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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Newark Rotary- Speaker Inspires and Delights- join me on a Tuesday!

I love Newark-Rotary.  When I made the work move back to Denison I thought I'd change Rotaries.  I  have not been able to leave this quality group of individuals, the local or international organization.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to connect on the Tuesdays at noon that work in my schedule with wonderful community members, friends and honestly the downtown Newark environment. It is good to get off the hill- although I'm always disappointed to be missing something at DU, this summer noon yoga.  And we truly have fantastic speakers!  Yesterday was one to share!

David Sabgir- cardiologist and founder of Walk with a Doc- a grassroots efforts that is expanding and doing amazing things for people.  Walking his talk literally- getting the word about not just about exercise and movement but why AND lots of other cool health tips that we all loved to learn about yesterday.  His blog was recommended as well- I'll be checking it out and following the good Dr's advice with water, chocolate, exercise and my cocktail in my life on NG Road. 

If you have any interest in joining me at Rotary- please let me know!
Amazing things happen locally and around the world because of Rotarians.  I'm not as active as I'd like to be, but I can help spread the word and encourage our growth.


Unknown said...

We'd still love to have you if you ever wanted to join us at Granville Rotary! And bring some friends from Denison too :) - Don Jones

SSLeithauser said...

THanks Don! Granville Rotary is very special too!! We never know our path do we- I really thought that was where I was headed- someday maybe! THanks for all you do for our wonderful special organization.