I'm finding mine. Dinner table, yoga mat in the sun room, screened in porch (!!!), sofa couch with cozy blanket and sleeping dog, greenhouse, bedroom tucked in with good book or Netflix with Joe, kitchen while making dinner and drinking a scotch, my desk while blogging and seeing people go by.... I’m embracing being home can you tell?
So, the yoga on the sunporch- I figured that out yesterday. ahhhhh- it felt so good. I immediately started the draft of this post and said: taking my yoga glow out to the world as the instruction said and that means sharing it here in my life on Newark-Granville Road and beyond! https://www.granvilleyoga.com Granville yoga is keeping on during these stay at home times with on-line classes. Silver lining- trying something new. Engaging with instructors in new ways. I just did the Wed noon 30 min power class and loved it! Thank you, Breath, at Granville Yoga!
I did not love seeing all the dust bunnies on my sunporch, I did love the sunlight and activity around me on actual, reallife Newark-Granville Road! If you like yoga- give this a try and support local! Thanks, Kelli Biehle- new owner and Christy Plaugher past owner and the instructors for offering this outlet. I'll tune in on a regular basis. I've missed having yoga in my routine/regular life and have a new favorite place!
Tonight, we also brought a favorite place into our living room- Camp Alleghany! Three cheers to Elizabeth and family for the virtual camp fire via zoom! Clare, Sally and I sat on the couch with 276 other families from all over- singing, thinking about camp, sharing memories and stories. I got teary- it made me so grateful we have camp. It made me miss West Virginia, the Alleghany mountains and Greenbrier River...
We're making this work. We're embracing the time together and change of pace. The noise is there and part of my happy places are quiet places these days. In many ways, these days feel like gifts that we'll never have again. I type about my life on Newark-Granville Road tonight relaxed, tired, happy. Last night there was stress and frustration despite a wonderful day filled with connection and good news, but the worry and concern can take over- topsy-turvy days for all. Good prevails. Prayers are given, relationships prevail and God is good.

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