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Monday, March 30, 2020

Blood is Needed- Close to my Heart  There is an extreme shortage of blood right now- supply and demand are impacted by our pandemic state due to the COVID-19 virus.  This link: Give Blood will take you to the Red Cross site to find a donation center that will safely support you leaving your home to give blood.  Please take a look, go on line or call 1-800-733-2767 to schedule an appointment, ask questions.  My father receives blood every week for his MDS and last week he was only able to receive one unit, he usually has two.  He is weak and needs the two units. He is just one example of someone in critical need of blood.

I have been giving blood for years- I remember it really kicking into gear in Omaha, NE. The hospitals there needed plasma and I was single and had time so I could kick back and relax while doing good.  Now I do my best to get to a drive-in town- at the high school or at Denison.  As we all rethink priorities (a stay at home/reset can do that) being a blood donor is moving to the top of my passions.  I'm inspired by our dear friend, bonus daughter, Charlotte Mattimoe who has advocated for quite some time and been a stellar volunteer for the Red Cross. Charlotte's philanthropic leadership is close to my heart just as she is.

Thank you for spreading the word, giving if you can.  You have to 18 or older or have parental consent.  Peter and Clare have never been able to give- they will go this week. I'll help them.  Joe has not been able to give in some time- fingers crossed he'll be eligible- he traveled in Europe but that was years ago. He too has an appointment this week.  Life on Newark- Granville Road is grateful for all that give and share energy.  We'll take your prayers for my Dad and Mom- the stress of the health care situation exacerbates the situation as well.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Where are your Happy Places during Social Distancing?

I'm finding mine.  Dinner table, yoga mat in the sun room, screened in porch (!!!), sofa couch with cozy blanket and sleeping dog, greenhouse, bedroom tucked in with good book or Netflix with Joe, kitchen while making dinner and drinking a scotch, my desk while blogging and seeing people go by.... I’m embracing being home can you tell?

So, the yoga on the sunporch- I figured that out yesterday.  ahhhhh- it felt so good.  I immediately started the draft of this post and said: taking my yoga glow out to the world as the instruction said and that means sharing it here in my life on Newark-Granville Road and beyond!  Granville yoga is keeping on during these stay at home times with on-line classes.  Silver lining- trying something new. Engaging with instructors in new ways.  I just did the Wed noon 30 min power class and loved it!  Thank you, Breath, at Granville Yoga!

I did not love seeing all the dust bunnies on my sunporch, I did love the sunlight and activity around me on actual, reallife Newark-Granville Road!  If you like yoga- give this a try and support local! Thanks, Kelli Biehle- new owner and Christy Plaugher past owner and the instructors for offering this outlet.  I'll tune in on a regular basis. I've missed having yoga in my routine/regular life and have a new favorite place!

Tonight, we also brought a favorite place into our living room- Camp Alleghany! Three cheers to Elizabeth and family for the virtual camp fire via zoom!  Clare, Sally and I sat on the couch with 276 other families from all over- singing, thinking about camp, sharing memories and stories.  I got teary- it made me so grateful we have camp. It made me miss West Virginia, the Alleghany mountains and Greenbrier River...

We're making this work. We're embracing the time together and change of pace.  The noise is there and part of my happy places are quiet places these days.  In many ways, these days feel like gifts that we'll never have again.  I type about my life on Newark-Granville Road tonight relaxed, tired, happy. Last night there was stress and frustration despite a wonderful day filled with connection and good news, but the worry and concern can take over- topsy-turvy days for all.  Good prevails.  Prayers are given, relationships prevail and God is good.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Getting to Know One Another...

Cue the music....Getting to know you, getting to know all about you....  Thank you Rodgers and Hammerstein for this show tune from the1951 musical The King and I. Yes, that is what we're doing here in our life on Newark-Granville Road and I'm sure you all are doing the same in new ways!  Students and faculty, students and students- Denison, Wooster, Granville High, even Wabash.  Peter will sit in on-line tomorrow for a class and he is excited.  I appreciate the opportunity to see my colleagues in their home settings, meet their dogs, see their kids- we're all getting to know one another in new ways!

From the land of work from home....routines have yet to be established here.  I read the advice about wfh routines being important.  I'm being a bit of a Scarlette O'Hara - will think about that tomorrow- or next week.  With the kids on their spring break it does not feel right to work all day. When I moved to the development profession and met with a seasoned pro, she told me one of the reasons she loved the work: every day is different.  When working with people, building relationships you never quite know how it is going to go.  And she said if I didn't like this type of ambiguity it might not be a fit. Well, development is a fit for me, ten years later I can agree with her- you never quite know what the day will bring.  That describes this pandemic world so very well!

Of course, we have some routines- Lucy, the dog, has routines of going out and being fed that align with ours. We all do eat approximately three times a day.  Peter I think eats six times a day. Breakfast has been light but we do make coffee.  Coffee and scotch are probably what we have in largest supply.  Lets hope the bean grinder doesn't go caput.   Last week felt like prep week- I inventoried all our food and organized the pantry.  I even inventoried the booze. It was driving me nuts not knowing what was where and having things out of order.   We made the meal plan for the week and made a big grocery shop on Saturday.  I love knowing what is for dinner and having this prep time.

I had put off organizing my workspace- not sure why.  This did happen Sunday and took until Monday.  A bit more to do at the micro-level.  I think I was holding out that I would be able to return to my office. The other side of all of this is learning to know what we miss.  I am missing Beth Eden. I am missing travel.  This does not mean I don't love being home and being grounded- I can embrace this now and love getting to know my family in new ways.

A short post today, not much really to share. The to-dos are long and waiting.  Thank you for reading and sharing. I hope you all are enjoying all the ways you are getting to know one another!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

I love happy hour and family dinner....

always have, I hope I always will,  but I really do now.  During COVID-19 this is when we unite in our house. The kids come from their dens and join us.  We touch base, we talk, we update at 5 pm ish.  We relax, we put away work, we focus on one another.  Then we create. Tonight Joe is cooking. I planned for the week and had a plan to execute until today.  I'm ready for the break.  Even securing take out was being "on".  I remember this being the "bewitching" hour when they were little, now it is the I LOVE IT hour!

So the rest of the day.  Due to work being up the hill. Helping Denison families. Moving Clare out. We have not felt the full COVID home co-living/working situation.  But the taste of it, the moments we are all here and working, talking is one big inneruption!  I set up spaces for everyone...but guess what- we move!  I am working in the dining room and of course, have work to do while Joe is making dinner and playing some loud music.  He is used to being on calls, working from home and the house is empty so he walks and talks.  Good news- he figured out he can walk outside!  The kids are doing their homework, school work.  And we have our awesome Barbara helping keeping us on task, supporting- but I listen and that distracts me.

Next week- Granville Spring break! Just when we were figuring it out.  But you know what- we need a break.  I will work in the am while they sleep in and then take time off to be together. Clare will be figuring out her on-line/remote learning classes.  And who knows how long this all will really last.  In the meantime we can do some basics well- see picture below for what makes me happy. And you know what they say?  In life on Newark-Granville Road- when Momma is happy, all is good! I hope you are navigating this well. Please stay well, wash hands, stay home but be good to yourselves and stay healthy! Even Dr. Amy Acton (Denison parent of an alumnus) says if we do 80% we are doing well.  I LOVE HER!
Pictures coming soon!  Stay well!


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Your Assistance Please- Denison Students needing residency! THANK YOU!

Do you have a guest room, empty bed for a Denison student needig a place? Please read and respond. Please let me know if you do this and allow me to help you with food, transportation. I wish we had an extra bed, but we do not!!

Friends of Denison,
As a community, we are dealing with a national health crisis that is unprecedented in modern times. As a community, we continue to rise to the challenge to support our family, friends and neighbors as this fast-changing COVID-19 situation impacts our daily lives in ways that wouldn’t have seemed possible only a few short weeks ago.
And that’s why I’m writing. There are members of our community who need support right now.
As we anticipate more areas of operation to be restricted by government order in the near future, we are increasingly concerned about being able to sustain adequate services for any students who remain on Denison’s campus. Therefore, we have made the decision to close residence halls for the remainder of the semester.
While most students have already left and will not return this year, there are a number of students who are unable to go home for a myriad of reasons. We find ourselves in need and are turning to our community to help us house these students off campus and in settings where their safety and basic needs can be met.
This is a big ask, but a necessary one. If you are willing and able to be a host family for a student or students, please fill out this Host Family Form. We are prioritizing proximity to Denison as we place students for a number of logistical reasons.
The placement process will be happening quickly with some placements starting this week. We are asking host families to be able to commit to the possibility of an 8-week homestay. Many students are working on ways to get home and may only need a few days or a couple of weeks, but with the uncertainty of COVID-19 and travel restrictions, we all need to plan for the possibility of a full 8-week stay.
Please direct any questions or concerns you have about the homestay and the Host Family Form to – Jeremy King.
For those of you who want to help, but can’t commit to being a homestay host, there will be other ways to support our students and host families over the coming weeks. We will send out more info about these opportunities in the coming days. Denison did create The Student Emergency Assistance Fund to help students in need during this crisis and they can access these funds by connecting with our Financial Aid office.
Thank you for considering,
Jeremy King

Monday, March 16, 2020

Both Sides of the Coin in the Land of COVID-19

I woke up this morning, knowing I needed exercise. I embraced a sunrise walk.  I had time, it was dark and 7:40 am was actual sunrise.  By the time I got out the door it felt light, had I missed the sunrise?  I headed one direction then another following the light.  And then I was rewarded- the pink, the coral, the glow of sunrise- I saw it!  Then it was gone instantly. The dull gray overcast sky took over.  The good news I was into the walk and happy to keep moving, keep climbing, keep exploring.  On the walk I didn't see much of a sunrise but I did see a duck on a pond- makeshift pond. I just love the quack quack quack of a duck and watching them swim.  This made me think of walking at the OSU/ COTC campus with friends. Happy memories.  I had to ford a little stream, splash in a puddle. This brought back the memory of my first date with Joe at the Memorial Tournament in the rain. Know me well and know I love to wear rain boots and find a puddle.  I even found the pot of gold.  Yes, if you look you will find it too. I'm not going to reveal where it is- just know if you went for a walk to find the sunrise this morning a certain route will lead to the gold!

Exercise was just what I needed.  The day included work- figuring out remote access and participating in a meeting via google hangout- success!  Work will be interesting with five of us "working/studying" in our home but we're off to a good start.  It is the being "live" on with people talking, coming and going, dogs barking. It is real and in some ways a treat to share this with colleagues, see into their home work space.  I need to rethink where I will sit. The Rob Roy supplies were part of my background- oops.  We did make progress in the kitchen so we can create a quiet space in the dining room again- woo hoo!  Know me well and a pet peeve is the TV on just because.  That said I did enjoy some morning TV- coffee, talk show a talk with my Mom- nice morning. The bonus of staying home morning.    So the days was going pretty good and I wanted to keep it going so we went to vote! I took the oldest two kids with me to vote- happiness with your kids.   Yes 17 year olds vote when they will be 18 in the general election!

Then I went to Denison to pick up my office supplies to work remotely.  Then I saw the quiet, gray campus. The football field with no players and practice. The Eisner Center and know that it is dark.  I was teary driving down the hill.  Then I talked with Clare who continues to be so sad not to be at school or as she says- to be home. ouch.  Then I went to work on my work and it is hard, it is unknown. I'm being asked to plan and planning isn't easy.  There is much to do and I'm distracted.  I think about the groups I serve- church, the Chamber of Commerce.  Denison families are worried about our sweet town and I am too.  Our dear county- all the small business owners and all those involved in this disruption.  It is hard!

Our routines are important. 5 pm used to be the witching hour when the kids were young- now they come out of the rooms and engage.  Making dinner together is a treat. We had our international host daughter from India over tonight- we tried to forget about a pandemic.  Dinner and a movie, with a little Whit's.  The good, the I thought there would be more nights like these....then the real, the hardship, the reminder of employees and change and reaction to the evolving landscape that is updated daily for COVID-19.

Thanks for those checking in. Thanks for reading and getting it. Karen's sermon from Sunday is really good.  Asking for help is key. Being real about all of this is important. Grateful for the home I have, the friends and family and my health in my life on Newark-Granville Road.  Underneath is the good, the positive and the understanding we will prevail but it isn't easy.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Launch of Social Distancing at 1142

I scored the last pack of hamburger buns at the Granville IGA and felt like I won the lottery.  And they were the fresh-baked, Kaiser buns- yum!  Clare is home and I want her happy so she picked dinner. I had everything but the buns.  Did I go and only come home with buns?  Despite having spent serious cash at the store on Friday I still managed to fill the cart and require assistance to my car!  I decided we all deserved real ice cream.  Coronavirus eating is a different post.  Comfort food called and I answered. On Friday, I could not get a pack of hamburger meat, but the premade burgers worked great for dinner.  I went ahead and put hamburger meat in our freezer tonight though, felt good!   I can't even think about what else I picked up? Oh yes, some Lucky Cat bread for breakfast, Lucky Charms for St. Patrick's Day, fresh berries, trash bags and oh yes bacon- Joe will need bacon if he is home in the mornings.

Thank you, Mother Nature, - the snow was a great way to remind us of how to slow down, stay home, get comfy.  That is what we're doing in our lives on Newark-Granville Road.  The kids slept in, I completed my two midterm assignments- PHEW! Oh, that felt good! Well not really it was super hard- the timed test?!  And the essay is done- I like the topic- Charity and Philanthropy- compare, contrast, are they separate or part and parcel?  Use historic examples to defend your point.  And of course, the point was to showcase theories and the learning. I appreciated the task- just not the best week to do so.  Trying to finish this essay when the kids were finalizing emerging from a good night's rest- ahhhh-Oh yes a taste of what is to come, plus add Joe.

I let everyone just be lazy and Clare cry. At 5 pm we gathered at the table for cocktails and family time.  Sally made my Rob Roy- math and chemistry class- it was delicious. We Facetimed with my sister with my parents- that was nice. We cooked dinner and made some plans. Those buns were delish by the way- toasted on the griddle. We agreed to where we will worship tomorrow, yes we can do so in our PJs.  Join us on-line- hooray for FPC:  11 am.  Sally started organizing- I love this child.  Peter is working on his research paper- seriously, thank you Peter!  Clare is still crying but less so.  It is sweet and a testament to the friends and home she has made at Wooster.

And now it is movie time. We know how to do this, it is just the shifting, the transitioning and processing the disappointment.  We're doing the right thing. We're together. I'm counting blessings in my life on Newark-Granville Road.

Update 3/16/20:  There were so many people on line that the streaming did not hold.  We gave it our best and then wrapped up by holding hands and singing the doxology. Here is the sermon- it is worth the read!  Thanks to all those helping one another!

Finding Strength, seeking understanding

I dressed with intention this morning. Being a Friday I could wear jeans.  I have to say, dealing with coronavirus feels like casual dress work worthy!  When we wear jeans to work, we wear it with spirit wear and it felt good to support Denison in this way.  I selected my jewerly starting with my lucky horseshoe, but that didn't quite work so I switched.  I pulled on the silver camp Alleghany lantern to represent: honor, loyalty, and friendship to fuel the day. I wear it with my Caneel Bay charm that represents love, friendship, beauty and escape- memories.  My Sally ring was also intentional - a rolling ring representing the family of five we are and the figure eight connectivity. All of this with me to move forward with the day.

So why did I need this today?  For history and future readers, this Coronnavirus is turning us all upside down.  This drastic change in plans and pace is hard and sad.  Being on a college campus in a role to support families navigating the direction we are taking asking students to leave our residential campus is not easy. Being with the disrupted students with such little confidence in the true duration is almost too much to bear.  To get a sense of pulse and do what I could I hosted a small group of pi phi seniors for brunch. What a gift their time with me was.  What a delight to sit at the table, get to know one another and plan for the future. Share with them the Denison network that will carry these days with more weight and need than ever before.  Their gratitude was touching.  

My day also included picking Clare up at Wooster.  Her athlete status had delayed the decision and understanding of her departure. She was back in Ohio after their spring break trip to Pennsylvania. Of course, I love time with her but not in this way, this goes against the order. We prepared her, we sent her and she is so happy there. We are happy having her there.  ANd we love having her home.  We won't know for how long.  Reassessment at the end of March. I also loved the drive but I really didn't want to do it today.

I'm fascinated and frustrated by the process and understanding of where we are and the actions being taken. We're all dealing with so much unknown on so many levels.  We all apply our own logice and norms. We all have our own whys. We are all dealing with more than disappointment, it is grief and loss- some more than others and at various degrees. Seniors vs first years, working parents that are essential staff and those with flexibility and ease of remote access and now kids not at school. And when you say ease- working from home isn't for everyone.  Clare and I talked about this in regard to studying. She does not study in her dorm room and really isn't excited to study at the house.  Remote learning is a new concept for many (I'm saying that with my graduate class in midterm week?!?!!!).  Peter chimed in with the productivity he has found by finding quiet space in Granville beyond 1142 Newark-Granville Road!   The comprehension is so entwined with logic and emotion at odds- at least for those living lives on Newark-Granville Road.

We want to do slow the spread of the virus down, we want to be keep our neighbors safe. In our collective lives we're all processing at our own pace in our own ways. It is not easy. We will be outside as much as possible.  We will do our best to keep the safe distance but it goes against every natural response I have.   It is the AND- how do we do this AND support our small businesses. HOW does the economy keep going and rebound. It is a big old reset- I get it. I can embrace it. Once my midterm is submitted it will be easier. Once we really say farewell to the students, oh wait there are students unable to leave to support too- our own Sanaya is here.  If we can't gather in groups of over 50, can we gather in smaller groups- the answers seem to be no. Sigh.  If we don't do well staying home, why can't we go on a vacation where we do well being our group of five.  No answers tonight. I'm trying to sit loosely. I'm seeing the silver linings and being in the moment.  The Denison women's lacrosse game was a happy happy (bittersweet for sure) but those women and coaches were happy to be on that field tonight and it showed.  It was not the plan but they embraced it.  We were outside, we washed hands.

As dear old aunt lyn be continued and that is the name of the game in our life on Newark-Granville Road while finding strength, inspiration and maybe understranding?!

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Interesting Times, Full Weekend- thanks Denison!

We are living in interesting times.  The COVID virus situation is:
a. scary
b. frustrating
c. annoying
d. complicated
e. all of the above!

As always I see many sides and am taking the wait and see attitude.  I am hopeful that we won't have to postpone/cancel our Spring break trip this year.  I can't make a decision right now.  If the plane goes, we probably will go.  If we can't go to the events schedule on our trip we'll find the beach and other outings. I need a trip away.  We are not booked for international travel at this time but are thinking about it for summer.  I can't imagine not being able to get home.  If we need to quarantine ourselves, we'll be together.  I think it is all so complicated.  The reality is I've engaged with people that travel and may have already been exposed.  Should I self-quarantine now?  Should I focus on all the projects in my house and work from home?  Will this really help?  My gut says it is going to spread no matter what.  I feel like I should focus more on just staying healthy and getting rest. I've worked on work and projects for two weekends straight- I'm tired.  Self-care is calling virus or not! We're talking about it with the kids and our friends and of course employers.

This weekend was an amazing weekend at Denison and on Facebook last night I said I would blog more.  I wish I could have cloned myself and taken advantage of all the amazing events happening- arts was in full bloom!!  The tutti festival had so many offerings.  I was only able to attend the Vail Concert component last night- Saturday.  What a treat.  I posted the group photo on FB it made me smile. I loved the Sybarite5 engagement with the composers in the audience and involved with the festival. Their accolades for the event made me very #denisonproud. A highlight of the weekend was Friday night at the Granville Inn. I had coordinated the 9 pm time for FLC members wanting to say hello to one another and me.  The bonus- so many Tutti participants with Denison faculty and staff united in happy fellowship.  The FLC folks were pretty great too and I'm glad Joe was able to join me.  I was sorry to miss a gathering to celebrate a friend's milestone event but we cannot be in two places at once....yet!

Friday evening started with a reception for networking a component of the empowHERment: Women's Leadership Development Conference Networking Reception. Our Family Leadership Council (FLC) co-hosted this with the Knowlton Center (Career Development office) and Women in Business Club. What a treat to be with these women of all ages and interests! Denisonians are interesting, special, happy, smart, thoughtful...I could say so much more. Three cheers for the coordinators making it happen. I look forward to hearing how things went on Saturday, when again I was pulled in a different direction.

Saturday's FLC meeting itself was just amazing. It wasn't perfect and as always we (the FLC) had too much to cover but am I ever grateful for the Denison leadership that help keep these important volunteers up to speed on the programs at Denison that make us Denison. It is a lot of work but it energizes and excites me. The foundation of it all is these families and their commitment to philanthropy. James Clear '08- delighted and taught our student-parent group over lunch. What a treat. If you have not read his book: Atomic Habits- I encourage you to do so! He inspired me and I will be blogging on a regular basis, making this more of a habit.

I'm living my life, keeping things moving during these interesting times on Newark-Granville Road and beyond! Sharing them with you is important me and helpful to me- thanks for reading! More to come soon...a regular post so you may anticipate is under 
consideration in my life on Newark-Granville Road!