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Sunday, November 27, 2022

Thankful for Leithauser Thanksgiving 2022

 It was exactly what I needed, what I think we all needed- family time, traditions, time away from work, and soaking in what life on Newark-Granville provides.  I like to chronicle our life for history's sake, I'll print the year's posts and maybe my family will enjoy it one day. Just as we loved looking at a photo album created by family members for Fannie/ Grandma-Great's birthday. So here was our 2022 Thanksgiving:

It really started with Matthew's visit from Saturday to Monday- he thanked me saying he needed the change of scenery and time together.  I thanked him for giving me one-on-one time.  We talked, reflected, and made plans and memories.  We soaked in Granville and Columbus- so much good here.

Peter arrived home on Sunday- we're always grateful when Gretel makes the trip. On Wednesday Sally was off and with the DU pool closed had more time to be home. I love the day to take the back roads to pick up the fresh turkey and other provisions, adding in some of my favorites along the way. Clare arrived in time for the one family-of-five dinner. The kids chose spicy noodles,  from Joe's repertoire. The evening launched with proper cocktails that included Shelborne Farm cheddar cheese. We ventured to Amanda and Brian's for a nightcap in front of the fire- long overdue!

Thursday's big day was a good one. I woke early to make stuffing and prep the turkey.  The schedule set by me this year was no rush, lots of savor. We walked to town for the Turkey Trot- thank you St. Luke's for this important philanthropic and community activity! I walked, enjoying the sites, conversations, and hugs, stopping to pull the turkey out for the get to room temp step.  The annual neighbor get-together to cheer passers-by and catch up over a beive and homemade scone was heaven!  It really is a perfect morning.

The afternoon allowed me to relish in meal prep, setting the table, and taking in being home with a full house! I watched the recorded parade and dog show. Joe's brother Scott and Ann arrived with their three kids, we're so fortunate to count them as friends and a rich tradition of holiday time. They rounded out the meal with contributed items so everyone would be pleased with the meal. Our menu:

Turkey (15 lb fresh and home made brine) with stuffing inside and separate (made with Granville Bread ciabatta)


Cranberry Chutney- Colleen Pitt's recipe or as close to it as I can find

Mashed Potatoes


Scalloped Oysters


Green Bean Casserole (Ann)

A green salad- kale and squash (Cate)

Macaroni and Cheese (Caroline)

Cruiditare and Fruit Kabobs (creative offering as turkey from pumpkin)

Apple Crostini (Ann)

Pumpkin Pie (Cosco)

Chocolates- Goumas and Trader Joe

We hang out well, dinner was ready 4:30 ish, Ann offered a lovely prayer and we enjoyed the meal at the "new" bigger table. It was my great great grandmothers and my mom was right- it does look great in our dining room. We played games- kids before dinner-, mixed group, after. Joe broke a goblet and we are a competitive group so some voices were raised or not the most bucolic of tones maintained but it was all wonderful. Ann and I value our family times and I'm grateful for her partnership and how the kids and brothers embrace it.

The night ended with family movie night, an anticipated Disney film, not as good as I'd hoped but still an enjoyable wrap to a special day.

Friday we headed west to see Nadine and Jim's new place with the kids and then USA World Cup Soccer/Football game with Joe's extended family, a meal for 44- uniting cousins and aunts/uncles for the first time in 10 years- long overdue.  We opted to spend the night at the lovely Sauder Inn and enjoyed sipping and sharing for hours.

Saturday - home for OSU/Michigan tame- Peter downstairs and us in the living room. I am happy when my son is happy.  Joe takes the - he is happy when OSU fans are happy. We enjoyed turkey sandwiches with Utz chips. Dinner out with Hannah (Clare's dear friend from Wooster) before sending them back to Wooster. The slow reversing of family time.  Another Movie- this one met expectations and a good night's sleep.  

Sunday time to wrap up Thanksgiving and embrace the transition to the Christmas/December season, the Grater's peppermint stick ice cream helps!  Peter left early leaving me a bit blue, but church and turkey noodle soup address the melancholy. The afternoon was for school time in my office, also a queit prep time for what will be a robust end to 2023.

Life on Newark-Granville Road- I'm filled with gratitude and grateful for a weekend that is all about family, friends, good food, traditions, and being together. I know how lucky and fortunate I am.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Family Time on Newark-Granville Road

 My director asked me how I was going to relax this weekend?  My answer was, "my brother is coming to visit!"  It was a lovely weekend and one to blog to chronicle the sweet engagement and family time.  A few bonus things like Peter's arrival home and sharing Sally's good news. Life on Newark-Granville Road has family at its core.

the Tree Time subjects

Dawes- cold climb

Tree Time at the Granville Library

Sally's Big News- Early D!

FPC with Grandma Shirley

Sunday, November 6, 2022

November- Time to Vote- My Musings

Maybe you already voted early- good for you, thank you. In my life on Newark-Granville Road I like to vote on election day, I value the conversations Joe and I have leading up to the day, I value the conversation our book club (Discussing Books at CVH)  has the eve of the election. Joe and I don't always vote the same way - that is ok. Friends can disagree and discuss, I am thankful that I have friends that think differently and we can discuss without judgement, okay maybe with judgement but we remain friends and maintain respect. I am proud of our college kids voting absentee this year and probably differently. Bottom line- PLEASE VOTE and I encourage you to be a thoughtful, informed voter.

Some thoughts and resources I want to promote and have you consider:,_2022                 

Issue number one on our ballot in Ohio is important. I had the good fortunate to hear Justice Sharon Kennedy (also on the ballot and receiving my vote, call me and I'll tell you more or why) She explained how serious this issue is. Public safety is on the ballot.  We are voting Yes for the Amendment.

We live in complicated times, being informed, thoughtful voters isn't easy The extremisms is of great concern to me, I'm a moderate. I see both sides. I process by asking questions hearing insights and talking.  I miss Sunday dinners where my grandmother (gaga) and father disagreed and shared their passion but loved one another deeply, supported and respected one another.  One of the reasons I liked it when the party wasn't connected to the Judges- we voted for the person not the party.

Craig Baldwin also receives my vote, Craig welcomed us to the community and I've seen how much he cares for all he serves in all the counties, in his district. His commitment to the appeal process and the law is needed on the bench.  I'd like to discuss this election with you, again give me a call, send me an email or stop me.  

Granville School Levy- the other sign in our yard- we limit how many we will put there and we have to know the person well and be involved with the organization/issue. Joe chaired the levy last election and I'm proud of that work.  The Granville Schools are excellent, our children are prepared for life and their next steps because of our school district. The Ohio school funding model is what it is and additional funding streams are critical beyond state dollars.  Explaining taxes to our children is interesting and I'm very focused on fiscal responsibility. Again, it isn't simple. Taxes are part of the fabric of our society and how we support our communities.  This tax matters and makes a difference.  The  opposition in Granville is telling us not to vote for it because it is a permanent tax.  My gut says they wouldn't vote for it and don't want you to vote for it no matter what it is.  Operating a school or any entity takes money. Teachers and personnel and their benefits are the highest cost, our tax dollars ensure we have good teachers and staff and they stay here continuing to make a difference for our students in Granville.  

That said, we do need additional commercial tax income in our area and I hope you'll talk to me about how to make that happen and what role you can play- join the Granville chamber of Commerce to assist!

Okay- way more to discuss but I'll sign off for now, call me, stop me when you see me and let's discuss this ballot, issues and more and we should do this beyond the week of the elections.  I'd appreciate hearing how you are casting your vote and why.  Thank you for reading and sharing in my life on Newark-Granville Road.