter I'll get the root beer!  Life on Newark-Granville before Derby...out!    For the rest of the details.....

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Mother Nature - lets talk Derby....

Mother Nature we know you'll do what you do and we've seen it all on the first Saturday in May....warm, cold, wet, dry, even snow flurries.....We loved the forecast at the beginning of the week- warm and dry. We've watched the temps go up and 70, the forecast shows 75 with 90 percent rain? Is there a price for the temperature?  The forecast shows storms in the pm...can PM be 11 pm please?  Just sayin' 75 and no rain would be lovely for this party. But do what you will do party on the first Saturday in May, 2016. We'll go on rain or shine, friends will self select, the tent goes up tomorrow to provide shade or rain cover and sets a festive atmosphere (and supports the Kiwanis Granville Scholarship program.  Life on Newark-Granville loves a party rain or shine on the 1st Saturday in May!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Home again, home again.....

Ahhhhh so good to be home....fantastic travel this month, seeing great people, doing Denison work and wrapping up with me time! A CASE conference/seminar- training, development, networking, reflection time and thanks to Facebook a reconnect and add an adventure time!  Miami was good to me for many reasons and I'm grateful for all that made it happen!

While traveling I always have these blog ideas....but when I sat down to update the blog tonight- nothing!  Nothing?  Okay the fingers get my brain going....I thought maybe there was a "rest of the story" behind the scenes photo to share....but that isn't coming to me. Hmmmmm

What to blog about?? how about whats for dinner?  Sally wanted pork chops - so I gave her a lesson. Peter made the homemade mac n cheese, we added fresh green beans.  Yesterday we made "yummy pasta"...I should say Sally did- she is into cooking.  Peter made the salad- great dinner. By the way "yummy pasta" is shrimp and scallops over linguine with simple olive oil wine sauce.  Clare dubbed it that when she was a preschooler and we asked her on a family walk- what do you want for your birthday dinner?  She said- "yummy pasta- you know the pasta with marshmallows."    And Sally is standing behind me with grammar coaching.

There is certainly more to share or reflect on....however it is time for book club and I can go on time, guilt free- baseball game was cancelled.  Life on Newark-Granville Road is in catch-up mode from travel- catching up on quality time with the kids, the piles, the emails, the friend interaction.....hope to see you on Saturday!!  Details here! Other blog post...