We are living in interesting times. The COVID virus situation is:
a. scary
b. frustrating
c. annoying
d. complicated
e. all of the above!
As always I see many sides and am taking the wait and see attitude. I am hopeful that we won't have to postpone/cancel our Spring break trip this year. I can't make a decision right now. If the plane goes, we probably will go. If we can't go to the events schedule on our trip we'll find the beach and other outings. I need a trip away. We are not booked for international travel at this time but are thinking about it for summer. I can't imagine not being able to get home. If we need to quarantine ourselves, we'll be together. I think it is all so complicated. The reality is I've engaged with people that travel and may have already been exposed. Should I self-quarantine now? Should I focus on all the projects in my house and work from home? Will this really help? My gut says it is going to spread no matter what. I feel like I should focus more on just staying healthy and getting rest. I've worked on work and projects for two weekends straight- I'm tired. Self-care is calling virus or not! We're talking about it with the kids and our friends and of course employers.
This weekend was an amazing weekend at Denison and on Facebook last night I said I would blog more. I wish I could have cloned myself and taken advantage of all the amazing events happening- arts was in full bloom!! The tutti festival had so many offerings. I was only able to attend the Vail Concert component last night- Saturday. What a treat. https://denison.edu/series/tutti I posted the group photo on FB it made me smile. I loved the Sybarite5 engagement with the composers in the audience and involved with the festival. Their accolades for the event made me very #denisonproud. A highlight of the weekend was Friday night at the Granville Inn. I had coordinated the 9 pm time for FLC members wanting to say hello to one another and me. The bonus- so many Tutti participants with Denison faculty and staff united in happy fellowship. The FLC folks were pretty great too and I'm glad Joe was able to join me. I was sorry to miss a gathering to celebrate a friend's milestone event but we cannot be in two places at once....yet!
Friday evening started with a reception for networking a component of the empowHERment: Women's Leadership Development Conference Networking Reception. Our Family Leadership Council (FLC) co-hosted this with the Knowlton Center (Career Development office) and Women in Business Club. What a treat to be with these women of all ages and interests!
Denisonians are interesting, special, happy, smart, thoughtful...I could say so
much more. Three cheers for the coordinators making it happen. I look forward
to hearing how things went on Saturday, when again I was pulled in a different
Saturday's FLC meeting itself was just amazing. It wasn't perfect and as always we (the FLC)
had too much to cover but am I ever grateful for the Denison leadership that
help keep these important volunteers up to speed on the programs at Denison
that make us Denison. It is a lot of work but it energizes and excites me. The
foundation of it all is these families and their commitment to philanthropy.
James Clear '08-https://jamesclear.com
delighted and taught our student-parent group over lunch. What a treat. If you
have not read his book: Atomic Habits- I encourage you to do so! He
inspired me and I will be blogging on a regular basis, making this more of a
I'm living my life, keeping things moving during these interesting times on Newark-Granville Road
and beyond! Sharing them with you is important me and helpful to me- thanks for
reading! More to come soon...a regular post so you may anticipate is under
consideration in my life on Newark-Granville Road!
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