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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Find Cake at Tannicakes or join me on the golf course!

Tina Fey's Saturday Night Live "Cake" commentary to Charlottesville, VA marches.  Charlottesville saddened me, angered me.  A bit late but here it is! I love it.  Simple- I love it.  And I want to connect it to this bakery:   Tina says find a bakery owned by someone you want to support, someone that may not feel supported by current leadership.  That is only one reason to support TanniCakes.  Her products are delicious and beautiful.  She is a working mother who is working hard with a smile and honest perspective.  Enjoy!!  Parking is a challenge but she has a plan- lets help her execute the plan.  And I'm taking Tina's advice.

Political responses on my blog have been limited as I have not made deliberate writing a priority.  Note I didn't say I didn't have time.  I could take the time- but instead I've been focused on my amazing work at Denison- knowing that work makes a difference in our world, this world and our future world.  I embrace family time around a table or on the side lines or ??In my life on Newark-Granville Road  I may not eat cake often, but I do swing a golf club- the driving range is a wonderful place for me to process what is happening close to home and at the national level. Please take this for what it is- my way of sharing something that spoke to me and inspired me.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Back to School Fun, Mystery and Funny!

Clare has asked Sally for weeks to make chocolate chip cookies on the day before school.  Clare wanted cookies to pack in her lunch.  We made sure we had the supplies, including a carton of butter.
Yesterday my big kids were on their own the day before school started. They had their plans, a credit card, and supply lists.  I had to work late but at 8 pm gathered with them to hear accounts of the day. I asked about cookies and no one seemed to say anything. Joe said- it smelled like cookies when I came home.  Listening to three reflections of the day, or better said, listening to Sally, while asking Clare and Peter (yelling up and down stairs to join me in the kitchen- it was an active house with lots to take in- not to mention enjoying a yummy salad and left over pasta!  I don't recall hearing much about the cookies Ask Joe about this and he'll say when I came home I said I smellncookies, asked who made them and the kids were quick to say- NO, NO COOKIES here.

Recognizing no cookies to fulfill Clare's request, wanting to do something for my kids from me, cooking is one of my love languages, I started to queue up the cookie supplies.  I noticed two sticks of butter gone- someone had made cookies.  My guess was:
a. they made them and ate them all, and then Clare said...Peter and I thought:
b. Peter ate all the batter.

Clare came clean- smiling- Peter made batter and tried to bake cookies and it was a huge mess, something went wrong.  It was brown and flat. We called Peter and Sally down and they all opened up about the tale declaring- but we cleaned up so you never knew!?!!  Life on Newark-Granville Road ah-ha- they are learning!  We laughed and chocked it up to fun times!  Hopefully they're also learning- we'll always figure it out. Party here? We cleaned up....

Later in the evening I dove into the task.  Wanting to get to bed but wanting the kids to have their cookies for lunches I made quick work with the mixer. As I started to measure (loose term with me) the shades of white caught my eye and I ended up tasting the flour.  Not flour at all- powdered sugar! A bag of confectioners sugar had been in the cabinet, someone had added it accidentally to the flour container.  So I put the butter/sugar mix in the fridge and went to bed - recreating my morning plan to pick up flour and bake.   When I went upstairs Joe was up and laughed at my discovery, asking...did I do that when I made waffles Saturday?

First day of school morning- when I woke up Clare and shared the news of the cookies- she went- THAT MAKES SENSE!  And giggled.  Sally nodded a sleepy nod and Peter said- I'm getting up.  Off I went to get the donuts and store supplies.  During our active morning that included Joe cooking corn beef hash, making lunches, I squeezed in cookies listening to the rest of the story be revealed.  Peter came down and clarified the story, again asking for affirmation of his good clean-up work. Joe recognized he had made the error with the sugar- joking he had sabotaged the cookie plan.  Fun and funny times in our lives on Newark-Granville Road!

Happy Back to school day...another funny may have been me waving my three goodbye, chasing the car with kisses as Clare drove all three to the Middle/High School for the first day of school- exciting new year that will be pray will be filled with more errors, mix-ups, successes, re-dos, lessons, laughs and love. Thanks to all who made yesterday a great day before school day and will be with them at school.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Friday- I'm in love

 The 1992 song- Friday I'm in love- by The Cure is a classic. Not a college classic, I graduated in 1990.   It is a Joe classic.  Music of my early 20s is a blur- Friday I'm in Love goes to Joe.  When we were dating he made me this fantastic mixed tape for one of my drives. We had a long distance relationship.  He was quick to tell me the music was just that- music, no hidden meanings.  But I was in love or pre-love or prepping to fall in love.  I was happy with my work and my life and the icing was this great man to share time with on the weekends. I'm pretty sure I opened that tape on a Friday and I smiled when I heard it.  There were lots of other great songs and I still have the tape but I will tell you on a Friday when things are good- it is the first thing that comes to mind.

And yes this Friday, Friday August 18th I was in love.  In love with my life, my job, my husband, my kids.  Work was particularly good as we're in the happy place of welcoming the Class of 2021 to campus.  This is the warm up, the lead-up, things are full swing next week.  I valued the time to sit and talk with amazing parents. Parents that want to help, share their perspective, two in particular that understand my role and want to partner.  Days like this are amazing.  I enjoyed the engagement and partnership with incredible colleagues and bonus- I saw friends, Denison classmates this week.  What a treat to share a bit of their Denison 1st year student fun.  Friday night fun was dinner with kids, Peter and his friends talking about a book. Summer reading review to help the boys prepare for school start-up...okay- maybe that is an ingredient of my happy place?  Just a few more days and we're back in routine and secure care for my beloved three.  After dinner Joe and I snuggled up to a TV show I've wanted to watch for ages.....HBO's Big Little Lies.  I listened to the book and have been craving the comparison, visual escape.  It took some effort by Joe but he persevered and it was TV night for the two of us.

Friday I'm in Love on Newark-Granville Road....reality is I'm in love with my life five days a week.  There are ups and downs each day, but yesterday was just one of those lovely days at the end of a really nice week, cue up to a great weekend.  Summer love, just had to share.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Newark Rotary- Speaker Inspires and Delights- join me on a Tuesday!

I love Newark-Rotary.  When I made the work move back to Denison I thought I'd change Rotaries.  I  have not been able to leave this quality group of individuals, the local or international organization.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to connect on the Tuesdays at noon that work in my schedule with wonderful community members, friends and honestly the downtown Newark environment. It is good to get off the hill- although I'm always disappointed to be missing something at DU, this summer noon yoga.  And we truly have fantastic speakers!  Yesterday was one to share!

David Sabgir- cardiologist and founder of Walk with a Doc- a grassroots efforts that is expanding and doing amazing things for people.  Walking his talk literally- getting the word about not just about exercise and movement but why AND lots of other cool health tips that we all loved to learn about yesterday.  His blog was recommended as well- I'll be checking it out and following the good Dr's advice with water, chocolate, exercise and my cocktail in my life on NG Road. 

If you have any interest in joining me at Rotary- please let me know!
Amazing things happen locally and around the world because of Rotarians.  I'm not as active as I'd like to be, but I can help spread the word and encourage our growth.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Back to the Hills from NG Road

When Joe and I found our happy escape this summer we knew we wanted to share our find with our kids.  So when plans we thought we had changed, we jumped at the chance to execute!  Last night we went camping in the Hocking Hills- tent camping, all five of us!  Here are some moments that made me smile.

1st- we really did this on the fly.  When Joe and I were there we revisited the State Park primitive camp and found the correct site number that we had loved years and years ago.  We agreed this could easily be part of the plan to bring the kids back.  Well- today's reservations on line make being in the moment and finding a place to settle in when you arrive more challenging.  The night before we left, 9:30 pm there were were around the table, on the PC......we went back and forth about changing the plans- we thoughts about a cabin, even a hotel......but after 30 minutes we found the simple and easy and quite the bargain- riverside campsites.  Reservation secured and departure plans could be set!

2nd- We pulled out of town at 12:20- little later than I thought but not back. I was happy that thanks to a reservation and a new plan- I could enjoy my Saturday yoga, coffee shop, farmers market, day of planning for the camp fire meal!  We laughed at the fact- new Martha was packed tighter than we left to take three kids to summer camps for three weeks- were going overnight an hour away?

3rd.   The lesson of expectations low is a good thing, but visualizing does help.   When you think of an ideal camp site what comes to your mind?  For us it is shade, a little privacy, a good fire ring and picnic table.  As we approached our camp ground I had to warn everyone - as much for me and I said that out loud- it is only one night and we'll be find.  The camp ground was spacious with beautiful trees and green space - phew.  Most river front- where I thought I'd want to be- were taken but it felt like there were options.  We checked-in at a center down the road, returned and circled- the kids found it- number 140 was perfect for us!  

4th camp set up made me smile. Although the kids were not overly thrilled about this idea, they found their ways to make it fun.  Clare immediately declared "I will go if I get my own tent".  She knows the tent inventory and that this could work.  She was the most prepared for the trip as secured and erected our three tents.  Her tent's poles were missing but thanks to Barbara's return- poles uncovered- the plan could work.  Clare took it to the extreme with her own tent and set her tent up in the "back forty" of our site. Probably not really our site- but it worked.  Sally and Peter took the BIG tent and declared sides.  Joe and I cuddled up in the original tent we've always used.  The kids can't believe it has held Joe and two friends on white water rafting trips.    I stepped back and watched it all play out.  Clare is so much like her father- each took to action and independently, quietly executed.   Sally's bossy side (okay note lunch was delayed and she was hungry, maybe hangry) had her leading the way, Peter following orders.  Joe joined and the tent was quickly ready-to-go.  We made the call of skipping the hike picnic and at our lunch at the table.  I had the table set and supplies organized to make this an easy call.

5th A hiking we will go! Joe and I had not been able to fit  in the visit to Rock House. We agreed this was good as it would pull us back to Hocking Hills sooner than later. Voila- there we were just over a month later with the kids.  Short, beautiful hike to an amazing Ohio wonder.  We all enjoyed this trek.  Not ready to be done we took the kids to see Whispering Cave and the new trail and bridge. They complained a bit but embraced the activity- adding an extra mile to Old Man's Cave- with the promise of ice cream!

6th Back to the campsite to enjoy cocktail time, fire, mountain pie dinner and all that comes with just hanging-out, outside.  I loved it.  It was a wonderful Saturday night for the Leithauser off of NG Road!  A bonus was fireworks someone decided to set off- the only real noise of the large camp ground.  The full location provided entertainment as we took in the neighbors- a couple on a motorcycle, a group of college women, a family with young kids and bikes, a family with a beautiful dog, groups of friends.  We could write a story, a screen play about it all.    Campfire time was family time and I loved it.

7th  We all slept as well as expected- some wake ups due to rocks.  We agree it is time to do air mattresses vs. egg crates.  The air was the perfect tent camping temperature which helped.  The rain in the morning was soothing and Joe was the hero to put every one's cover as we had loved our starry views at bed time.  We were a little stiff and feeling our age of close to 50 but pleased we did it, the discomfort is worth the opportunity to be in the great outdoors.

8th-home again home agin, jiggidy-jig!  Hocking Hills is so close!  We stopped in Lancaster for diner breakfast and were so pleased and delighted with all menu items- there was something for everyone.  A bit too much potty talk- do I live with 4 year olds- sometimes yes- but we did take them primitive camping so it was bound to be discussed.

The car is unloaded, the laundry started and everyone has showered. The day away was a treat for me and my life on NG Road.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Camp Pick-up 2017- another summer highlight and why...

Trying to get caught up on blog topics....summer provides so much fodder! I documented about our  Beach Week- timed well as I hear all about camp - camp Alleghany and camp Nana this year.   I shared what  Joe and I did while they were gone, what about the kids?  So here I am ready to  document for the record books Camp 2017 and the highlight- pick-up!

I love that this year's reality was hatched from a cocktail hour of a past beach trip. This year Louisa, Clare and Sally were all ghany girls!  Want to know more about Camp Alleghany- visit: We have a nice Granville group and I can sing the praises of what camp provides for girls of today- the time alone without electronics is worth every penny!  Clare is always sad to leave, but this year- whoa.  She was devastated, we love the relationships that have blossomed.  She was set that this would be her last year, but now she isn't so sure.  As of today she will plan to apply to be a junior counselor.  Future blog material, fingers crossed from this Ghany camper.

One of my favorite traditions of pick-up is breakfast! 
What fun to have Sarah and Greg with us.  We've made it the plan since the first pick-up to camp and return to the hotel for showers and breakfast before departing for the beach vacation.  This started just to show Clare the Greenbrier and now is a required part of the process.  Clare didn't need the shower this year but was excited for our breakfast.  Sally took the full package. The past three years we've loved being at the Lewisburg Inn.  We returned to the porch for brunch and had Sarah, Greg and Louisa with us- heaven. I was in absolute heaven.  Family united (missing Peter though), beloved and connected around the beautiful table with delicious food- what isn't to love!

Reuniting with Peter was wonderful too- we rolled into the beach house parking late and there was Peter-first to see us and greet us with a hug.  I love the happy, proud stories from my parents about his activities in Maryland. I'm grateful and pleased with all three of them- 15 year old boys don't always love grandparent time.  Grandparents don't always want three weeks with 15 year old boys.

Back to Greenbrier County- we also took full advantage of the last night without kids and celebrated with others in our situation. Lewisburg area has become a special reunion place as we've enjoyed seeing old friends from high school that send their daugther(s) to camp and new friends we've made through the old friends!  This year was quite the gathering in the lobby of the Inn, wide range of connections- all ghany parents. Cocktails and dinner gives us great place to pass the time as we're all excited to get to camp.  What a treat to enjoy a delicous meal at a fabulous restaurant with good good people.

Pick up morning brings giggles and smiles- executing strategy to get to camp on time- follow the instructions of waiting for the bus, but be poised to make the first barge! Compairing notes about how and where our girls will greet us.  Clare ignores us- always has- this year no different and she even sent us away- "can you get sally now, come back for me" she said choking back the tears.  Sally was our Sally happy to see us and be in the moment and ready for the beach.  I love supporting and sharing these emotional transitions with my girls.

Next year will be different, I'm stating the obvious.  Last year was different- oh was it with the floods!  I'm grateful to those that have included us in special outings, helped with reservations, shared  memorable family moments- camp allehgany family extends beyond the river and the girls.  A big shout out to the camp staff that execute incredible opportunity for our girls and us! Life on Newark-Granville Road is very grateful and treasures these trips to Greenbrier County.  Sally is signed up for 2018 Camp- she moves to senior camp, happy to say Louisa returns to junior camp and Clare....stay tuned!